Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

You might need to update to High Sierra, or check your clocking state if you use SPDIF/ADAT.

Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Just had to return a Fireface Ucx. I'm on High Sierra and experiencing the same issues with clicks and pops. Even just recording audio with no VSTi's or effects has dropouts/glitches. I really wanted to like the Ucx but it seems none are stable with the new Macbook pro's usb-c and I can't really wait for a fix. I've updated to the latest firmware, drivers etc. Overall just a really buggy experience.

53 (edited by Plsmk 2018-05-03 22:45:44)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

MC wrote:

You are hijacking a thread that talks about a different problem. Your issue has a known workaround explained here, starting at post 17:


Just highlighting that this problem is not fixed - there is no workaround that works for all RME USB products at this point. See post 25 in that thread.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I've had these same issues since the day I got my mac book pro. Looks like I'll be selling the UFX. its been a year and a half of dreading intense sessions because I get annoying glitching with the UFX randomly as described in this thread. Internal soundcard works no problem. I have tried all the fixes and worked with tech support before. no dice.

Has anyone tried this with Firewire? I hate the idea of buying the $70 firewire dongle but if that works I'll get it.


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

FireWire usually works. But for now please try this driver:

https://archiv.rme-audio.de/download/dr … ac_308.zip

Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Im very happy, they nailed it IMO.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

MC wrote:
alex1 wrote:

I'm very happy to help you track down the bug

> There is no bug on our side.

Now that you've fixed it, look in the mirror and ask yourself: Did

* arguing that it was Apple's fault and you couldn't fix it
* talking down to users as if we were idiots
* accusing a user of spreading lies(!)

do any good at all? Maybe next time have a little humility.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Finding a way to overcome shortcomings/issues on the Mac side and fixing a bug may just be two things....

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

59 (edited by somatechabode 2018-06-19 14:19:09)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I have been really unimpressed by RME's tone and replies in this thread.

I bought (my second) RME device based on their reputation for incredibly stable drivers and performance. Not primarily for the converters, not for the features. I assumed that the reputation also meant their support for their products.

The fact that RME repeatedly denied user issues here (especially initially in the thread), and argued 'we can't reproduce the problem on our machines' or 'there is no bug' - how does that help us as the users with issues? You couldn't replicate the issues, or you believe it's not RME's fault, so the issues don't exist or you don't care? Do you know how that tone comes across to users who have invested in your product?

"obviously as long as we can't reproduce them there is nothing that we could change or fix" - I would have thought that your product not working with new high end Apple computers, would be a problem, not just for your customers who bought your product, but for RME as well, and it would be something you would want to work out and fix? Again the way you say things comes across as if you are denying there is a problem or you don't care about it.

Is this the attitude RME will take with any future issues?

I have a UCX and Macbook Pro 15" 2017 with High Sierra and had similar audio glitch issues when I first installed High Sierra but they now seem to have gone. I haven't tested this with large projects or heavy workload yet. Strangely I did not have any audio issues with Sierra with the same UCX. The only persistent issue from Sierra to High Sierra has been the USB-c disconnection issue but thats a separate issue to this thread.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I troubleshoot computers for a living. Used to be a real Apple Fanboi. That ended after Snow Leopard.

When Sierra came out, my hair turned grey. With High Sierra, I stopped caring.

It's easy to blame RME for Apple's mistakes. Problems have been reported to Apple, but they no longer care. iOS is the future. In 2 years, the Mac will abandon Intel processors. Macs will run iOS software. Good for consumers, not so good for creators.

My FF400 has been rock solid all along. With the latest OSX releases, I've had some problems, but all of them related to Apple's side of things.

The funniest part of all this is that Apple doesn't need to care, as problems are not general. Just a minority seems to be affected and they blame others. So, why should Apple care?

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hi all,
Do you all have working USB-C MBP's in combination with RME interfaces?
I have upgraded to a new 2018 MBP (high sierra 10.13.6) and since then experiencing a lot of distorted/bitcrushed audio with my Madiface Usb.

I tried:
- driver 2.22
- driver 3.08
- latest firmware
- interchanged usb cables & different hubs
- Highest buffer in Logic
- Disabled wifi
- Disabled RME as system audio device

This drives me nuts! This wednesday is the next attended session and no solution yet. RME didn't respond to my mail. (emailed to support@rme-audio.de)

See this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAYHNGCB4x4

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Its vacation time ...

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?


A lot of people are running RME's interfaces on High Sierra. It seems the very latest macs still have some wrinkles waiting to be ironed out. I hope Mojave will be a better OS.

Stupid test: switch DAW output to internal audio on the MB Pro. See if it exhibits the same problem.

I'll bet internal audio works.

It seems some of the latest Macs run a special OS, not the usual release version.

Also, are you sure there isn't a plugin in demo mode somewhere?

You're not using a Fusion drive, I hope?

Have you tried a clean install on an external disk?

Does it work without a hub?

These are all just hints, looking for the one thing we obviously are missing.

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?


Internal audio is fine.
No plugin demo's
No fusion drive. MBP's have SSD'S
It is a fresh install because of new MBP's right out of the box with just Logic, Rme drivers and plugins.
Tried with and without hub. Makes no difference.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

I have a new MacBook Pro i9 2.9 GHz, 32 GB Ram, High Sierra 10.13.6, with a BabyFace Pro connected with its stock cable to an apple USB-A-USB-C adapter. I am running the latest 3.08 RME driver and current 101 firmware. While I don't get as extreme of distortion as some of the earlier posts, I do get it happening roughly every 4-5 minutes. It can be either playing back audio through iTunes, or within Logic, or Cubase Pro 9.5. It's like a short glitch burst. Like the audio got digitally scrambled. I would appreciate if RME can look further into this. I'm more than happy to provide more details as needed.It is definitely a show stopper for me, because you can't pinpoint when or how it will occur, and right in the middle of a session performance isn't acceptable.

MBP 2018 i9 32GB RAM 1TB SSD - RME BabyFace Pro - Logic Pro X - Ableton 10 - Cubase Pro 9.5


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

@ewtwolf: Please contribute in this thread with driver 3.09:


Matthias Carstens

67 (edited by almazmusic 2018-09-03 16:21:26)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

So guys, what's in total? Can I plug my UFX with adapter (which should I pick up?) to MBP2018 and working like I was with my old MBP late 2013?

Rme Ucx + Arc

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

FWIW, we just bought a 2018 13" MBP and migrated over our 2010 MBP setup (running 10.13.6) and everything seems okay on the playback side.  Just played audio from a fairly intensive Reaper project through our MADIface Pro and UFX with a sample size of 28 (though it did get the CPU fans going).

Eastwood Records

69 (edited by JL 2018-09-05 08:11:53)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

almazmusic wrote:

So guys, what's in total? Can I plug my UFX with adapter (which should I pick up?) to MBP2018 and working like I was with my old MBP late 2013?

I guess there's no definitive answer for this. I can just say I couldn't.

For my work it's not yet a deal breaker, the system just makes weird noises occasionally and probably apple is to blame. For super critical recording i would not consider my new macbook / rme ufx as an option. If i was asked if my old computer could record 5 hours of uninterrupted stereo audio without errors (and surf the web and use excel and whatever at the same time wifi and bluetooth enabled) i would have answered yes with 100% certainty. The 2018 mbp system probably could not pull that of at this time.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

JL wrote:
almazmusic wrote:

So guys, what's in total? Can I plug my UFX with adapter (which should I pick up?) to MBP2018 and working like I was with my old MBP late 2013?

I guess there's no definitive answer for this. I can just say I couldn't.

For my work it's not yet a deal breaker, the system just makes weird noises occasionally and probably apple is to blame. For super critical recording i would not consider my new macbook / rme ufx as an option. If i was asked if my old computer could record 5 hours of uninterrupted stereo audio without errors (and surf the web and use excel and whatever at the same time wifi and bluetooth enabled) i would have answered yes with 100% certainty. The 2018 mbp system probably could not pull that of at this time.

I remember having similar teething issues when I bought a MBP in 2010 and I fear it's just part and parcel of computer-based recording.  I was advised by Synthax UK to avoid PCs as there are so many more variables which RME can't possibly test.  I'll test the 2018 MBP more thoroughly over the next few days. 

Is there a way to leave it recording and document 'errors' a la DUREC?  Much easier than listening to hours of nothing in real-time!

RME, are you able to confirm that you test the latest generation of Macs each year?  There are a finite number of models so it would give users peace of mind to know this before investing in a Mac.  I've ordered a 2tb model and I know Apple sometimes use two SSDs that behave as one, which might cause an issue when recording audio.

Eastwood Records

71 (edited by ramses 2018-09-05 12:47:44)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

mjfe87 wrote:

RME, are you able to confirm that you test the latest generation of Macs each year?  There are a finite number of models so it would give users peace of mind to know this before investing in a Mac.  I've ordered a 2tb model and I know Apple sometimes use two SSDs that behave as one, which might cause an issue when recording audio.


Sorry but It's your responsibility which system you choose.

I rather more suggest that you ask Apple why they do not test their stuff better.

Look at Apples shares and what high prices they take for commodity hardware... There is the root of all evil, IMHO you are asking here the wrong vendor.

If YOU need reliability up to that level then you need to get a tested turnkey system for audio.
For PC sector up to Xeon Dual processor and Vienna /SSL certified systems look at Xi machine's offers.

Stay fair, if the issues are on Apple side then it's not RME to be blamed for this. Go and complain at Apple. RME at least delivers workarounds if possible.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

72 (edited by almazmusic 2018-09-06 18:33:52)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Well, got a direct (no chip in it at all) usb-c to usb 3.1 adapter and UFX works as well as on previous MBP late 2013.

Rme Ucx + Arc

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

It's not audio interfaces only. Apparently, the USB-C to gigabit ethernet adapters don't work without occasionally dropping packets too.

Somebody just browsing and checking email, or even watching YT, won't notice. But people who rely on network adapters to do serious testing are pulling their hair out too...

MB Pro - 2 X FireFace 400, FF800 & DigiFace USB
ADAT gear: Korg, Behri, Fostex, Alesis...

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

has there been a reolsution to this rme/2016 - 2018 MacBook Pro dilemma yet? its making me so stressed I've broken 3 mice so far.

75 (edited by ramses 2018-09-07 07:10:36)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

theoutdoorz wrote:

has there been a reolsution to this rme/2016 - 2018 MacBook Pro dilemma yet? its making me so stressed I've broken 3 mice so far.

It's an Apple dilemma which Apple has to solve.

RME is not the only vendor having issues. So pls read the thread more thoroughly so that you do not come to wrong conclusions as if this is a RME problem.

I suggest that you read the last postings and open a case at Apple as well.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hey everybody - just chiming in here since I just solved this issue in my particular context after a week of frustration.

I recently bought a second hand Fireface UC and eagerly hooked it up to my 2018 Macbook Pro 15" along with my Push 2, Midi Fighter Twister and iPad through a high quality USB C - USB A hub, only to find exactly the type of glitches and dropouts described in this thread.

After trying firmware-updating the interface, installing the 3.08 driver, replacing the USB-hub with another one, replacing all USB-cables etc. I still had the issue, and almost decided to sell the interface on. After all I bought it for its famed driver stability...

BUT then I accidentally discovered that whenever my Push 2 weren't connected or on, the problem vanished. I don't know what is going on, but it seems that whenever the UC and the Push 2 is handled by the same USB controller problems occur.
I simply plug the Push 2 into a seperate adapter/hub connected to a USB C port on the opposite side of the MacBook and everything is running as it should.

So for anyone still experiencing this problem while using other MIDI USB-gear - try isolating the RME stuff to it's own USB port.

While this is a happy occasion (for me at least), I have to add that RME support's response to this matter have pretty much shattered my view on the company. I sincerely hope the tone will be more respectful in the future, no matter who's fault what is.

77 (edited by ramses 2018-09-12 14:21:34)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

danielnayberg wrote:

While this is a happy occasion (for me at least), I have to add that RME support's response to this matter have pretty much shattered my view on the company. I sincerely hope the tone will be more respectful in the future, no matter who's fault what is.

Did you read the whole thread and are sure that your problem and fix is related to the problems described in this thread ?

I didn't see any post from RME lacking of respect. From user side it was more a matter of wrong expectations from RME.
So please don't make a mountain out of a molehill and pls simply stay to facts.

If you are dissatisfied with the situation, then go complain at Apple.  RME delivered a workaround already which can't hinder the occurrence of the issue (that's on Apples side) but lets the device resync quicker.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

78 (edited by mjfe87 2018-09-13 10:57:15)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

ramses wrote:

I didn't see any post from RME lacking of respect. From user side it was more a matter of wrong expectations from RME. So please don't make a mountain out of a molehill and pls simply stay to facts.

To be fair RME have historically recommended particular PC and Mac hardware configurations on their 'Tech Info' site (https://www.rme-audio.de/english/techinfo/index.htm) and more recently tested USB chipsets for the FF UC (http://www.rme-audio.de/en/products/fir … ps.php#mbp).  Furthermore Synthax UK recommend Apple to us just the other week on the basis of there being a finite number of configurations that RME can test each year.

Whilst I appreciate no company can test every system, especially on the PC side, I don't think it's an unfair question to raise on this forum where professionals spend thousands on both Apple and RME products.  If reliability can't be guaranteed then something will have to give. 

I'm a huge fan of RME so it'd be really helpful to know which OSX/DAW/hardware configurations they have tested each year.  It's sometimes difficult to glean the latest from forum threads, so maybe a dedicated page that's regularly updated would be appreciated by a number of users?

ramses wrote:

If you are dissatisfied with the situation, then go complain at Apple.  RME delivered a workaround already which can't hinder the occurrence of the issue (that's on Apples side) but lets the device resync quicker.

Sorry, I think I missed this workaround - are you able to point me to the relevant post?  Thanks!

Eastwood Records

79 (edited by ramses 2018-09-13 12:28:16)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Sorry have no PC near at the moment, you need to look on your own or send an email to RME support.

In regards to Synthax recommendation for Apple: as senior IT consultant / technician I have a different view:

1. at the time of the recommendation it was surely a good recommendation for that particular Apple HW otherwise you would / should have given it back.

2. it's not unusual in the IT that you can have times of instability as an operating system is simply complex. There can be any kind of bad patches or bad Major / Minor OS upgrades.

3. It's simply your responsibility as owner / administrator of the system to implement a well tested backup and restore procedure.

So, if the pain is too big and something impacts your business then restore back to the point where everything worked and wait until issues are fixed.

I can perform a restore of my PC to the status of ie last week in under 15 minutes with Macrium Reflect and it's rapid delta restore mechanism (which writes only changed disk blocks) although I have a 1TB SSD which is filled with over 500 GB (OS, applications, VSTi''s and sample libraries).

Nobody in the IT can neither foresee nor hinder Apple or other companies to do mistakes.

And let's be reasonable, the Audio and Video sector is only a nieche market for which neither Apple nor Microsoft provided additional testing.

So either you in person need to provide the required safety belts, especially if outages impact timelines  / your business or you need to outsource this in whatever form.

One for sure, for systems directly connected to the internet it's a bad idea to deploy every available upgrade as every upgrade/change has the risk to break something.

I think for this reason it is still the case for professional studios that not all systems are connected to the internet to keep the workhorses alife. But even then you need working backup and restore procedures shall your hard disk or SSD break.

As RME's workaround as I understood only brings quicker resynchronization after an issue this means there is still audio loss.

So the only proper thing to do is to
- restore backup
- open a case at Apple and heavily complain

Point out that this is not only a RME problem as Motu users seem to have exactly the same problem and maybe also other vendor, but who has the time to investigate this all. Most important is that Apple fixes those applications which have bad impact on audio and maybe also things in the USB stack. This is their responsibility.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

80 (edited by Yorrrrrr 2018-09-16 07:23:46)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Sadly, I am about to sell my Babyface Pro because I am having issues (random crackling) with my new MBP 13" 2018 (macOS 10.13 High Sierra). In my previous Windows 10 machine, it was working fine lately (though it also had issues in the past, now resolved with latest driver). Anything I should try before I do it? I hope it works better with upcoming macOS 10.14 Mojave..

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

ramses wrote:

1. at the time of the recommendation it was surely a good recommendation for that particular Apple HW otherwise you would / should have given it back.

The recommendation was last month i.e. it referred to the latest generation of Apple computers.

ramses wrote:

if the pain is too big and something impacts your business then restore back to the point where everything worked and wait until issues are fixed.

I take most of your points but this is irrelevant if the user needs a new computer.

ramses wrote:

And let's be reasonable, the Audio and Video sector is only a nieche market for which neither Apple nor Microsoft provided additional testing.

Actually I’d say Apple target those users with their portable machines. It seems a shame they’d continue supporting Logic, Final Cut Pro etc whilst alienating the same market.

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Sorry if I've overlooked something, but out of curiosity, has anyone tested one of these MBPs with Bootcamp/Win10?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

83 (edited by geoffmartin 2018-09-19 14:17:24)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Just adding another voice to the crowd....

I'm trying to use a UFX+ with Cycling74's Max (v 7.3.5) running on a MacBook Pro (Retina, 13", early 2015, 2.9 GHz Core i5, v10.13.6).

I've tried it with USB (CC, USB2 and USB3, using both ports on the Mac) and Thunderbolt. It just doesn't work reliably enough to be useable... The short version is that it appears that I/O buffers are either being repeated or dropped in the audio feed.

I've described the problem on cycling74's forum here: https://cycling74.com/forums/rme-ufx-vs … e-shifting.


ADDENDUM: I have "solved" my problem by making the UFX+ my input AND my output device. This doesn't really solve my problem since I sometimes need the UFX+ to be my input device, and the Mac to be my output device - but this configuration appears to result in a clocking conflict between the UFX+ and the Mac. Perhaps some investigations into an "Aggregate Device" configuration will help. I'll be updating the cycling74 forum linked above with the results on that, since it might be only an issue with Max - and not a general problem for everyone.

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

UCX is connected directly via a USB adaptor. Tried: Apple usb-c usb-a connector, Apple hdmi adaptor with usb, apple VGA adaptor with usb, 2 different 3rd party usb-c to usb-a adaptors.


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

@ geoffmartin: Aggregate with internal and external won't work because the internal one can not be synced. I am not sure if the internal optical output could be used to sync the external interface, might work.

Matthias Carstens

86 (edited by Yorrrrrr 2018-09-28 14:01:39)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Still experiencing occasional crackles/distortion with new Mojave (as in High Sierra) and my Babyface Pro.

87 (edited by Timur Born 2018-09-28 07:11:32)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Keep in mind that audio software also suffer issues with both the latest High Sierra and Mojave. See the following Pro Tools "ALERT: Do not upgrade to macOS Mojave version 10.14" and "ALERT: Do not upgrade to macOS High Sierra version 10.13.4" here:

http://avid.force.com/pkb/articles/en_U … gifQ%3D%3D

Gone are the days of Apple systems being a viable plug and play alternative to dedicated audio computer builds (personally I never experienced them as that anyway).

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Are these crackles affecting playback as well as recording on High Sierra and Mojave?

Eastwood Records

89 (edited by mjfe87 2018-10-01 13:51:22)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Ok just experienced these exact same issues on this morning’s session — random crackling and continuous tones every 20min or so when recording one channel on a 2018 mbp running OS X 10.13.6 with a MADIface Pro.

What are my options now other than switching to Windows with say a Dell XPS? Has anyone tried rolling back to Sierra to fix?

Eastwood Records


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

AFAIK you cannot downgrade a 2018 MacBook to Sierra. But basically that cures it. Also you should use the 3.10 driver.

Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

MC wrote:

AFAIK you cannot downgrade a 2018 MacBook to Sierra. But basically that cures it. Also you should use the 3.10 driver.

Sorry, where is the 3.1 driver?  Usual link only shows 3.08

And does 3.1 solve any issues in this thread, or is High Sierra/Mojave the problem?

Eastwood Records


Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?


Matthias Carstens

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Thanks.  Have you got a link to the official bug report by Apple?

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

theoutdoorz wrote:

has there been a reolsution to this rme/2016 - 2018 MacBook Pro dilemma yet?

Can I clarify whether the glitches are related to Apple hardware released in 2016-2018, or to OSX/hardware compatibility issues in High Sierra/Mojave?

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hi RME/Users.

I've just read through this entire thread and there seems to be many differences of opinion on this issue.

I'm currently running an RME UCX with a 2012 MBP with no issues - however I need to upgrade my system.

Q: Is there a current model of MPB from 2018, with the new 6 core i7/i9s, that work with the UCX, without issue under normal operation?

And if not, is there a recommended alternate system to use with this series of USB interfaces, if I need a high spec portable computer for live audio? Would it be safer to buy a 2015 MBP with USB B ports?



Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Luboku wrote:

Hi RME/Users.

I've just read through this entire thread and there seems to be many differences of opinion on this issue.

I'm currently running an RME UCX with a 2012 MBP with no issues - however I need to upgrade my system.

Q: Is there a current model of MPB from 2018, with the new 6 core i7/i9s, that work with the UCX, without issue under normal operation?

And if not, is there a recommended alternate system to use with this series of USB interfaces, if I need a high spec portable computer for live audio? Would it be safer to buy a 2015 MBP with USB B ports?



It seems the OS X 10.13.6 supplemental update, despite limited documentation, has fixed the problem!

This week we recorded a 2hr opera with 12 channels at 96/24 through a MADIface xt with no problems.

Will continue to test but I think Apple may have redeemed themselves for now. I won’t try Mojave until I’ve heard from RME though?

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

RME Support wrote:

Sorry if I've overlooked something, but out of curiosity, has anyone tested one of these MBPs with Bootcamp/Win10?

Daniel Fuchs

I did try this with Windows 10 pro with my MBP 2018 i9, and the glitch problems with my BFP went away. So it definitely is OS X specific. However, boot camp limits my bus resources in Windows, so I could not run my thunderbolt ssd drive array. Apparently you can disable some of the Apple OS specific hardware like Touch ID and other sensors that windows does not have the drivers for in Windows System Manager as they take up a bus slot preventing use of some peripherals like my 4 drive ssd array. I didn’t get a chance to test this. I just reverted back to OS X.

FWIW, my best performance results have been creating a separate user in OSX for audio work. In that I disable iCloud, Siri, Notifications, and Touch ID in System Preferences, and make sure there are no ‘extra’ network devices installed. Like BLUETOOTH PAN or Thunderbolt Bridge.

I disabled my AppleSmartBatteryManager which documented in the 3.09 driver thread, and lastly, I do not use iTunes. I specifically sign out of iTunes and keep it closed. For whatever reason, once you sign into it, OSX runs a bunch of background tasks even with iTunes closed, and they would cause spikes and glitches in Logic. 

Maybe all this is overkill, but doing all these steps has things working very well for me. I can always use my other user ID for the Apple experience with iCloud and Siri etc.

MBP 2018 i9 32GB RAM 1TB SSD - RME BabyFace Pro - Logic Pro X - Ableton 10 - Cubase Pro 9.5

98 (edited by mjfe87 2018-10-22 18:46:24)

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Luboku wrote:

Hi RME/Users.

I've just read through this entire thread and there seems to be many differences of opinion on this issue.

I'm currently running an RME UCX with a 2012 MBP with no issues - however I need to upgrade my system.

Q: Is there a current model of MPB from 2018, with the new 6 core i7/i9s, that work with the UCX, without issue under normal operation?

And if not, is there a recommended alternate system to use with this series of USB interfaces, if I need a high spec portable computer for live audio? Would it be safer to buy a 2015 MBP with USB B ports?



Hi Luboku, just to reiterate my last post, our new 2018 13" MBP with 4-core i7 now works as it should with the MADIface XT and Pro, so I suspect your UCX will be fine too.  On Friday we recorded 25 channels at 96k for two hours and there were no glitches (CPU usage in Reaper was <4% with a 1024sample buffer).

Apple seemed to have fixed the issue through a a recent OSX software update, which was specific to 2018 MBP's with the T2 chip, but as I said there's no formal documentation confirming this.

On a side note I still get the occasional glitch when listening back to audio through the MBP's headphone output but this is not the same problem as before...

Eastwood Records

Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hey mjfe87,

Thanks for your clarification on this - good to hear the issue seems to be fixed.

I'm going to pick up one of these machines and I'll let you know how I go. Luckily apple have a 14 day no questions asked return policy... I do wish they would make a better portable system for professionals in the field though! They seem to be making a few errors of judgement lately.




Re: What's the verdict on current Macbook Pros + USB RME interfaces?

Hi, my system (UFX and UCX) is far from error free (occasional glitches), but still usable. In 3.10 driver's release notes there's this: ", but does not fix the audio problems on current MacBook Pro 2018 models as reported here in the forum, this needs to be fixed by Apple."

I've been too lazy troubleshooting and just lived with the glitches, there's also in "RME UFX II weird bit crusher distortion problem" thread too but still no real solution. I'm a bit reluctant to disable a lot of system features just to make 2018 computer work as well as 2012 one.

I would like to do a clean install and try mojave, but won't until ableton announces "full" compability. I will try firewire instead of usb soon.