Re: Website problems

cyrano wrote:
timbernhardt wrote:

Why isn't RME taking notice of this? This forum obviously can't be accessed properly from a true IPV6 connection until logged in.

Maybe you can inform your internet provider's helpdesk of the problem and see if they take action?

Interesting. I'm with Deutsche Telekom which is Germany's biggest Telco. I doubt their army of call center agents would be open to my attempts of explaining this problem.. I'm wondering why it works when I'm logged into the forum though. I just need to switch off IPv6 until logged in. That can't be all the ISP's fault? I'm running the newest OSX. Oh, well...

Re: Website problems

Not all of it is your ISP's doing. Don't forget that your ISP connects to upstream providers and the problem could be on their network too. In that case, your ISP can only pass on the info and wait till the upstream fixes it.

There may also be other factors, like BGP hijacking. Recently, an ISP from India hijacked complete networks from another part of the world because of a typo. This got noticed and fixed in a matter of hours, but meanwhile, the people on the other networks couldn't reach a large part of the internet.

And it is absolutely not clear to me why one browser would work and another one not on the same computer. That could have to do with SSL settings, as browsers these days no longer have the same settings because of security. To connect to the forum, you need to authenticate, if you have auto logon set to "on". In case you have problems connecting to the forum, you should set auto logon to "off" in your forum preferences. But it can't play with RME's website, as there is no authentication going on there.

Then there is another thing: both Apple and Microsoft changed the order in which your DNS servers in the list are used. It used to be top to bottom of the list. Now it is "bottom to top". I have no idea why and I already forgot when it started. I think Apple did that starting from Lion and to cater for a number of new features in Bonjour Proxy. If you have several DNS servers listed, it could mean that the least reliable is used first. Most people will get the DNS from their router through DHCP, though, so this should only be valid for people who have manually configured DNS settings. There are also an important number of hijacked routers around. And these will first show because of connection problems. The goal there is to click on invisible (to the user) ads and make money that way. As routers are usually on 24/7 there's more money to be made than by hijacking computers or browsers.

And then there's Cloudflare. Their DDOS protection is on automatic. They'll block entire ranges if needed to protect a site that is being DDOSed. If RME's server resides in the same block and the attacker seems to reside in your block, the connection will not work. And since the attackers usually use a botnet, that could happen to any customer of any ISP. All ISP's have infected computers amongst their customers...

But the center of the problem is ipV6...

If you'd want to report this to your ISP, you need to document it thoroughly, include reports from MTR fi, dates and times when it happened, and do it by mail.

The many call agents that work for your ISP do not understand these matters and if they need to write it down to escalate, they'll make errors. Second or third line support will not understand and will not pass on the info, unless they get a ton of reports. And that won't happen, as it is a rare problem.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Website problems

I think we can rule out the ISP here, the error message as such comes from the forum software, and if it works after one login with IPV4, that is a good lead to follow up on (though not sure we can fix that)...
The forum does not run on Cloudflare servers.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Website problems

Seems to be fixed. Just tried with Mozilla Firefox 45.0.2 and it's working now.

Re: Website problems

Could be an ssl over ipV6 problem. Hard to trouble shoot...

Anyhow, it works with FF. So, problem solved for now.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Website problems

Unfortunately the "PunBB sometimes wrongly rate-limiting IPv6 users" problem with the RME forum is still persistent here. The "sometimes" refers to the fact that it doesn't affect all IPv6 users, but only some. Sometimes even two users with same Internet provider.

I have the suspicion that some PunBB (the forum software) function truncates the user's 128-bit client IPv6 address to a 32-bit address somewhere in the anti-(D)DoS rate-limiting code, so wether the problem triggers might depend on some specific (most probably last, least significant) 32 bits of the user's IPv6 address.

Re: Website problems


Yes, this seriously needs to be fixed. The disabling ipv6 trick worked for me too (through the mac osx console) and now ipv4 works while logged in. Only way I was able to register to the forums was to find this solution by reading this thread through Google's page cache. I was getting quite frustrated. I hope a solution will be found soon. Cheers!

Re: Website problems

Just now I had to proof I am not a spambot about 10 times...Just to post an advice on a working intel AHCI driver.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: Website problems

In an attempt to solve the IPV6 problems reported by some users we today disabled IPv6 today. Will be interesting to hear if that solves anything - or opens up a can of worms with other issues...

Matthias Carstens

60 (edited by dabbler 2016-10-15 20:30:07)

Re: Website problems

Without IPv6, no IPv6 problem. But that's like curing a flu by hehaeding a person. :-)

Rather (get the provider running the forum software to) fix the IPv6 problem than to just disable it...

PS: I'm still available for torough troubleshooting with extensive networking and IPv6 knowhow... just let me know. The contact with the forum provider has dried out after their first response.


Re: Website problems

Well, deactivating the IPv6 support did not work. But something unexpected happened: two of our team changed their provider and are now able to reproduce the problem. And what we can  reproduce usually allows us to fix it. In this case we are pretty sure that we found a bug in PunBB (the forum software) and its IPv6 handling. We patched it and can no longer reproduce the error.

Now let's see if this change works for everyone out there...

Matthias Carstens

Re: Website problems

I can confirm that IPv6 on the forum works for me now. Thanks.

Re: Website problems

Why have you banned Outlook e-mails?

Re: Website problems

Because of the number of spammers that were using yahoo and other free email addresses, as the message you see should have stated...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Website problems

For some reason I can only sign up with the 3rd attempt. Besides, the forum asked me so many test questions that I got scared smile Maybe all the fault of the proxy server through which I go online.

Re: Website problems

Tell me, is there a users from Russia or Ukraine? The fact that last days I have a slightly unstable running the website. Came to him through a proxy, using other country's ip, it worked fine. Here I think, what's the problem?

Re: Website problems

I'm not from Russia or Ukraine, but I've noticed a few changes since a few days.

When you list "new posts", the info under the chapter in the left pane is missing. So you can only click on the chapter, not the thread title itself.

This is in Chrome (57.0.2987.98) on OSX Mavericks.

So I turned to Safari (9.1.3). Works, only now the threads themselves are missing the info about the poster. Like number of posts, location, etc.

So, maybe not proxy related, but something on the server?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

68 (edited by fiddler2007 2020-05-24 08:28:52)

Re: Website problems

Hello Daniel. the site works but only if i disconnect my (paid) NordVPN proxy service, latter is something necessary these days  alas.

The browsers have nothing to do with it IMO. Tested with Firefox, Palemoon and IE, latest versions.

69 (edited by N00b 2020-05-26 15:57:01)

Re: Website problems


When I attempt to register on this page, after entering my mail and country and clicking on "Register", I have a big white pop-in and I can't do anything.
Tested on Firefox and Chrome.

[Edit] The form works fine though: I've received the confirmation mails.

ADI-2 DAC (with stock PSU) - Neumann KH 310 A monitors - Cheap USB and XLR cables

Re: Website problems

I experience some problems with website right now: it opens the old one before-redesign 2019 version, and some download links return 404 code, for example digicheck 0.85 preview from this forum.

Re: Website problems

Thanks for reporting. The only things that spring up in my mind:

It COULD be your browser. Have you tried emptying it's cache?

Your ISP could be running a proxy of some sort. And that can get confused, serving old content. Have you tried CTRL-shift-R? (Reload from server in most browsers).

In both cases, nothing much can be done from our end.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: Website problems

It COULD be your browser. Have you tried emptying it's cache?

You are right, somehow it is my browser(safari), emptying cache didn't work, but using different browser(firefox) works

Re: Website problems

down again for the past couple of hours confirmed on


RME HDSP9652 | | RME Digiface USB


Re: Website problems

They are working on it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Website problems

for several days I am unable to reach either and, does not work at all.
I am using a proxy right now, it gives me a time out error at each page load, pretty annoying...
Using macos, provider is
Any help appreciated wink my UCXII just died out of the blue so... I'd really like to find solutions without getting into another level of glitches sad


Re: Website problems

Complain at your provider. I am currently in Thailand in the boonies and have zero problem to access both daily. And yes, our severs are in Germany...

Regarding the UCX II please contact your local distributor for help.

Matthias Carstens