Topic: Can I use durec to playback backing track and record a vocal?

Hi, I'm interested in acquiring a fireface ucx II interface to use as a standalone mobile recorder occasionally.
Would it be possible to setup a stereo channel to play back a backing instrumental track and on another track set it up
to record a vocal  simultaneously using the durec playback/record feature?

Thank you,

Re: Can I use durec to playback backing track and record a vocal?

No, recording and playback at the same time is not possible.
User manual page 104 tells it clearly :
 A playback via USB can not be processed and immediately recorded again via DURec. While the block diagram seems to present such functionality please remember that DURec can do only one thing at a time – record or playback.

M1-Sonoma, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue