Re: RME Connector - control 12Mic, 12Mic-D and AVB Tool via network&MIDI
Potscrubber wrote:SeanYang wrote:Hopping the micstacy support too. I'm using one 12mic, one micstacy and two XTC at the same time. It has been furstrating when switching the control software.
Me too, as I noted above. ADI8QS too. Unfortunately, I wonder if these older units would need a firmware upgrade, which is not easily done on them, which is a great shame. I'm pretty sure they need to be upgraded at a service center.
To “which is a great shame”. Come on, I think you know Micstasy and ADI-8 QS are from 2006/2007 (according to the RME archive page:
That is around 18 years ago! Back then, the devices were designed differently. Many things that are common today were not at that time (display, flash modules). If that annoys you, then just get the latest devices, it's not as if that doesn't exist. ;-)
Write an e-mail to RME support, they will provide you information.
Don't be such a b***h ramses. I just expressed a mild opinion, and I didn't say I was annoyed. My Madiface from the same era (and plenty of other devices) still gets over-the-wire firmware updates FYI.
Sequoia 17, W10 x64