Topic: RME Digiface Issue


About a year ago I started experiencing a problem with my RME Digiface. I use all 3 ADAT In banks as well as the 3 ADAT Out banks. The problem occurred when In bank #3 started randomly dropping out. This included the disappearance of signal and the green light on the Digiface front panel itself. Sometimes it would pop back on after and hour or after a few minutes; sometimes it would come on after the computer had been off for a while; and sometimes if I moved the ADAT cable around and angled it differently it would come back on like it was a loose cable. Most importantly, nothing seemed to be consistent (cause OR solution). Here is a list of other fixes attempted:

1.    Changed out all ADAT cables and BNC cables
2.    Swapped the MOTU 2408’s feeding the ADAT In audio (see setup listed below)
3.    Air gun on ADAT Ins and MOTU 2408 ADAT Outs
4.    New Digiface (same problem occurs, but always on ADAT In bank 2 now!!!)
5.    Sent original Digiface in for repair (all was good, apparently)
6.    Reseated PCIe card in my MacPro and moved to different slot
7.    Tried a different firewire cable between PCIe card and Digiface
8.    Upgraded firmware and drivers on PCIe card and Digiface
9.    Reinstalled OS X and used new drivers/firmware
10.    Tried different ADAT outs from MOTU 2408’s and Digiface bank #3 never came on.

If anyone has ANY thoughts on this it would be greatly appreciated. It is getting worse and more frequent. The only other things I can think of are a power issue to the PCIe card, a bad PCIe card, and some sort of clocking issue. etc. The specs are listed below. Thank you.

MacPro 2 x 3 Ghz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
OS X 10.5.8 (have also tried it on Snow Leopard)
RME HDSP PCIe card (Rev 18, serial #22777884)
RME Digiface (Driver version 3.01)
Digital Performer 7.24
Video card:
ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT:
  Chipset Model:    ATI Radeon HD 2600
  Type:    GPU
  Bus:    PCIe
  Slot:    Slot-1
  PCIe Lane Width:    x16
  VRAM (Total):    256 MB
  Vendor:    ATI (0x1002)
  Device ID:    0x9588
  Revision ID:    0x0000
  ROM Revision:    113-B1480A-252
  EFI Driver Version:    01.00.252

Fed to and back again from:

G5 Dual 2GHz PowerPC
OS X 10.4.11
MOTU PCI-424 card
4 x MOTU 2408 Mk3

Clocking from Digiface using BNC Wordclock cable to 2408 BNC In. All else is connected optical (for audio). Clocking external PCs using Optical outs from 2408s.