Topic: HDSPe not being recognized by MacPro


Just "installed" the HDSPe PCIe MADI card in my Mac Pro. Downloaded the latest driver from the RME site as well. Installed what needed to be installed off the installation disc. Getting an error light on the card. Also when I click on either the Mixer or Settings in the Apps, nothing happens. The Mac, also isn't seeing the card. Any suggestions?


Re: HDSPe not being recognized by MacPro

The downloaded driver is all you need, installing old drivers from the CD was probably a mistake. It's quite possible that you installed wrong drivers. Please clear the installed files as explained in the link below, then reinstall the current driver from the download.

The error LED tells you that there is no valid MADI input for the selected input (optical/coax).

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

3 (edited by aaronsounds 2011-11-21 19:37:14)

Re: HDSPe not being recognized by MacPro

The only things on that list that showed up in the mac were the first 2.
/Applications/Hammerfall DSP Mixer
/Applications/Hammerfall DSP Settings

I removed those. I searched all the other files listed and none of them showed up.

I downloaded the latest driver, and have clicked on the Settings and the Mixer in Applications again, and we are sitting in the same place. (As in, they are not responding.)

As for the error, then once I connect the Madi from the Ferrofish I guess that will be sorted.



Re: HDSPe not being recognized by MacPro

Can you check the card in a different computer (even Windows) to see if it is detected?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: HDSPe not being recognized by MacPro

Hey Jeff,

I just removed the card itself. Installed it back in. And when I rebooted it was visible and the Mixer and Settings are now in the dock where they should have been. I did that before, but... whatever... that's why I like knobs and switches more than PCIe cards.

