Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

asali30171 wrote:

Hello, I'm very excited to finally have my Babyface pro 7 and to start making music. My problem now is, that in the CC-mode I can use the interface for Audio only (of course) but in PC-mode the device gets still shown as ,,Babyface (serial number)'', instead of ,,RME Babyface'' (or something like that) like it's supposed to be in PC-mode. Also in the devices there stands ,,Treiberfehler'' under the name of my interface, which means ,,driver error'' in German. (I'm German) When I install the newest driver the problem doesn't go away, even after a reboot. Thank you very much for your attention I hope we can find a solution, because I can't wait to start with my music.
Also I want to say, that I'm a complete rookie, so maybe the answer is way more obvious then one may think at first.
Edit: I use Windows 10

The situation remains. Even after the right installation and a reboot. It would be great if you guys had a solution, because I'm pretty desperate right now. If not I guess I'll bring the babyface pro 7 back. Thank you anyways for your answers.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

du bis im cc mode , das usb und netzsteckerkabel abziehen... dann select und dim gedrückt halten und usb und netzstecker wieder reinstöpseln ... select und dim los lassen .. dein babyface wechselt in den pc modus :-)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Danke für die schnelle Antwort. Im PC Mode wird mir das Gerät immer noch angezeigt als Babyfacepro (Seriennummer) statt als RME Babyface und darunter steht ,,Treiberfehler‘‘. Obwohl ich den richtigen Treiber installiert und neugestartet habe.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

hselters wrote:

is there a way the Babyface Pro can always boot up with some lower volume setting for its hardware outputs, regardless which settings were used before or which Total Mix configuration is saved on the Laptop?
Our studios are used by a number of people using different laptops etc. and I would like to understand if we would still need a dedicated Hardware Monitor Controller when using a Babyface Pro. Its digital volume control would only work for us if it allows for a setting which makes it a bit safer to use for beginners.

Hi, just bumping this question with the hope that someone can answer it, thank you!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

yesterday i ran through a weird bug when i opened my win10 pc...a short message appered that told me something about totalmix remote..(i haven't installed this application) and then i noticed that evereything in totalmix was in factory reset state..
1.61 version and 1.168 drivers...its the first time i loose my settings.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

hselters wrote:
hselters wrote:

is there a way the Babyface Pro can always boot up with some lower volume setting for its hardware outputs, regardless which settings were used before or which Total Mix configuration is saved on the Laptop?
Our studios are used by a number of people using different laptops etc. and I would like to understand if we would still need a dedicated Hardware Monitor Controller when using a Babyface Pro. Its digital volume control would only work for us if it allows for a setting which makes it a bit safer to use for beginners.

Hi, just bumping this question with the hope that someone can answer it, thank you!

Looks like the new babyface can be switched to lower output volume. This is great and might save our speakers smile
Though I would still like to know if a total mix initial volume setting for the Main outputs can be stored in the hardware.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

what did the new firmware changed to the unit? any improvements?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

zebric21 wrote:

what did the new firmware changed to the unit? any improvements?

From the USB Driver updates thread:

MC wrote:

Firmware version 125 is now available for the Babyface Pro, Mac and Win. As Babyface Pro and Babyface Pro FS share the same firmware the Pro jumps from 101 to 125. This firmware improves SteadyClock on both units.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

659 (edited by Skrzak 2019-11-30 12:00:06)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi. New BFP owner here smile Two questions for a start.

1. Having read that 1/4" inputs 3 and 4 are unbalanced, I wonder if they can be fed with sound from external mike preamps, so that there's 4 mike xlr inputs total. I know that would be kind of tricky as these inputs are unbalanced, but is there anything I should be aware of in terms of technical specs like db or ohms or anything else? For the moment It would be the two preamps from Focusrite Saffire pro 14 in which outs are 1/4" jacks balanced/unbalanced, I'd solder myself a Y cable for that purpose.

2. Is there any possible easy way I could connect SPDIF RCA output from my Saffire pro 14 to BFP optical Toslink? I know this BFP optical can be switched from ADAT to SPDIF in USB settings but that won't change it physically from RCA to Toslink wink. Any straight forward cables RCA->Toslink?

Ufx+/ Bfp Fs

660 (edited by ramses 2019-11-30 13:46:08)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

to 1) yes its possible. If you read the manual, then you can see that BBF Pro supports consumer and studio level.
But why an Y-Cable ?  You need two of these cables: … cg_3_8_n_1

to 2) Surely no cable alone. You need a SPDIF coax to optical converter like this: … igital.htm

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

661 (edited by Skrzak 2019-11-30 18:32:21)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

But why an Y-Cable ?  You need two of these cables: … cg_3_8_n_1

Hehe, we were both wrong. It's two 1/4'' jack outputs from Focusrite to 1/4'' jack inputs 3 and 4 in BF. So I need just two most regular 1/4 jack cables.
I was thinking of sth else when writing about external preamps. Mainly about an Y cable to connect BF headphones out to jack inputs in my monitors.
Thanks for the hint with SPDIF converter but I think I'll pass this time, cause for 50 eur I can get a Behringer ADA8000.

Ufx+/ Bfp Fs

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I cannot get my babyface pro or totalmix fx to function any more after upgrading to Mac OS Catalina, can someone please assist me? I have tried all the latest drivers and updates and none seem to work. Much appreciated.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello everyone!

I'm not sure if this is a new issue or not, as i've just noticed it now, but when I'm using the encoder/jog wheel to lower the volume of the main output , once it hits around -60db, it suddenly drops to silence and displays the infinity symbol at the bottom.

If i still keep rotating the encoder slowly however, the volume suddenly jumps back around -80db, and i can keep lowering the volume slowly into silence manually. However, when the volume does come back around -80db, the channel display still shows the infinity symbol.

Is there any way around this sudden drop out of volume when it hits -60db? its rather annoying, when I'm listening to music at night and want a low volume, without it suddenly dropping out to silence on me.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

You may not use the latest firmware and TM FX version. But TM FX fader is indeed limited around -60 dB. If you work at that level then you have a serious level mismatch. As described here:

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi, longtime BFP user here with a problem regarding standalone mode:

I recently started using Linux as my desktop-system and like to use my BFP as sound-mixer there too. I'm using a multiboot laptop with the BFP connected to the docking. With Windows 10 the BFP works perfectly, under Linux I 'm plugging the docking audio outputs to the BFP in 3+4 and would like to use the BFP as a standalone mixer only. Problem is, I can see the input signal  via the LEDs but I can't get any output, neither via headphone nor out 1+2 (which are connected to an amp). I'm suspecting the BFP might not properly change to standalone mode, it is still connected/powered via USB to the dock. Do I have to use a seperate power supply and unplug the USB to get the standalone mode working properly ?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

drummy-b wrote:

Hi, longtime BFP user here with a problem regarding standalone mode:

I recently started using Linux as my desktop-system and like to use my BFP as sound-mixer there too. I'm using a multiboot laptop with the BFP connected to the docking. With Windows 10 the BFP works perfectly, under Linux I 'm plugging the docking audio outputs to the BFP in 3+4 and would like to use the BFP as a standalone mixer only. Problem is, I can see the input signal  via the LEDs but I can't get any output, neither via headphone nor out 1+2 (which are connected to an amp). I'm suspecting the BFP might not properly change to standalone mode, it is still connected/powered via USB to the dock. Do I have to use a seperate power supply and unplug the USB to get the standalone mode working properly ?

Yes. And: Are you aware on how to use the Mix function in stand-alone mode?

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks for te answer! OK, that's what I suspected, I think I will be able to manage the stanalone mode, I did read the manual ;-)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


It looks like instrument input 4 is faulty on my Babyface Pro. There's barely any signal coming in (around -50 db max in TotalMix). Input 3 works fine. If I record a sample and add ~50db of gain, I can hear the sample clearly, but then of course the noise floor becomes audible. I haven't been using channel 4 at all before. Any suggestions?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Contact your dealer or local distributor for service.

Matthias Carstens

670 (edited by serge_k 2020-01-09 18:13:44)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The thing is I bought it used. Is there a way to repair it from the UK?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Sure. Still you need to contact Synthax UK, our distributor over there.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks, I will.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I haven't been using my Babyface Pro for about 6 months (been using the UCX). I wanted to lend the Babyface Pro to a friend for a project, but it no longer seems to be working correctly.

Neither the Fireface USB settings app, nor Total Mix see it when plugged in. The Fireface USB Settings app just quits when launched and Total Mix does nothing. Opening a new window opens a small blank window to select the interface used.

The lights are on so it has power and Logic Pro sees it as an option to select.

I tried it on my laptop which last used it and nothing has changed on the laptop since then (including no Mac OS updates). I connected it to my Mac Mini where I use the UCX and the Babyface Pro is not recognized there either. I moved the UCX over to the laptop and it immediately is recognized there.

So something is going on with the BFP. Is there are way for me to further troubleshoot it? Any suggestions? Thanks for any help. (first post on the forum here as I have never had any sort of problem before)


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

It is in CC mode, which is also shown when turning it on. Set it back to PC mode...

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

It is in CC mode, which is also shown when turning it on. Set it back to PC mode...

Thanks... that did it!

For anyone reading this thread... holding the 'select' and 'dim' buttons down while plugging the BFP in switches the mode back.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

deva wrote:
MC wrote:

It is in CC mode, which is also shown when turning it on. Set it back to PC mode...

Thanks... that did it!

For anyone reading this thread... holding the 'select' and 'dim' buttons down while plugging the BFP in switches the mode back.

Also documented in the manual in several chapters:
- chapter 6 "Hardware installation" (PC)
- chapter 14 "Hardware installation" (MAC)
- chapter 32 "Class Compliant Operation"
- chapter 34 "Operation of the unit"

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

677 (edited by dmsd 2020-02-05 12:14:13)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Good day Ramses and Matthias! Recently I bought babyface pro FS for the main goal: streaming. But unfortunately after buying it I saw a lot of topics on the internet talking about problems with OBS and BFP. Not sure whom to trust so I ask you directly about it.
My main setup will be:
1. PC with windows on it
2. RME babyface pro fs
3. Microphone connected to the BFP
4. headphones connected to the BFP
5. additional gaming device (ps4 or nintendo switch) connected to pc with the elgato hd 60 gaming capture card
I won't have any additional DAW on the windows pc (ableton, FL etc) so I wanna use only OBS and totalmix if it is possible.

Depending on the situation, I wanna be able to stream gaming on PC with microphone or stream ps4/switch gameplay with microphone as well. Ofcourse it includes mixing the sound from the source(pc gaming/ps4 and switch gaming) with the microphone and maybe some music playing from the PC. Will I be able to do this without any problem with my babyface pro fs? Thank you


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

P.S. Will it work the same way without any problem on my mac?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I purchased a Babyface Pro. I had previously an another Babyface Pro but it was sold. I used the old Babyface with a power adaptor and it worked fine as a mixer when not connected to my laptop. Now I have the same adaptor but the newly purchased Babyface does not work as a "standalone mixer" What could be the problem?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Device: REM Babyface Pro

System: iMac 2019  /  Catalina 10.15.3  /  3 .2 GHz 6 core Intel Core i7  /  16GB Memory

I’m using the Instrument input (3&4). I’m using the Babyface Pro to route a signal from my phono preamp to my computer to rip albums.

My Mac audio device window has Babyface Pro selected as Input and Output. I also have Babyface Pro selected in Izotope 7 as Input and Output.

The Babyface Pro unit is receiving info in both input and output channels, I can monitor the music through my headphones with no problem, but I cannot get the signal into my recording program which is iZotope 7.

How do I route the signal on Babyface Pro so I can record in iZotope?

I CAN record on my computer if I use the XLR inputs using adaptors on my RCA cables BUT I don’t want to do that, I want to use the Instruments input.

It seems that the internal signal is stuck on the XLR inputs only.

Thank you.

Mike Thomas

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hello. There is a need to connect the BF Pro FS using a long USB cable with a length of 6 meters. Will a power supply or USB-hub with an additional power supply help in this case?
Здравствуйте. Есть необходимость подключить BF Pro FS с помощью длинного USB кабеля, диной 6 метров. Поможет ли в данном случае блок питания или USB-hub с дополнительным блоком питания?


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That might work. Or get an active USB 2 cable, sometimes called repeater cable. In any case make sure to use a power supply for the Babfyce Pro.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

any driver and totalmix updates? is 1.63 still in beta?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I know this is elementary, but I do not want to mess things up. Exactly what kind of cable (female xlr to 1/4 male) should I purchase to connect two powered monitors to the outputs? If you can post a link to an actual product, that would be great (if it is allowed here)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Might have found the answer reading the manual properly, but can I use my babyface pro as a preamp (without AD-DA conversion) for sending the headphone out to my sampler.  Babayface In - BF preamp - headphone out - sampler.  I’m asking myself if the direct monitoring as been converted AD - DA.  Thx for your support.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

An AD/DA conversion will always happen.
You need an AD conversion on the preamp, so that the signal can be routed digitally inside of the routing matrix.
Then it will need DA conversion to any of the analog outputs.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

An AD/DA conversion will always happen.
You need an AD conversion on the preamp, so that the signal can be routed digitally inside of the routing matrix.
Then it will need DA conversion to any of the analog outputs.

As I tought... Thx

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hey there! New member here smile

I don‘t own anything RME yet, even though I have been doing audio engineering since the mid 90s. However, the latest Babyface Pro FS caught my attention. I am basically looking for a simple but good quality 2 ch line in USB audio interface, that I can use to record the output of my analog mastering chain, if I want to record with another sampling rate than the project one. The ADI Pro has too many options. Don‘t fancy something with a display, rather want plug and play.

I just want to pull the (balanced) TRS plugs out of the current AD device and plug them into the new interface, hanging on a separate computer/laptop. Don‘t want to change cables or use adapters if possible.

Still confused about the Babyfaces’ side inputs. In the manual it says „TRS“, but it also claims that those are unbalanced inputs. Doesn‘t TRS mean Tip Ring Sleeve? That would imply that it is balanced, no? Do they accept balanced signals as well as unbalanced signals?

Or put it like this, can I plug-in TRS connectors which carry balanced signals or not?



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That depends on your source. Sometimes that is no problem, sometimes it shorts one phase/output line.

The side inputs are unbalanced, the socket is TRS, and Ring is connected to ground. This way it is fully compatible to typical servo-balanced TRS outputs as the ones in RME devices.

Matthias Carstens

690 (edited by alex.loudass 2020-03-11 18:14:47)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thx! I think I got it now smile

The last device of my analog chain has transformer balanced XLR outputs. If I am connecting my currently used XLR-TRS cables to the Babyface, the cold inductors and ground get connected and everything should be ok...

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I have a babyface pro that I've used for a quite a while.  I had never tried it with an iPad until today.  I recently got an iPad pro with the USB-c connector.  I wasn't sure if I needed power anymore, so I just tried it.  I used the original usb cable that came with it with a small A to C adapter.  It powered up great!  Are there any problems with this setup?

At first, totalmix didn't notice it, but eventually, it did.  I do have one other question;  I routed my guitar from one of the Hi-Z inputs into the iPad.  I had my headphones plugged in as the only output source.  This was an electric guitar, btw.  Anyway, Even with everything in total mix down, I would get kind of a wobbly, weird underwater type sound coming from my guitar.  Do you have any ideas where this might have come from?  The meters weren't showing anything, but it was definitely there. 

I'll try to find out if it happens with anything else, but if anyone has any ideas, let me know!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

A little followup.  I got a usb C to USB B cable.  sometimes it works for the iPad, sometimes it doesn't.  but if I use a little hub and then just use the USB a cable in the hub, it powers up great.  Still trying to figure out if the iPad gives enough power to rely on.  Has anybody else tried this with an iPad pro?

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I should add, when I say it doesn't always work, it doesn't always connect to totalmix or to the iPad as an interface, it always gets power and turns on.

694 (edited by punter 2020-04-24 08:22:59)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Using a dynamic cardioid mic EV RE320 with Babyface Pro FS in standards compliant mode (CC) with Linux, I notice a small problem: mic output level to a pc via usb is a bit low.

On Windows it seems a bit better.

Played with the input (IN, select channel 1, set levels pretty high but without maxing them out) but the output level is still not high enough. I need to speak very closely and rather loud to the mic which is not very convenient.

May I ask: would a preamp like this:

Equally important, would a preamped mic input not damage the Babyface?

Danke Vielmal!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Transport over USB input or any other digital port is neutral in regards to the volume.
Did you check the gain settings of the Mic Input on Linux ?

You could also use a FetHead which might be much cheaper compared to a complete preamp.

> Equally important, would a preamped mic input not damage the Babyface?

If you look into the manual then you can see that the Mic input is also a line input supporting consumer and studio level (+8 dBu, with PAD activated +19 dBu), so the fet preamp can be connected.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

696 (edited by punter 2020-04-24 12:28:10)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

yes Linux mic levels are all set to the max. The pulse audio volume control mic input is set to 140% (+9db). The current setup works: the input sound goes through the mic & Babyface (there are no other mics connected to the PC) but the output it not loud enough. Raising my voice is one option but I'd rather speak quietly as I usually do.

Do the fethead and the D2O serve the same purpose, differing maybe only in fixed vs adjustable gain and quality (fet / tube)? I thought D2O might be more convenient because the gain can be adjusted. Yes it is pricey but if it solves this problem, it is worth it. I could also lend the D2O to friend musicians when they need it.

Another criteria is to minimise the possibility of breaking the Babyface. Maxing out the gain on D2O is probably a bad idea but hopefully apart from this, D2O can be connected between the mic and the Babyface without stressing or damaging the Babyface circuit, couldn't it?

--- edit below: ----

just realized that
> the pulse audio volume control mic input is set to 140% (+9db)
- this was set on one Linux user account but not the other where the quiet mic problem appeared.

After adjusting the pulse mic input to 140% (+9db), the mic gain & level are fine.

There is no need for a mic preamp.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi   ,

On  my babyface  pro  and   babyface  pro fs  (latest firmware on  both) , the output opt led  does  not turn  red  when  clipping,
though  the  bar  graph indicate  this   condition  (upper bar  turns red)

Is   this normal ?

Thanks inadvance   for  your  help.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

That is correct. Both Opt LEDs do not signal Overs. So the manual is wrong saying all three of In and Out do. But technically we can add at least the Opt output LED to give Over warnings, in a future firmware update.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi ,

Thanks for your answer

Regards ,

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Babyface Pro FS in "Stand alone" mode.
Absolutely love my new BF, but I have one question re. operating the unit directly: Is there an option to mix a single microphone signal to two output channels (L+R)?

Many thanks