Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thank you, that are pretty good news. Sadly you loose your headphones, or your Monitors in that situation but I think it´s not too much of a hassle.

602 (edited by ramses 2019-03-10 16:33:38)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Just curious, are these values from a test program ?

Is it really the case, that there is a relationship between ASIO buffer size and noise floor ?

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

603 (edited by Drito 2019-03-13 00:04:18)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi guys,

So, after 12 years of using Fireface 800, I switched to UAD Apollo Twin mk2 just to find out it doesn't work with pcs (don't even try to pair it with one unless it's one of the 7 "recommended" ones), just to switch back to RME with Babyface Pro after 10 days of UAD agony.

So far everything is working fine except for the volume of the line inputs. Now, I saw that this problem has been addressed at the beginning of the thread (I read the entire thing) but no one actually posted how they solved it. I record a lot of clean guitars and I don't want to "taint" that signal with gain. When recording without gain turned to 9, I get -19 out of my Strat and -15 out of my active Les Paul. Now, that's not right, right?

There is also no hi-z button anywhere in the TotalMix interface, and I saw that some people have "inst" button next to the phantom power, but I only have "pad".

Would someone be so kind and explain what I'm doing wrong or what IS wrong?



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is it possible to control the Babyface Pro through MIDI over MADI in stand-alone mode? And if so which features?

Huge Thanx, G

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

is it possible to add dynamics via a firmware update? even in a basic form or with a dc adapter always connected


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Not possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

i don't know if its been answered before but can i use the BFpro with an ipad pro that comes with the usb-c? will this work with a type-A to type -C cable or with an adapter?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Other than with the Lightning port there should be no 'adapter' necessary. There even exist USB-C to USB-B cables that should work.

Matthias Carstens

609 (edited by ryannn 2019-04-08 06:51:40)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is this the kind of cable I need to run my BFPro to a the usb-c port on my laptop? … op?ie=UTF8

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

(assuming this is even possible)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sure, I have the same cable and it works well.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


I'm a first time user of the forum. Please apologize if this is not the most relevant space to post.

I recently acquired a Babyface Pro. I'm willing to use it with the following gear:
- Apple Macbook Pro (latest)
- Logic Pro X (latest)
- Focal Alpha 50
- Beyerdynamic DT 770 Pro 250

Here is the problem I'm facing: When plugging an electric guitar directly to the Babyface Pro, I don't get a strong enough signal. In TotalMix FX, I have tried to change the settings (gain, +4dBu / -10dBV). Whatever the setting, there is no way to reach 0dB and it peaks at around maximum -20dB (I'm playing really hard to get there). As a consequence, when recording in Logic, the signal is too weak and unusable.

I have tried the following:
- Changed guitars (tried on a Fender Stratocaster and Rickenbacker 330)
- Changed cables
NB: I didn't have any pedals in between

I looked for answers in the manual as well as on RME's YouTube channel. Couldn't find any. Would you mind helping me? Where does the problem come from? Is there an option that the interface is faulty?



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Did you try both inputs 3 and 4?

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes, I did. Same issue on both.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Then you might need to go to your dealer to let the unit check there.

A selftest is possible but needs a so called insert cable, or stereo to 2 x mono, TRS to two times TS. Plug the TRS into the big TRS phones output and the two mono ones into 3 and 4. Now play back a full scale 0 dBFS 1 kHz sine:

Perform a Total Reset of TotalMix.
Check TotalMix. The Phones output (Main) should show -10 dB on the level meter, the fader is also set to -10. Instr. INput 3/4 will show -10 dB at +4 dBu, and -1.4 at -10 dBV input Ref. The Gain knob can be used to change the level into overload.

If all that works this way then it must be your guitar, guitar cable, or something else you use but did not mention.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread



The shop is replacing it with a new one.

Last question: is there any possibility this faulty Babyface Pro damaged other parts of the set up (monitors, headphones, computer)?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Seems unlikely...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi again,

I got a new BabyFace Pro from the shop. I still face the same issue. This is driving me crazy.

Would you mind giving me normal level references I should see in TotalMix FX when plugging an electric guitar (like the Stratocaster or 330 I have) with +4dBu and -10dBV settings in instrument inputs 3 or 4?

Many thanks,


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Oops. Forgot to ask another question: In TotalMix FX, for inputs 3/4, is there anything special to do to switch from line to instrument inputs (or vice versa)?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi! Could you please get back to me? Thanks!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I have been unsuccessful in getting assistance to solve this issue (from the shop where I bought the product, the RME hotline and this forum). Could you please advise on next steps?

622 (edited by ramses 2019-05-10 08:42:15)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

walay wrote:

Oops. Forgot to ask another question: In TotalMix FX, for inputs 3/4, is there anything special to do to switch from line to instrument inputs (or vice versa)?

Why don't you simply consult the detailed handbook for "instr" ? Every  PDF reader has a search function.

You will find most likely within 2 minutes the information that you have to click to the tool symbol of an input channel.
If an input can be switched to instr then you find there the "Instr" Button.

RME is one on the rare companies who still write a very good structured and detailed manual. If you use it more regulary then you will see that it contains a lot of useful information.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:
walay wrote:

Oops. Forgot to ask another question: In TotalMix FX, for inputs 3/4, is there anything special to do to switch from line to instrument inputs (or vice versa)?

Why don't you simply consult the detailed handbook for "instr" ? Every  PDF reader has a search function.

You will find most likely within 2 minutes the information that you have to click to the tool symbol of an input channel.
If an input can be switched to instr then you find there the "Instr" Button.

RME is one on the rare companies who still write a very good structured and detailed manual. If you use it more regulary then you will see that it contains a lot of useful information.

Thanks for the suggestion but I have done that already... This is precisely the problem I am facing. There is no such button in totalmix for the Babyface Pro.

624 (edited by zebric21 2019-05-10 09:56:42)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

walay wrote:

I have been unsuccessful in getting assistance to solve this issue (from the shop where I bought the product, the RME hotline and this forum). Could you please advise on next steps?

hello! if that helps i'm using the line 3 with an ltd guitar equipped with active emg 81 pickups..i can read around -10 db with the gain set to zero and the channel at +4dbu...i cant see the problem with minus dont need to be close to clipping to get good sound..

625 (edited by ramses 2019-05-10 11:30:20)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

walay wrote:
ramses wrote:
walay wrote:

Oops. Forgot to ask another question: In TotalMix FX, for inputs 3/4, is there anything special to do to switch from line to instrument inputs (or vice versa)?

Why don't you simply consult the detailed handbook for "instr" ? Every  PDF reader has a search function.

You will find most likely within 2 minutes the information that you have to click to the tool symbol of an input channel.
If an input can be switched to instr then you find there the "Instr" Button.

RME is one on the rare companies who still write a very good structured and detailed manual. If you use it more regulary then you will see that it contains a lot of useful information.

Thanks for the suggestion but I have done that already... This is precisely the problem I am facing. There is no such button in totalmix for the Babyface Pro.

You find the information on the bottom of page 7. Analog 3/4 are high impedance multi purpose inputs which can act as line and instr input because it has high impedance.

You can also compare technical data of this interface and another interface, like ufx+, where this is switchable. There you see clearly that instr inputs are high impedance inputs of 1 MOhm where line inputs are in the range of 3-12 kOhm. See now again page 78 of  BBFP handbook Analog 3/4 has 1 MOhm.

To sum up, there is no switch for the BBFP you can use it straight for both, as line and instr input.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Happy camper here! smile

Just for a bit of background, I have been recording live concert of all sorts and sizes since the '70s!
For the last few years my recording rig consist of a RME fireface UFx and 2 octamic of the first generation.
0 problems since day one.
But lugging and installing/packing the rig is getting cumbersome so I decided that just to make mixes all I need realy is a USB to 2 channels interface.
My monitoring amp is a brand new Audiolab 6000a with 2 optical/spdif inputs among its particulars...
The DA converters on this amp are very good I think.
After looking at usb to SPdif converters, reclocking devices, make sure that ASIO can be transfered properly I came to the conclusion that the best thing for me, in this application was a BFpro!
So I went in town (Montreal) sunday afternoon and bought one.
Now you know it is always exciting to install a new pice of gear and in my hastiness, I simply plugged the unit in a spare USB port on the PC (win7 Harrison Mixbus 5c DAW) and an optical cable to the amp.

I fired on the whole thing, not expecting that it would work, thinking of having to install drivers etc.... normal!

Once boothed, it took about 1 minute or so of disc whirring and some brief screen messages and bingo! The BFpro was right there, playing music with the beautifull RME neutralness and precision I love so much from RME!
Note here, I did not install ANY software, drivers, updates etc...
This PC already has totalmix running for the UFx, it simply adapted itself to the BFpro!

This is wonderful!, and at the same time, this is the way it should be! 

Now here is some questions

- Should I still install some software/drivers etc from the supplied disc. If it works why mess with it?

- I use the optical SPdif connection to the amp's optical input/DA converter, would it be better to use the analog out (maybe better converters' of the BFpro?

But so far it sounds very good, is flawless as it is out of the box where realy all I did was connect the new toy to the PC and I DID NOT TOUCH ANYTHING!
I was playing music and seeing Totalmix in about 30 seconds to a minute!!
Yessss RME!
I am really happy I bought this instead of anything else!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I am having latency problems with audio glitches lately since i upgraded to the newest Windows updates. I have never experienced this before. Anyone else experiencing the same?

628 (edited by Artifex 28 2019-07-25 15:11:51)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Noticed some people were wondering about using an headphone AMP with RME Babyface Pro.

So I've had the Babyface Pro quite a while now and used it with numerous headphones.

Currently using Beyerdynamics DT 1990 Pro as my headphones.

I alsop consider my ears being pretty d*mn good as well as I work with audio pretty much daily basis, with ~30 years of audio/musical experience.

So, I bought Schiit Magni 3 and poked it to Babyface Pro, using 2x XLR on outputs 1/2.

I've tried a dozen tracks - flacs included. I cannot hear ANY difference. Nothing stands out. Nothing in the transients. Nothing in ...any of the frequency spectrum. These seem to sound identical to me.

I need to confirm this with a friend on a blind study (he'll be setting the headphones either to RME or Magni 3)...

However, I'll vouch for this after testing this myself: YOU DO NOT NEED OR BENEFIT FROM A HEADPHONE AMP if you're using Babyface Pro.

= if you can pump enough volume out; the interface can drive your headphones.

-Artifex 28

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi! I am thinking about bying RME Babyface Pro. Just one question popped in my mind:

Can you drive audio through/in Babyface Pro? Is it possible to drive audio from my iPhone to Babyface Pro for example music from Spotify? I will use Babyface Pro with my digital piano to drive VST-plugins on my Macbook Pro. I have some apps on my iPhone that greatly help with practicing and I would like to keep using them. So is it possible? Is there some line in where I could just plug in my iPhone and receive the audio?




Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

There are two line-ins on the side of Babyface Pro, so you will need stereo minijack to 2 x mono jack cable to be able to connect your iPhone to it.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

jam wrote:

There are two line-ins on the side of Babyface Pro, so you will need stereo minijack to 2 x mono jack cable to be able to connect your iPhone to it.

Hey! Thank you for your reply! smile This is good to know.



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

completely desperate....
hi everybody. I hope someone can help me. I got my brand new MacBook Pro (August 2019) and plugged in my babyface (not Pro, about 6 Years). The Mac doesn't
recognise it. The Babyface works standalone and I have installed the latest rme usb-driver. my firmware is 204. An update to 225 doesn't work (don't know if this is important).
What's crazy: My babyface works with the same Mac Book of a friend.
I already asked the rme support and some friends. No-one can help me.
Hopefully you!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

There is a PDF under the driver download link that includes information on the Privacy blocking of drivers. We had that issue mentioned here quite often already.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

FileVault deactivated. Works!!!   You made my day :-) !!!!!

635 (edited by Be.0 2019-09-07 18:15:38)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I encountered an issue with noise using my Babyface Pro recently. I had the main outputs of my friend's Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (max output +10 dBu, balanced) connected to the inputs of my Babyface Pro and activated direct monitoring so we could play a collaborative DJ set. When I connected to the XLR inputs on my Babyface Pro, there was a ton of noise, even with no signal coming out of the Scarlett 2i4. The noise became audible when the Scarlett's volume knob was turned up about half way. IIRC when I turned down the input gain on my Babyface Pro, the noise was still there. I plugged the Scarlett into the Babyface Pro's 1/4" inputs instead and it worked fine at full volume. Why was there noise when connecting to the XLR inputs? Is there a way around that other than using the 1/4" inputs?

Also, I still have no way to route mono inputs to both sides of a stereo output from the unit in class compliant/stand alone modes. I would very much appreciate if a firmware update could make the Set button toggle this mono/stereo switch after the Mix button has been pressed. The LED on the Set button could show the state of the mono/stereo monitoring switch. Currently, the Set button does nothing when the Mix button is active, so this wouldn't interfere with the use of any existing functionality or workflows.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

No one has any ideas? Maybe the 1/4" inputs didn't have noise because they are unbalanced? But I have no idea why that would happen.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Reverb And Echo Effects not working problem RME BABYFACE PRO

Can anyone help me get the effects (Reverb & Echo) on Total Mix FX with Babyface Pro connected to Laptop working?
I understand these effects aren't available in CC mode. I've checked the mode is in PC mode.
- In PC Mode
- Mic is connected (analog 1) and FX Send turned up on Analog input channel
- Output Channel FX return turned up on Phones and Main
- Delay and Echo effects turned ON
- Latest drivers installed
- FX IN meter showing signal
- FX OUT meter showing no Signal

Is there some simple setting that I need to change to get effects working?
Seems like the effects signal is not being sent to the output..
Please - need your help!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Windows version? Driver and TM FX version? Firmware version of the Babyface Pro?

Under latest Windows 10 you might have to 'allow' the microphone for TotalMix FX.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello, I have been using my Babyface Pro for my iPad only with a iPad Pro 2nd generation 10.5” model running IOS 11.3.1. I am thinking of buying the new 3rd generation 12.9” iPad and upgrading the IOS to 13.1. Will there be any issues with this new iPad rig and the Babyface Pro? How about powering the new iPad, I’ve been using the Apple powered USB to lightning adapter with my current iPad, and it’s been powering my iPad and communicating great with the Babyface Pro, but the new iPads have USB C, what will I need to get as far as cable or adapter to get this new iPad to work? Thanks

Chris Strobel
Irvine, CA USA

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi! My windows 10 has just updated to a new version and the driver installation of babyface pro is not launching!
I start the file rmeinstaller.exe and the installation window disappears. What should I do? Is this a common problem?
Thank you.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

You need to reboot.

Matthias Carstens

642 (edited by asali30171 2019-10-27 23:01:10)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello, I'm very excited to finally have my Babyface pro 7 and to start making music. My problem now is, that in the CC-mode I can use the interface for Audio only (of course) but in PC-mode the device gets still shown as ,,Babyface (serial number)'', instead of ,,RME Babyface'' (or something like that) like it's supposed to be in PC-mode. Also in the devices there stands ,,Treiberfehler'' under the name of my interface, which means ,,driver error'' in German. (I'm German) When I install the newest driver the problem doesn't go away, even after a reboot. Thank you very much for your attention I hope we can find a solution, because I can't wait to start with my music.
Also I want to say, that I'm a complete rookie, so maybe the answer is way more obvious then one may think at first.
Edit: I use Windows 10


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The most obvious answer would be that you installed the wrong driver. Is the BF pro listed as supported device when you start the driver installation?

The BF Pro needs the standard USB driver, currently version 1.168.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

when will be released the newer version of Babyface Pro? Do you know?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is it possible to send 2 separate mixes to the 2 headphone outs of the Babyface pro?

thinking of getting one for the following live application:

Main Out = Tracks L+R
Headphone 1 = Keys L+R
Headphone 2 = Click + Cues

Would appreciate some help there smile


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Not possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Not possible.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

is there a way the Babyface Pro can always boot up with some lower volume setting for its hardware outputs, regardless which settings were used before or which Total Mix configuration is saved on the Laptop?
Our studios are used by a number of people using different laptops etc. and I would like to understand if we would still need a dedicated Hardware Monitor Controller when using a Babyface Pro. Its digital volume control would only work for us if it allows for a setting which makes it a bit safer to use for beginners.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Store proper output level in snapshots and then in
in TM FX Preferences:
[x] Always init DSP devices with TM FX settings

See also this:

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

The most obvious answer would be that you installed the wrong driver. Is the BF pro listed as supported device when you start the driver installation?

The BF Pro needs the standard USB driver, currently version 1.168.

I installed the right USB driver now, the problem remains though. Maybe it's because of the wrong driver I installed before?