Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

The ADC is fully fine to analyze the noise. You have around 116 dB SNR. Anything audible can be measured with it. Noise is measured RMS, not peak. The ESS chip changes its output level by about 10 dB only.

Thanks for your help Matthias. Managed to get a replacement. I love this thing. Beautifully made and engineered in every sense.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Newb question:  What is the best way to connect an older CD player (RCA R/L outs) to a Babyface Pro?  I tried going from the RCA outs to channel 3/4 of the BF but couldn't get any sound,  though the meters were registering... maybe a TotalMix user mistake by me? 
Thanks for any suggestions...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Yes those are the correct inputs, though it is not clear what you are trying to do, listen or record. For listening set TMFX to 3 row mode and also not in daw mode (menu option somewhere). Click on the output fader you are listening to (bottom row, propably1/2 or headphones 3/4) and then up input fader 3/4 (top row). The outputs from your computer will be in the middle row.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks Vin....

Had success... I was just trying to use some CD's as reference tracks to compare my musical mixes... fidelity wasn't great which leads me to believe that my mixing monitors are pretty flat and not hyped like the typical speakers...

Thanks again.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Is there a way to turn down the headphone output level without affecting the output meter in the Babyface Pro FS? I have to turn down the volume by like 60 dB to get it to a reasonable listening volume, and the meter just doesn't show anything when the volume is that low. Ideally I would prefer the meter to show the pre-fader volume of the main control room, but any other way to get the meter to do at least something would be better than nothing too.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

If you mean the output meter then not really but not sure why that would be a problem. What headphones are you using as the output of the bfp fs is not huge. I have mi e turned up quite loud to get a decent level.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Well it's not a huge problem, I can still record and listen just fine, but it would be nice if the meter actually did something now that it's there.

I'm using AKG K712 Pros. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong if it's not supposed to be that loud.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

The headphones could be more efficient therefore louder. The meter reflects correctly so to change it would mean it doesn’t. It can’t be changed for cosmetic reasons especially if it doesn’t actually make any difference. Post a screen shot of TotalMix when you are playing something just in case you are doing something odd.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

If you set the encoder to main out 1/2 instead of phones and set that to 0db (max) and send the same to that output as phones, you will see the full level. You will have to adjust your phones level from tmfx though or switch the encoder every time you change the phones level.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Just route the pre-fade output to an unused output and use the meter there.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

【Babyface pro FX stand alone mode】
Hi from Japan. I'm sorry, this topic should have been already brought up previously, but I couldn't find solutions, so here I am. I am using Babyface Pro and still can't figure out how to use Stand Alone mode. Trying to use it as a headphone amp. Here is my set up, so if there's any ideas for possible solutions, it would be very appreciated. Arigato everyone.

1, My computer's OS is Windows10. Version 21H1.
2, Using an AC/DC adaptor (12V, Max5.0A, center plus). The device looks powered properly.
3, USB is disconnected. Electricity is supplied only from the adaptor. (On the manual, this will automatically activate Stand Alone mode. It says CC mode or CP mode doesn't matter.)
4, The driver and the firmware are successfully updated on April 22nd, 2022.
5, It works perfect with USB bus-power.

Let me know if there's any information I'm missing to write above.

Thank you.



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

What is the input used? Analog - use MIX to send the analog input to the analog output. SPDIF: change clock mode to slave (in case the LED flashes), then use MIX to route SPDIF to analog output. This is all done on the unit in stand-alone mode, as described in the manual.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

If connected to an external power source, will it override USB bus power?
The bus power from my PC may be of poor quality. (It looks like working properly.)
So I use a DC external power supply, but if the USB bus power takes precedence, it makes no sense...


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Of course external takes over.

Matthias Carstens


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Of course external takes over.

Thanks for reply smile I love this interface!

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

Of course external takes over.

Thank you so much for replying!
I am using analog input. I turn Mix mode on, but still no signal in output (either, Ch1-2 or Phones). The volume (gain) is turned up.

To my NON-professional eyes, the devise doesn't seem to be broken or anything... I might be still missing out something...

1,017 (edited by guillem 2022-04-26 13:05:35)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi again,

Last year I made a post asking about buffer behaviour system-wide after using Cubase Pro. Everytime I've changed the buffer to a lower size (ie 512 to 256) all the system sound got garbled and crackled. Now it's worse: I can't even lower the buffer size without using any ASIO app before. Goes as follows:

1.- Start the PC with Windows 10 21H1 Pro, buffer 512 at Fireface USB Settings app.
2.- Change buffer to 256 or 128 or 96... crackles, garbled unlistenable sound.
3.- Change buffer back to 512, sound is fine.

MC and ramses told me this was normal coming from ASIO, but I can't see how this is normal while just changing buffer on the Fireface USB Settings app?

Any help is appreciated.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I believe this should only happen if you change buffers while windows audio (not asio) is playing.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

1,019 (edited by guillem 2022-04-26 13:51:33)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

vinark wrote:

I believe this should only happen if you change buffers while windows audio (not asio) is playing.

Happens as well with ASIO. Just tried now.

1.- Cubase Pro playing properly at 512 (original buffer), 256 or 128 (changing mid-project) as expected.
2.- Close Cubase, play youtube or media player, sound is completely destroyed.
3.- Set buffer back to 512, sound is fine.

Now, if this was because ASIO changes the internal clock, the DA behaviour or the like I would get it. But if this happens also system-wide (windows sound as you name it) without engaging ASIO whatsoever as I mentioned in my previous post... I can't see it. I'm puzzled.

1,020 (edited by ramses 2022-04-26 14:13:30)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

> MC and ramses told me this was
> normal coming from ASIO

I can't remember having told it this way. It sounds as if ASIO would be the culprit. In fact it isn't.

Please look e.g. at my contributions to performance/latency related computer settings/driver issues. A collection of threads you find here. … 04#p186404

You need to find out what is blocking your computers cpu cores from processing audio related threads fast enough, especially when using smaller ASIO buffer sizes, where things become more and more time critical.

Besides using proper Bios/Windows settings ...

It can also be caused / heavily influenced by your DAWs project and "structure",  e.g.
- how many tracks, VST/VSTi
- how many inserts in a track (is being processed in one thread, many and cpu hungry vst need a cpu with high single thread performance
Freezing of tracks can help to reduce the cpu/processing load.

If you do not need to play via virtual instruments where you might need ASIO buffersizes below 256, a higher buffersize is no shame and gives you extra safety when recording.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

1,021 (edited by guillem 2022-04-26 14:14:42)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

> MC and ramses told me this was
> normal coming from ASIO

I can't remember having told it this way. It sounds as if ASIO would be the culprit. In fact it isn't.

Please look e.g. at my contributions to performance/latency related computer settings/driver issues. A collection of threads you find here. … 04#p186404

You need to find out what is blocking your computers cpu cores from processing audio related threads fast enough, especially when using smaller asio buffer sizes where things become more and more time critical.

It can also be caused / heavily influenced by your DAWs project structure, e.g. how many inserts you use per track and of course how cpu hungry VST or VSTi are. And also do not forget, all inserts in one track are usually executed in one thread, so the more you have to process here "in time", the higher the single thread performance of your CPU core needs to be. To lower the processing load you can freeze tracks if your DAW allows this (Cubase,...).

Hi ramses,

EDIT: We had this conversation in december 2019 and you were kindly suggesting the same things, but it wasn't the case. I ensemble my computers and I tinker with mobo, drivers and OS since 20+ years. This isn't the case of CPU load or misconfiguration. It's something else. Please keep reading:

Surprise surprise! This wasn't about Cubase nor ASIO nor Windows. It was because the previous firmware/driver did something really bad to the Babyface Pro buffers. Now I've checked the drivers and the firmware revisions here on the RME site, updated to newer ones and the interface is behaving perfectly. No more crackles or dropouts when changing buffers. Something was amiss in firmware 130 or/in the previous driver.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

It would be beneficial for RME and other customers, if you would explicitly name the firmware and driver version numbers
causing and fixing the issue, thanks.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

1,023 (edited by vinark 2022-04-26 14:32:01)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

guillem wrote:
ramses wrote:

> MC and ramses told me this was
> normal coming from ASIO

I can't remember having told it this way. It sounds as if ASIO would be the culprit. In fact it isn't.

Please look e.g. at my contributions to performance/latency related computer settings/driver issues. A collection of threads you find here. … 04#p186404

You need to find out what is blocking your computers cpu cores from processing audio related threads fast enough, especially when using smaller asio buffer sizes where things become more and more time critical.

It can also be caused / heavily influenced by your DAWs project structure, e.g. how many inserts you use per track and of course how cpu hungry VST or VSTi are. And also do not forget, all inserts in one track are usually executed in one thread, so the more you have to process here "in time", the higher the single thread performance of your CPU core needs to be. To lower the processing load you can freeze tracks if your DAW allows this (Cubase,...).

Hi ramses,

EDIT: We had this conversation in december 2019 and you were kindly suggesting the same things, but it wasn't the case. I ensemble my computers and I tinker with mobo, drivers and OS since 20+ years. This isn't the case of CPU load or misconfiguration. It's something else. Please keep reading:

Surprise surprise! This wasn't about Cubase nor ASIO nor Windows. It was because the previous firmware/driver did something really bad to the Babyface Pro buffers. Now I've checked the drivers and the firmware revisions here on the RME site, updated to newer ones and the interface is behaving perfectly. No more crackles or dropouts when changing buffers. Something was amiss in firmware 130 or/in the previous driver.

Aha, we forgot the most basic of questions...Are you on the latest driver and firmware?
Might have been a bug in the older, or just that latest windows needed an adaptation, because it handles windows audio differently.
But great you found it!
MC always asks first are you using the latest driver/firmware. We must learn from the Master (Me and Ramses LOL)

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

1,024 (edited by guillem 2022-04-26 14:42:38)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

ramses wrote:

It would be beneficial for RME and other customers, if you would explicitly name the firmware and driver version numbers
causing and fixing the issue, thanks.

Sure. Troubled Firmware was, as I mentioned, 130. Driver was V 1.212 (05/04/2021).

The ones that fixed it are the latest ones I've just installed about an hour ago: Driver version 1.221 and Firmware 200. As they state in the readme I've installed the driver first and then flashed the firmware.

@vinark: thanks! I feel relieved now. BFPro behaves as expected for an interface of its caliber smile


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

takuro1033 wrote:
MC wrote:

Of course external takes over.

Thank you so much for replying!
I am using analog input. I turn Mix mode on, but still no signal in output (either, Ch1-2 or Phones). The volume (gain) is turned up.

To my NON-professional eyes, the devise doesn't seem to be broken or anything... I might be still missing out something...

Firstly in TotalMix you should have three rows. The top is the actual inputs. Do you see these moving at all? What have you plugged in? Microphone or line level instrument? If microphone does it require phantom power?

If you see a signal coming in you need to click on the output you want to hear on the bottom row and then turn up the input slider. You also need to turn up the output slider. Read the manual as you probably need to get your head round how TotalMix works. Ramses had created stickies which explains a lot about TotalMix. The main thing to remember is that all the faders will change per output you click. The key is to select an output and turn up faders while it’s selected. If you click on another output then all the faders (not output faders) will be relevant to that output.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks mkok, btw this sticky: … 97#p180197

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

1,027 (edited by iturk.r 2022-05-15 16:26:40)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I owned a babyface pro (not fs one) for quite a while and used any unbalanced signal via TS cable through input 3-4 on the side of the unit with no issue at all.

I know that input 3-4 is an unbalanced jacks as the manual.

But now I wonder if I had balanced signal via TRS cable plug into ch.3 or ch.4 on the side, so the RING signal will lift floating or Actually it has some internal connection between RING-SLEEVE to combine them together inside babyface pro (as I can see three pole inside the hole and one of that could be touched the RING)

My question is a balanced signal with TRS would work just fine with input 3-4 on the side, right?

Correct me if I got misunderstood.

Best regards,



Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread


Can someone tell me the pros and cons of the USB ARC in tandem with the UCX II.   This is a hobby so perhaps most of the ARC functions wouldn't be used much since all recording and mixing is done by me alone. I haven't seen much info on the workflow without a ARC.  Just wondering if the ARC is worth the $179 (usdollars) for my situation or that money could be used elsewhere.  It also got me thinking, I currently have a Babyface PRO (not fs)--- could that be used with the UCX II (like an ARC would function)?

Thanks for any input!


1,029 (edited by sbcrikey 2022-05-16 21:38:36)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

is the ARC worth the $179? in my opinion, absolutely! if all you use it for is controlling monitors and headphone output, it's a fantastic tool, seamlessly working with TotalMIX. the assignable buttons for snapshots, etc. make it even more versatile.

I think the question about using the BBF Pro as a controller has been asked before and I don't believe you can use it to control the UCXII in place of the ARC. I suppose with some creative connectivity, you could route signals out of the UCXII and into the digital ins of the BBF and control it that way. I've actually done this with my BBF Pro FS but only as an exercise to learn TotalMIX and play around with the different routings/settings. I've connected my HDSP9652 digital outs to the BBF digital ins to be able to use the TM EQ and reverb before too.

I love the fact that you can plug the ARC directly into the UCXII so you don't have to have an extra USB cable on your desk. You have to give up DuREC though but I mainly only use that feature for location recording.




Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Thanks Steve... how's the workflow with the UCX II if one doesn't have the ARC? 

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi, I have a pro fs running on Mac M1 Monterey.

I'm not getting a clean sound when recording vocals despite having -12db headroom on total mix and this correlates with the recording in logic. Certain words are distorting. The mic is a Shure beta 58a but does the same on my other mics.

I'm close to giving up on RME my old budget interface sounded better.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Can you upload a file and send a link to me by mail?

Daniel Fuchs


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

jcrakes wrote:

Thanks Steve... how's the workflow with the UCX II if one doesn't have the ARC? 

sorry, JC, I didn't see your question until today.

not entirely sure by what you mean about workflow. the UCXII smile It's great with Reaper using the audio ins/outs and with MIDI. does everything I need.

If I have something quick, I'll use the Babyface Pro FS just because it's always connected to my desktop PC and in that case, I usually won't need the ARC. having that encoder is just so handy.

also, not exclusive to any one RME interface, I would remind anyone using TotalMIX Fx to take a look at the tool created here to be able to utilize the volume up/down buttons on your keyboard to control the main outs:

very convenient if you don't always have TotalMIX up and just need to quickly adjust volume (and you don't have an encoder).


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hey guys, I hope that you are well and doing great sessions!
I have a BBF Pro FS and Im looking for take a Neve 8816 summing.
I need to know what I will need to send the signal from my DAW to the summing, I know that the summing have db25 connection, but I dont know how I can link the SPDIF/ADAT ouput of  BBF PRO with this.
Could anyone talk about this?

Thanks already.

1,035 (edited by ramses 2022-06-18 12:48:13)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

You need to add an AD/DA converter to the BBF Pro which can be connected through ADAT.
ADAT = 8ch at single speed (44.1/48 kHz), 4ch at double speed (88.2/96 kHz).

This gives you more analog ports to send several submixes from DAW to the summing device.

Either you get an AD/DA converter which has also such DB-25 connectors or you need to get a patchbay which increases cost and needs some more room in a rack.

As the Neve has 16 channels for summing you should have bought a recording interface with at least 2 ADAT ports if you work with single speed (2x8 = 16 ports).

Should you intend to work with double speed or of you need more than 8 summing channels (8x mono / 4x stereo)
a MADI based solution would be better. Then you have 64ch at single speed and still 32ch at double speed. But this increases cost.

If 8 mono channels are sufficient maybe look at used market for a ADI-8 DS Mk III or ADI-8 QS.
If this is too expensive consider products from Ferrofish like e.g. Pulse 16, but then egain you need a patch bay.
For your current selection it would have advantages to get adda converter with DB-25 plug.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

sbcrikey wrote:
jcrakes wrote:

Thanks Steve... how's the workflow with the UCX II if one doesn't have the ARC? 

sorry, JC, I didn't see your question until today.

not entirely sure by what you mean about workflow. the UCXII smile It's great with Reaper using the audio ins/outs and with MIDI. does everything I need.

If I have something quick, I'll use the Babyface Pro FS just because it's always connected to my desktop PC and in that case, I usually won't need the ARC. having that encoder is just so handy.

also, not exclusive to any one RME interface, I would remind anyone using TotalMIX Fx to take a look at the tool created here to be able to utilize the volume up/down buttons on your keyboard to control the main outs:

very convenient if you don't always have TotalMIX up and just need to quickly adjust volume (and you don't have an encoder).


Thanks for your input...Salud!

1,037 (edited by troy 2022-06-25 02:21:19)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Hi guys, A couple of months back I had some issues with my Fireface 400 running on the new Mac Studio. After a lot of messing around with cables, I finally got it working, but it has not been a fun experience. Firewire and the Mac Studio are not good friends. Anyway, after some deliberation Matthias and I both concluded that Firewire support for the coming MacOS update is likely to be discontinued and to be honest, its pretty buggy now anyway.

So long story short, I went and brought the Babyface Pro FS. I haven't hooked it up yet, but wanted to know if I would need to install new drivers? I suspect I will and that's fine, however will I need to remove the old Fireface drivers which required me to engage in all sorts of sorcery in Terminal and start up security? If I do, how do I remove these and will this also remove Total Mix?

Thanks in advance.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

What's new in the flash revision 200 for the Babyface Pro?

1,039 (edited by mkok 2022-07-04 20:19:13)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

I think it had something for units with the ess chips. I updated anyway to be on the current version. Had no impact on my unit.

Babyface Pro Fs, Behringer ADA8200, win 10/11 PCs, Cubase/Wavelab, Adam A7X monitors.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Level Question Babyface Pro FS,

when i change the sensitivity of the instrument inputs from -10db to +4db, i get a level boost of 8,8db.. Is that the intendet level change? shouldnt that give 14db of gain? what do i get wrong here?

When i use pad on the mic inputs it gives a -6,6 db reduction on a unsymetrical signal.. the manual states a -11db reduction.. is this because of the unsymetrical input? or does it point to a hard/software problem? the gain changes, on the unsymetrical input, are not very accurate, other than the instr inputs where a +3 db gain results exactly in a 3db higher meter reading. again the Question if that is a result of unsymetrical connection or a problem of the unit? at least its the first time i experience such inaccuracies with a rme interface.. not that it hurts too much, but in case the znit has a problem i might need to talk to the seller.

thanks for answers


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

One is dBu, the other one dBV. Clearly labeled in TM FX and the manual.  Note the reference is not -10 dBV, but +2 dBV (max headroom).

The passive pad in front of the mic input changes the attenuation for unbalanced signals identically as for balanced signals. Even if pin 3 stays unconnected. You might want to redo that test and check the level on TM FX input level meter with a simple sine signal.

Matthias Carstens

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

MC wrote:

One is dBu, the other one dBV. Clearly labeled in TM FX and the manual.  Note the reference is not -10 dBV, but +2 dBV (max headroom).

The passive pad in front of the mic input changes the attenuation for unbalanced signals identically as for balanced signals. Even if pin 3 stays unconnected. You might want to redo that test and check the level on TM FX input level meter with a simple sine signal.

Is there a levellimiter for clipping in TotalMix FX? To protect the monitors? Recently I had to reset the TotalMix because I didn't hear any sound from the outputs and as soon as I did it all got in the reds and a very loud distorted sound from the amplifiers in the monitors.

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Digital levels in Totalmix can't go beyond full scale... You might find this helpful:

Daniel Fuchs

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

RME Support wrote:

Digital levels in Totalmix can't go beyond full scale... You might find this helpful:

Thank you very much!


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

takuro1033 wrote:
MC wrote:

Of course external takes over.

Thank you so much for replying!
I am using analog input. I turn Mix mode on, but still no signal in output (either, Ch1-2 or Phones). The volume (gain) is turned up.

To my NON-professional eyes, the devise doesn't seem to be broken or anything... I might be still missing out something...

Have you checked the status of loopback on the main output channels? that could disable signal from the physical inputs.

1,046 (edited by 3phase 2022-07-23 21:12:57)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Feature Request.

Dont know if this is the place for Feature requests.. but is there another thread for that?

I started to use my new babyface differently than the old one, which i never used for any kind of recording where i need headphones. only used the old babyface to measure sound systems and rooms. But.. now its good for mobile recording tasks and a lot if other things, thanks to the additional outputs..

It would be great if the dsp has still some room to add offset delays on the main and headphone outs.. with numerical input that allows ms precission. With high precision focus on the first 10-20 ms.. 
its anoying when headphones are on stage or in the studio earlier than the sounds you get on the main monitors, which are usually 1-3m away from you.. If you delay your phone signal by the distance to the monitor you can work with much less volume on the headphones and using open phones in the studio has a total different meaning when its time aligned with your woofers.
In the studio you have ways to deal with that, but mobile use and stage work? The Babyface could solve that.
And this is just one many uses for offset delays on outputs. Also clock signals or timecode tracks could benefits from this.

2nd wish.. The Output EQ‘s should allow the hi band to become a high cut filter.. as third option beside peak and shelf

together with the delay you could use a babyface than as 2 way crossover, or run a 2.1 setup with sub.. or a suround monitoring where you create the sub channel within total mix… Or with additional DA even a 4 way crossover plus sub channel is possible. That could come in realy handy when being on the road and wanting add a sub channel to tiny active monitor speakers, or headphones.. or just for independence for your monitor sound on stage.

Having a little crossover, with time alignment, with you anytime, in your swiss babyface, would be nice, and maybe dont costs too much dsp power.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

3phase wrote:

Feature Request.

Dont know if this is the place for Feature requests.. but is there another thread for that?

I started to use my new babyface differently than the old one, which i never used for any kind of recording where i need headphones. only used the old babyface to measure sound systems and rooms. But.. now its good for mobile recording tasks and a lot if other things, thanks to the additional outputs..

It would be great if the dsp has still some room to add offset delays on the main and headphone outs.. with numerical input that allows ms precission. With high precision focus on the first 10-20 ms.. 
its anoying when headphones are on stage or in the studio earlier than the sounds you get on the main monitors, which are usually 1-3m away from you.. If you delay your phone signal by the distance to the monitor you can work with much less volume on the headphones and using open phones in the studio has a total different meaning when its time aligned with your woofers.
In the studio you have ways to deal with that, but mobile use and stage work? The Babyface could solve that.
And this is just one many uses for offset delays on outputs. Also clock signals or timecode tracks could benefits from this.

2nd wish.. The Output EQ‘s should allow the hi band to become a high cut filter.. as third option beside peak and shelf

together with the delay you could use a babyface than as 2 way crossover, or run a 2.1 setup with sub.. or a suround monitoring where you create the sub channel within total mix… Or with additional DA even a 4 way crossover plus sub channel is possible. That could come in realy handy when being on the road and wanting add a sub channel to tiny active monitor speakers, or headphones.. or just for independence for your monitor sound on stage.

Having a little crossover, with time alignment, with you anytime, in your swiss babyface, would be nice, and maybe dont costs too much dsp power.

This would be very useful for users trying to integrate subwoofers or bass shakers whilst keeping their system minimal. If DSP resources was the limiting factor, I'd happily trade the current delay and reverb FX for what @3phase is requesting, because I've never used them (except the first day when I was testing the interface). I have used the EQ a lot though, and the compressor too although not as much. I wonder how other users use the DSP effects.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

Manuel wrote:

If DSP resources was the limiting factor, I'd happily trade the current delay and reverb FX for what @3phase is requesting, because I've never used them (except the first day when I was testing the interface). I have used the EQ a lot though, and the compressor too although not as much. I wonder how other users use the DSP effects.

Vocalists generally sing a lot more comfortably when there’s reverb on their headphone monitoring. A slapback delay can also be nice to already have that vibe a bit during recording, but recording the dry signal, so the vocal effects can still be dialed in during mixing.

1,049 (edited by 3phase 2022-07-24 02:57:53)

Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

One more thing, before i try this rumored reverb fx, which according  to the manual, are no babyface internal dsp, so wouldnt be traded for core functions like offset delays.
Which belong in the interface dsp..
Audio delay is one of the main digital audio features, not just lossless transmission and copy.. time allignment of sound events is a key feature of digital audio, and every DA should allow the user to offset it at will, since it punishes you with an offset delay anyway. digital audio is delay. First uses in the industry have been delays. they can be a valuable feature.

but the one more thing.. metering.,
The meters in totalmix have a wisely choosen -70 dbFS  first digit.. thats about the level where rouge signals or bleed thru gets annoying and really damaging for the audio.
So when one digit on the meter is lid you know there is modulation on that channel or dirt, in any case something you might want to check..

on the babyface meters the first digit is at -55 db.. so when you work with 9 db headroom thats an allready fairly loud signal . And your hardware meter is not giving you a hint that there is a signal.

I would prefer that the first digit is lit at -70db, like in total mix. and wouldnt mind that the second led of the meter needs 20 db rise to indicate -50db than. -50 or -70 is all background and nothing you would set your level with.
A signal present indication is more important/usefull than meter accuracy below -40db.


Re: The official Babyface Pro Thread

breun wrote:
Manuel wrote:

If DSP resources was the limiting factor, I'd happily trade the current delay and reverb FX for what @3phase is requesting, because I've never used them (except the first day when I was testing the interface). I have used the EQ a lot though, and the compressor too although not as much. I wonder how other users use the DSP effects.

Vocalists generally sing a lot more comfortably when there’s reverb on their headphone monitoring. A slapback delay can also be nice to already have that vibe a bit during recording, but recording the dry signal, so the vocal effects can still be dialed in during mixing.

Yes, but aren't delay and reverb inherently signal-delaying effects (unlike EQ and compression)? Meaning TotalMix FX being zero-latency is of no benefit vs using a plugin (and TBH most reverb plugins sound better than the reverb in TMFX). Time offsets, on the other hand, are better implemented in hardware so they function system-wide in a set-and-forget fashion.