Topic: Using FF400 on both OS X and Win7 - and saving setups to file?

I'm getting ready to update my firmware and drivers on OS X, and then see if I can get the FF400 to work with AE/Premiere/Audition on Win7. 

It's been a long time since I set it up to work with Logic, and I'm a bit rusty on the feature set.

1. Is there a way to save the FF400 setups to a file (instead of just to Flash), in case something goes wrong - or the unit dies one day?

2. Updating the firmware and drivers won't change anything on my OS X setup, right?

3. Are there any issues with using the same device on both OS X and Win7?  Some "gotcha" that I'm missing?  Like using it on Win7 will change how it's working on OS X?


Re: Using FF400 on both OS X and Win7 - and saving setups to file?

Anyone have an answer?

Re: Using FF400 on both OS X and Win7 - and saving setups to file?

1. Is there a way to save the FF400 setups to a file (instead of just to Flash), in case something goes wrong - or the unit dies one day?

- You can save your mixer settings in Totalmix.

2. Updating the firmware and drivers won't change anything on my OS X setup, right?

- no, it doesn't. Just make sure you have the right drivers for your OS X version.

3. Are there any issues with using the same device on both OS X and Win7?  Some "gotcha" that I'm missing?  Like using it on Win7 will change how it's working on OS X?

- No there aren't. Only when you switch from OS it will ask you to update your mixersettings. If you click Yes, it will load the last settings you had in that OS.

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