Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Not every noise issue (especially of other types of cards) is related to this specific issue that affected a certain run of AIO cards. The 9632 cards in the postings above are likely the victim of some kind of ground loop. Please diconnect all audio connections except headphones and most likely there will be no noise...

As for the customer in France, please contact SCV for repair options if you think it is a hardware issue.

Please understand that further unrelated postings in this thread will be (re)moved.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

152 (edited by pumin 2010-08-30 09:30:48)

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

I've been through this annoying hiss over a year.  In my case, I can hear noise when moving mouse, or when there are any activities on monitor screen. (eg. browsing web, play 3D program,etc)   I had tried everything, such as CMOS (CPU EIST, Virutalization, etc Disabled), swap pci location, adjust 2D/3D acceleration from Windows control panel/Nvidia control panel, disable smooth scrolling, turn off all video features, changing OS (Windows XP/ 7 ), I still can hear hiss from mouse or display movement via my headphones.

Finally I got grounding idea from a guy from head-fi website using carpenter tape around metal parts. (main idea is to not letting metal parts touches computer case, and force ground only down into PCI slot), and this finally solve hissing problem for me.   Finally I'm in peace.  My hardware is Gigabyte P35-DS3R mainboard, MSI 8800GT silent video card, HDSPe AIO rev. 1.3 (has cable modded from RME).  Hope this help.

Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

It does not help for my macpro 2008/rev 1.3 sad


Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Hi there,

Thanks for the tips. I'll try it out later tonight. BTW does anybody know how many Watts will need an RME HDSP 9632? I am using an 120W external brick PSU and every 15-20 min my pc will turn off by itself. Could be a faulty PSU?

Cheers, Axell.

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Neither for me...

MacPro 2008/rev 1.3 22922260

156 (edited by Matt Faullkner 2010-09-01 23:16:54)

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

If this is a grounding issue, why would this only be a problem with some motherboards/videocards? Very confusing. Can't RME be more specific on what it actually is that causes this problem and why it only affects some computers?

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Motherboard: Asus P7p55d
VideoCard xfx8800GT
Soundcard: Rme 9632 + breakout cable

Electrical noise on output generated by computer processing or something similar...
On playback, the noise is removed but when playback stop it's back and rendering me crazy...

Do you expect that we are watching or listening to music every seconds we are on our computers???

Maybe a ground loop tho... might thy the Hum X illimitator. But still my guess is that those 3 gears are badly designed..
ELECTRICAL NOISE PROBLEM SHOULNDT exist and People will pay gladly be for ground loop elimitator included in gears

Or a least company should take responsibility of informing the users on exactly how to correct those issues..

But one thing is sure.. Computer hardware companies quality controls sucks

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Oki after buying a new video card and still having the same problems with electrical noise interference between my motherboard and RME 9632 I found out that what was the problem..

The RME inputs or other outputs were the culprit and the ONLY way was to disabling everything else than the output i'm using from Windows 7 sound playback/recording

RME should inform every users that muting the inputs or output will not block EMI... only disabling them in windows 7 will fix this ANNOYING defectuosity..

At least I can breath now, EMI was rendering me crazy...

I don't need the inputs for now so at least the output is clean.

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

So if it is truly a grounding issue, would an external PCIe expansion bay fix the problem?

I'm looking at the Magma ExpressBox1

It would get the AIO far away from the motherboard so less interference in theory, but would it add latency?

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

OK, I thought I would help users out who have this hiss problem.
I had the problem in my old system, but I had the luxury of building a new system a couple of days later.
Just to be clear the problem I had was interference from Hard drives, mouse movements, through both my speakers and my headphones with nothing else connected.

To my knowledge this is a ground issue, BUT NOT WITH THE RME CARD
When I took my old PC apart I noticed that only one of the fixing holes on the motherboard is marked as grounding point (I needed to do quite a bit of research to identify this) Also on my Case (I have used the same case for 3 systems) I noticed that only one of the motherboard fixing pillars was Metalic (Ie: For case grounding) in this case the metalic pillar did not correspond to the grounded fixing hole on my motherboard, hence THE MOTHERBOARD WAS NOT CASE GROUNDED
Now this was not an issue prior to getting the AIO because a was using an EXTERNAL MOTU interface.
It is unfortunate that the AIO is such a sensitive device that it exposes promblems with a computers grounding system. A good grounding schema on a computer should achive near silent operation of the AIO (as I have now)

Unfortunately, not every one has the luxury of making a new compute, but anyone who does build a system should be aware of motherboard grounding.

If you are experiencing the noise/interference problem, I advise that you get techy, read up on your motherboard and confirm that it is indeed correctly grounded to your PC's case.

I'm going to speculate here but I would say the grounding issue of modern computers is much more wide spread than we imagine, the harsh reality is that PC manufacturers arent aware of it because so few people actually use INTERNAL High quality PCIE sound cards, Casual users are satisfied with onboard sound (which is also suceptable to this problem on cheaper motherboards) and many pro users opt for external interfaces (That said, those of us who use the PCIe AIO know the benefits of ultra low latency when using PCIe) so this problem goes un noticed in the long run (it doesnt affect the performance of a PCIe video card)

I'm no grounding expert so there is probably more you may need to know/read to resolve every instance of this issue, but in the case of big name manufacturers such as Dell, HP & Apple I would suggest you make them aware of the issue, confident in the knowledge that this problem resides with THEIR grounding schema and not the PCIe card.

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Great post!

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Here's how I made the outputs of my Hdspe AIO totally quiet.. It's a power issue, at least for me. You need to turn off the cpu idle setting. First go into the registry and tweak so you get the setting in windows and then go to power settings and switch off the idle setting.

Here's how you do it..

1. Execute: "regedit"
2 .Locate: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Power \ PowerSettings \ 54533251-82be-4824-96c1-47b60b¬740d00 \ 5d76a2ca-e8c0-402f-a133-215849¬2d58ad
3. Change Attributes from 1 to 0.
4. Then, through the control panel - power - in the settings mode select power management processor. There will be an option disabling idle processor and all noise and pops will disappear.

This also helps if you get a high frequency sound from your computer, that's how I found it on a computer thread! I realize this is an old thread but I guess people run into this problem every now and then from upgrading computer parts and interfaces. It's not the RME AIO card that's fault it's bad power management in your computer! Hope this helps!

163 (edited by manasseh 2013-04-05 12:46:25)

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

erohbe, I've tried your solution and it reduces the noise considerably, although not completely. If I load heavy project I can still hear noise... And disabling idling makes the cpu consume more power.
The only foolproof solution from extraneous pc noises I found is to isolate the card from the case, so that it only makes contact with the pci-e pins — works every time, I suggest every one to try it cool:
Isolating the rme card

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

image: rme aio isolation

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Anyone with a Mac version of this problem try this?
What exactly is that tape you are using to isolate the card with?

Can RME comment on what's going on here?

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

it's standard isolation tape..

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

Wow, that actually works? Will try it right away! Yes, although that power idle setting took care of most of my noise I'm starting to loose my mind on the cpu fan that runs on full speed all the time! So what I do is I deactivate the idle setting only when I'm recording and using the headphones.

If your trick works I'll be even more happy don't having to mess with the settings all the time! But you don't think it could somehow harm the card by "lifting" the ground?

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

It solves all the noise - I take the risk

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

be sure to insulate the tip of the card well, which will fit very tightly into the motherboard slot. If any contanct is made with the case, even from the serial breakout cable touching the bracket of the case, you will hear it immediatelly

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

The RME AIO Isolation link is broken...
Would like to try this.


171 (edited by johnarn 2015-12-19 21:14:17)

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

mc887382 wrote:

The RME AIO Isolation link is broken...
Would like to try this.


Just bought a 1.4 rev card and was still having this issue - balanced XLR output and high pitch interference through the headphones when moving the mouse, scrolling webpages, etc. (just headphones - could not notice it on XLR speaker output). Would disappear with just headphones plugged in, but who never plugs in inputs/outputs?. I tried turning off speed stepping, turning off C stepping, etc - it would all help slightly but still very audible when no audio was playing, thus extremely annoying sat here in headphones.

Just tried isolating it based on manasseh's post and the fix seems to have worked so far. I think I will be returning this card though and exchanging for a Babyface Pro/UCX as I am not happy paying so much and experience this issue without odd modifications (no other high OR low end PCIe audio interface I have tried experiences this, and my PSU/Mobo/Case are not cheap - it also happens in all four machines I've tried the card in now with various specs).

The Isolation is exactly as you would expect. I took 10mm wide electrical insulation tape and covered around the edge of the L bracket on the card (the metal bit that touches the back of the case). For good measure then put some insulation tape along the edge of the case where the PCIe card would be touching it (just in case the breakout accidentally touched, or something). Not my pictures, but this is was all I could find and based it on:
Also remember not to screw the card in - this will cause contact with the card and case still. What I did was to plastic-zip-tie the card in place so that it's secure. Booted up and the high freq sound is gone. I guess my main worry now is how safe this rigged-fix is inside a computer 24/7? Also the risk of having the card no longer ground on the case...

I know this is obviously slightly different to the original issue that the rev 1.4 'fixed', but it's unfortunate that RME seem to have stopped responding to people (or saying it's fixed and no one is experiencing it, which is odd considering three people I know who recently bought the card all experienced it and just ended up swapping for an external interface). I've gone through three RMAs on this card now from my local dealer (all 1.4 revision, all had this issue). Seems as though the original solder/revised board only prevents interference from the PCIe port whereas a lot of machines still experience the issue with bad grounding on the case contacts?

I've been a massive supporter of RME (various cards over the years) and I'd have full moved away to a competitor if the cards weren't so great, but the way this is dealt with is a bit frustrating.

Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

MC wrote:

The modified cards that are shipping now have a small green point on the white label found outside on the package. This label contains type and barcode. The card itself is not labelled different.


i bought my AIO new on 02.04.2015 but i can not see any green point on the package!
Does this hint that i got a non-modified card?

How can i find out if i have a non-modified card?

I kind of doubt that as at this point there should not be any "old" cards around but i am
not sure as i am having the same issues as described.

The Hiss on the Headphone output does not bother me as i do not use this Output.

However i am having a constand and quite audible noise on the left analog input channel which
renders this input completely useless.

As for now i only use the right input channel only as i do not record more than one source
simultaneously but still i think that the left input should work flawlesly considering that i
have bought the card new.

I also owned two HDSP9632 cards previously and they both had the same issue.

I think that it might have something to do with the breakout cable (symmetrical)
I have also bought four of these by this time. They work at first but show the reported problem
after a short time even there should be no "wear" as my PC is stationary and not being moved etc.

Any suggestions?


Re: HDSPe AIO and hiss

FIXXXER wrote:
MC wrote:

The modified cards that are shipping now have a small green point on the white label found outside on the package. This label contains type and barcode. The card itself is not labelled different.


i bought my AIO new on 02.04.2015 but i can not see any green point on the package!
Does this hint that i got a non-modified card?

How can i find out if i have a non-modified card?

I kind of doubt that as at this point there should not be any "old" cards around but i am
not sure as i am having the same issues as described.

The Hiss on the Headphone output does not bother me as i do not use this Output.

However i am having a constand and quite audible noise on the left analog input channel which
renders this input completely useless.

As for now i only use the right input channel only as i do not record more than one source
simultaneously but still i think that the left input should work flawlesly considering that i
have bought the card new.

I also owned two HDSP9632 cards previously and they both had the same issue.

I think that it might have something to do with the breakout cable (symmetrical)
I have also bought four of these by this time. They work at first but show the reported problem
after a short time even there should be no "wear" as my PC is stationary and not being moved etc.

Any suggestions?


I would also love to know a working solution to this problem. This hiss and CPU/Video card interferences is driving me absolutely mad.