Re: RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests
How about allowing EQ bands 2,3,4 to use High Cut or Shelf or High Peak?. Possible??
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RME User Forum → ADI-2 & 2/4 Pro series, ADI-2 DAC series → RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests
How about allowing EQ bands 2,3,4 to use High Cut or Shelf or High Peak?. Possible??
Having bit depth info displayed on details screen would be useful, if possible.
Not sure what you mean with details screen.
The screen "State Overview" contains bit depth already (last column Bit).
The Bit column shows the amount of bits found in the SPDIF and AES audio signal. Note that a 24 bit signal that is shown as 16 bit is indeed 16 bit, but a signal shown as 24 bit might contain only 16 bit real audio plus 8 bits of noise…
Not sure what you mean with details screen.
The screen "State Overview" contains bit depth already (last column Bit).The Bit column shows the amount of bits found in the SPDIF and AES audio signal. Note that a 24 bit signal that is shown as 16 bit is indeed 16 bit, but a signal shown as 24 bit might contain only 16 bit real audio plus 8 bits of noise…
Details screen shows ...detailed status of the device and it looks more pleasant than "state" screen so I tend to use it as default + it would be nice to have all the relevant info on a single screen.
I only asked because I didn't find this name ("Details screen") in the manual.
I assume you mean the "Dark Volume" Screen (manual 15.4). But I can't really imagine where this information (bit depth) should be placed there at all without the display looking too cluttered and perhaps "ugly".
There is 1 line space between Settings for Main Out and Phones 3/4, so that one could get an additional Status line at the bottom ... Maybe this could be implemented as variant of the "Dark Volume" screen for "techies".
I only asked because I didn't find this name ("Details screen") in the manual.
I assume you mean the "Dark Volume" Screen (manual 15.4). But I can't really imagine where this information (bit depth) should be placed there at all without the display looking too cluttered and perhaps "ugly".
There is 1 line space between Settings for Main Out and Phones 3/4, so that one could get an additional Status line at the bottom ... Maybe this could be implemented as variant of the "Dark Volume" screen for "techies". … sp=sharing
It's not in the manual but it does exist, just cycle thru screens on your dac.
Bit depth could be placed after active input (on the same line)
Thanks for the screenshot. I see now, the DACs display has more room compared to the Pro which has the volume / tone settings for two D/A converter.
I was only curious where you think that this "status info" would have room on the display .. on the DAC not so problematic compared to the Pro model.
Edit: Also, is there a technical limitation on EQ's 24 dB of bandwidth, or it's purely by choice? Mind you, I'm perfectly fine with +12 dB, but could use to go a little bit lower, like -15, or even -18 would be perfect.
I believe that even better and easier to implement idea just crossed my mind. How about allowing us to change the baseline level of EQ. Currently it's fixed with 12dB headroom in each direction.
Fighting a huge peak or dip would be easily accomplished by moving the baseline level 3 or 6dB in each direction for quouted exemple above and then adjusting it accordingly. Still the same 24dB going to the DAC.
Making it variable let's say, up to ±6dB in 1dB steps woud be awesome IMHO.
It's not in the manual but it does exist)
It is in the manual and always had been there. This is a DAC only screen, so obviously one won't find it in the Pro manual.
The screen "State Overview" contains bit depth already (last column Bit).
The Bit column shows the amount of bits found in the SPDIF and AES audio signal. Note that a 24 bit signal that is shown as 16 bit is indeed 16 bit, but a signal shown as 24 bit might contain only 16 bit real audio plus 8 bits of noise…
Why does the "State Overview" screen not show USB bit depth in the rightmost column (ADI-2 DAC FS), say for 44.1KHz-16bit, 96KHz-24bit files?
USB is always 32 bit, and there is no audio bit detection available in hardware.
ramses wrote:The screen "State Overview" contains bit depth already (last column Bit).
The Bit column shows the amount of bits found in the SPDIF and AES audio signal. Note that a 24 bit signal that is shown as 16 bit is indeed 16 bit, but a signal shown as 24 bit might contain only 16 bit real audio plus 8 bits of noise…
Why does the "State Overview" screen not show USB bit depth in the rightmost column (ADI-2 DAC FS), say for 44.1KHz-16bit, 96KHz-24bit files?
The "transport" is irrelevant, you want the information about the data/payload (audio) and this info is already available in the State Overview. I understood Sebastian's request this way, to have this information also on the "Dark Volume" screen of the ADI-2 DAC, where there is some room left, unlike for the Pro model where this screen is already quite full due to the two D/A converters settings.
USB is always 32 bit, and there is no audio bit detection available in hardware.
Thanks for the clarification.
I am a little surprised, since DIGIcheck (Bit Statistic & Noise) detects up to 24 active audio bits from the source. Maybe it takes advantage of some unique PC hardware capability? CPU load is < 0.6% on my Intel NUC - likely way too much for the DAC, but DIGICheck displays real time RMS calculations that would not be needed on the DAC, so load should be much smaller.
The only new "feature" I want is a device with 2 dac chips so I can take bass away from the mains and then equalise the sub.
The only new "feature" I want is a device with 2 dac chips so I can take bass away from the mains and then equalise the sub.
You’re lucky, RME just released the ADI-2 Pro FS, see:
Wait ..., it’s already been some years this thing exists
Joke aside, the latest version indeed has more features and a remote, so you’re really lucky.
Maybe It's completely impossible...but just in case:
-I'm using the two DAC's on my ADI Pro to feed sub+main, so it would be really nice to have the option a few ms delay to one of the outputs so I can align in time both outputs and correct some of my acoustic problems.
too naive?
The first is not possible in the unit, the second can be done within REW.
Interesting, but REW is JAVA, so I have to skip that.
REW does not require to install the whole Java support. You get a REW version which includes only the necessary Java runtimes, which only work for REW (not any other program), so it is save and does not tamper your OS.
is it in a future firmware update possible to save Bass/Treble settings in presets?
I'm asking because I own multiple headphones and use them with different EQ settings (saved presets) and customized Bass/Treble setting. As there are no presets for B/T I've to change the values every time I plug in a different headphone manually.
Maybe It's completely impossible...but just in case:
-I'm using the two DAC's on my ADI Pro to feed sub+main, so it would be really nice to have the option a few ms delay to one of the outputs so I can align in time both outputs and correct some of my acoustic problems.
too naive?
Would love this too!
is it in a future firmware update possible to save Bass/Treble settings in presets?I'm asking because I own multiple headphones and use them with different EQ settings (saved presets) and customized Bass/Treble setting. As there are no presets for B/T I've to change the values every time I plug in a different headphone manually.
B/T is being saved (ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, Firmware v98).
How to check ?
Set B/T to e.g. 4.5, save this to preset 1.
Set B/T back to 0
Load preset 1, BT is being set to the saved value 4.5
Can you please retry and then detail your device and firmware version ? Thanks.
heinzgruber wrote:hi,
is it in a future firmware update possible to save Bass/Treble settings in presets?I'm asking because I own multiple headphones and use them with different EQ settings (saved presets) and customized Bass/Treble setting. As there are no presets for B/T I've to change the values every time I plug in a different headphone manually.
B/T is being saved (ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, Firmware v98).
How to check ?
Set B/T to e.g. 4.5, save this to preset 1.
Set B/T back to 0
Load preset 1, BT is being set to the saved value 4.5Can you please retry and then detail your device and firmware version ? Thanks.
This does not work here, ADI-2 Pro, firmware V97.
Did you mean setups, not EQ presets?
I’d vote for fully integrate Bass/Treble into the P-EQ, while maintaining the direct access through Encoder 1/2, like now.
This way they could be saved in the EQ presets and their effect even be displayed in the EQ graph.
@ ramses: He is talking about EQ Presets, you are talking about Setups...
Yes indeed, maybe I was wrong .. but from the description in his posting:
He talked about two things in two different sentences:
a) Bass/Treble settings (he didn't say "EQ settings" here)
b) EQ Settings
As you it's possible to use both (B/T and EQ Settings) at the some time I thought that he referred to these two different things.
I only had time to test a) and wanted to give him the good news that this works already.
B/T is being saved (ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, Firmware v98).
How to check ?
Set B/T to e.g. 4.5, save this to preset 1.
Set B/T back to 0
Load preset 1, BT is being set to the saved value 4.5Can you please retry and then detail your device and firmware version ? Thanks.
That doesn't work for me with my ADI-2 DAC SW Version 34 12/2019. Maybe this is only for ADI-2 Pro? When I load different EQ presets values for B/T stay the same.
ramses wrote:B/T is being saved (ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, Firmware v98).
How to check ?
Set B/T to e.g. 4.5, save this to preset 1.
Set B/T back to 0
Load preset 1, BT is being set to the saved value 4.5Can you please retry and then detail your device and firmware version ? Thanks.
That doesn't work for me with my ADI-2 DAC SW Version 34 12/2019. Maybe this is only for ADI-2 Pro? When I load different EQ presets values for B/T stay the same.
Please read MC's previous message
And for me, it would not be convenient to store the B/T setting with the EQ presets... You can use setups for that.
Amazing product, super happy, but...
When you are using the DAC as a seven band peq, five bands + bass and treble shelf, the graphical interface is non-intuitive.
1) The filter settings are spread out over two pages. PEQ and Bass/Treble.
2) The bass and treble shelf does not affect the visualisation under PEQ.
For me, I think, it would be better if bass/treble were visualised as band 1 and 7 under PEQ.
I’ve only used the rme adi2 dac for a couple of hours so I might change my mind.
Again thanks for an amazing product!
EDIT: Duplicate of @KaiS request.
I’d vote for fully integrate Bass/Treble into the P-EQ, while maintaining the direct access through Encoder 1/2, like now.
Amazing product, super happy, but...For me, I think*, it would be better if bass/treble were visualised as band 1 and 7 under PEQ.
Thanks for supporting my request: … 95#p167795
ramses wrote:heinzgruber wrote:hi,
is it in a future firmware update possible to save Bass/Treble settings in presets?I'm asking because I own multiple headphones and use them with different EQ settings (saved presets) and customized Bass/Treble setting. As there are no presets for B/T I've to change the values every time I plug in a different headphone manually.
B/T is being saved (ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, Firmware v98).
How to check ?
Set B/T to e.g. 4.5, save this to preset 1.
Set B/T back to 0
Load preset 1, BT is being set to the saved value 4.5Can you please retry and then detail your device and firmware version ? Thanks.
This does not work here, ADI-2 Pro, firmware V97.
Did you mean setups, not EQ presets?I’d vote for fully integrate Bass/Treble into the P-EQ, while maintaining the direct access through Encoder 1/2, like now.
This way they could be saved in the EQ presets and their effect even be displayed in the EQ graph.
I think the idea is to use B/T with their fix frequency and Q-factor to have them as two additional bands .. nice idea.
This would support all those people who wished to have some more bands if the PEQ could display this correctly,
e.g. for room correction purposes.
michicaust wrote:Adam_79 wrote:More EQ colors!!!
This; I've requested thius somewhere else already - sorry for the double post, here's what I wrote back then:
[...] my ADI-2 DAC is an integral part of a relatively representative desktop setup...
Is there a chance we can get a few more choices for the color theme(s)? Like, at least the, somewhat toned-down, basic colours like red-, green-, blue-, cyan-, magenta- and yellow-ish hues? Three of those are already there, so only a few would have to be added.
Oh, and maybe a neutral, grey theme would also be rather nice...? ^^
Maybe even a way to dial in our own RGB values for certain parts of the GUI...?
Yes. This would be very nice. I would love to be able to set the meter color to white so it would better match the color of the backlights on the rest of the unit.
I also would love this for a specific reason: I could set different meter colors for each setup to know which setup is loaded just at a glance at the display. My apologies if this topic has already been discussed and deemed not possible. Thanks!
Feature request: currently all level meters are shown as db. I think for total volume it is possible / makes sense to show dba as an alternative option. Since volumes across the frequency spectrum are already calculated, a-weighting is easy. In monitoring/mastering sometimes it also makes sense to see how the volume is perceived by human.
They are shown as dBFS peak. A feature like that (A weighted) does not belong on a small display screen, but on your big monitor - where it is easily available. Apart from that dBA would only make sense with RMS, and there are no resources left for calculating that. Just use DIGICheck...
ah, that makes sense. thank you.
digicheck is wonderful on windows. but on mac there needs to be a loopback from totalmix, which does not support adi-2.
there's also no internal loopback inside ADI-2 Pro (where you can stream usb input to usb output, for instance).
Feature request: currently all level meters are shown as db. I think for total volume it is possible / makes sense to show dba as an alternative option. Since volumes across the frequency spectrum are already calculated, a-weighting is easy. In monitoring/mastering sometimes it also makes sense to see how the volume is perceived by human.
dBA is the wrong weighting for loud signals, the A-curve is shaped to measure low level noise.
What you need is dBC slow RMS.
To compare loudness between pieces EBU R-128 isn‘t too bad either.
digicheck is wonderful on windows. but on mac there needs to be a loopback from totalmix, which does not support adi-2.there's also no internal loopback inside ADI-2 Pro (where you can stream usb input to usb output, for instance).
Exactly that will come. Also for the DAC.
ning wrote:digicheck is wonderful on windows. but on mac there needs to be a loopback from totalmix, which does not support adi-2.there's also no internal loopback inside ADI-2 Pro (where you can stream usb input to usb output, for instance).
Exactly that will come. Also for the DAC.
Great news, this will be the answer and solution to a lot of question that arose here.
• Will Totalmix be executed in hardware, inside ADI-2, like with the other RME interfaces?
• Will it be Totalmix FX?
• Will it come on iOS too?
• Will it be able to fly to the moon
Just throw it high enough...
oh, that's good to hear. but i am confused --- what exactly is that feature? 1. totalmix fx for adi-2 product line 2. internal loopback
the former or the latter?
ning wrote:oh, that's good to hear. but i am confused --- what exactly is that feature? 1. totalmix fx for adi-2 product line 2. internal loopback
the former or the latter?• Totalmix FX is a full blown studio mixer with effects like Equalizer, Compressor, Reverb, ...
• Internal loopback let’s you record, on your DAW, the sound that goes out, without external cabeling.
I know what those are very well --- I'm the one who wrote up the initial complaint (no totalmix for adi-2, and no internal loopback, thus, no way to use digicheck on Mac for ADI-2 users) to MC.
My question you quoted is to MC --- he shared great news that something big is going to happen. he said "Exactly that will come". what will come? totalmix or internal loopback?
my assumption is internal loopback. totalmix support will be too good to be true.
Another vote for sub management/crossover, if it’s possible.
Also MQA rendering would be great.
I don't understand people who request MQA, they cashed out for a really nice dac, why would you wanna feed it lossy audio?? it boggles my mind.
Thanks for another boringly predictable anti MQA reply.
Newsflash guys, it’s my feature request, not yours. I’m aware it’s unpopular on here. Guess what? I don’t care, I have a need for it, if you don’t you’re quite free not to play MQA material.
actually the topic MQA was discussed before in detail here in the RME Forum.
RME stated that it will not be implemented.
So its useless to discuss again.
Dear pschelbert, is it really? Who are you to tell people what they should expect from the equipment they pay THEIR money for? Your arrogance is really annoying...
Dear pschelbert, is it really? Who are you to tell people what they should expect from the equipment they pay THEIR money for? Your arrogance is really annoying...
This is a formal warning. Your attack against forum member pschelbert was completely unfounded. I will not tolerate such nonsense here.
Sebastian.Athea wrote:I don't understand people who request MQA, they cashed out for a really nice dac, why would you wanna feed it lossy audio?? it boggles my mind.
Thanks for another boringly predictable anti MQA reply.
Newsflash guys, it’s my feature request, not yours. I’m aware it’s unpopular on here. Guess what? I don’t care, I have a need for it, if you don’t you’re quite free not to play MQA material.
Here is your newsflash: asking for MQA although you knew it had been discussed to death and is 'unpopular' here, means you intentionally brought this up again to turn this feature request thread into unreadable garbage. Why you think this will encourage anyone of the team to start adding MQA is beyond me.
It's the opposite: I removed some obsolete posts, and every further post about MQA will be automatically deleted.
DARK MODE: 3rd "usability" option.
It could be nice to have a 3rd dark mode option, so not to turn off any ADI-2 panel light/LCD, but to keep only the left button switched on. Currently anything shuts and it seems the device is OFF.
With this further option I could save my LCD screen, yet clearly remember if I've to switch off the device before going to bed ;-) Or, more clearly, know if the RME is ON or OFF.
That was the way it worked before (old Pro units) and got lots of complaints. Therefore we changed this in hardware, so it can't do that anymore.
You know the RME is on when the inside illumination (organge LEDs) is on, and by simply touching it (it's warm), or by just touching any of the dials.
Not a device feature request, but could you please add dark mode on your site and forums?
You know the RME is on when the inside illumination (organge LEDs) is on, and by simply touching it (it's warm), or by just touching any of the dials.
The DAC does not have these inside LEDs...that's a Premium Pro feature
RME User Forum → ADI-2 & 2/4 Pro series, ADI-2 DAC series → RME ADI-2 DAC/Pro FS: Feature Requests
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