Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

ekneos wrote:

@RME: Can you please release a list of TCP commands? A raw and undocumented list will do for now for those interested, I'm sure. Controlling some gains via Matlab would be so awesome.

Great idea. I would like this too - I would use it with AutoHotkey.


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

We have an official answer to this. Due to the elaborate technology used for the connection, the handshaking with UDP, and the Totalmix specific processing of the user input within the remote, the pure protocol is simply useless. And therefore we have no intention to publish it - to not generate expectations that will be never met and just cause a lot of frustration.

Please note that it should be possible to realize the examples mentioned here via OSC.

Matthias Carstens


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Can TotalMix Remote be used to control a Digiface Dante in standalone (USB not connected) to change routing, mixing, muting, changing levels, etc.?


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

No way, sorry. That's why we added the special Phones Submix, set up by the user.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

OSC would have to be updated to a more global way of controlling, instead of the bank system, to make this a fail-safe application (as required in our case for example).

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Is it possible to add a function:

Bypass EQ/Dynamics on specific outputs? This is because some session players prefer dry sounds while playing but I need to add EQ/Dynamics to send to PA system (main speaker).



Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

The EQ/Dyn are done in the input, right? Then there can be no way to disable this as the signal is not existing a second time unprocessed.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Would Remote work with FireFace 800?


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)


Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

manels wrote:


Can't get it work on ad hoc network.
Working fine on wifi

any idea?


Same question here, doesn't seem to have been answered...

Works nicely with my home router, but if I create a wifi from the PC itself, it won't work.
Also tried with Android tether, also doesn't work.

If I use it for concerts, I'm not sure if there will be a reliable wifi there... would be nice that it works with tether!

Thanks in advance to let me know if there is a way!



Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

manels wrote:

Using an Ipad Pro with Totalmix Remote I noticed that the Recall button inside the monitor zone is not working on the ipad but works on PC totalmix interface.
Is it a know issue?

Hello ...

This seems to be an issue no one has taken care of ...

Maybe they haven't been noticed by the people at RME ( both the quoted post and the issue ) ...

Anyone ?

Thank you very much ...


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Indeed Recall also does not work for me on the remote. l will have more info next week.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

MC wrote:

Indeed Recall also does not work for me on the remote. l will have more info next week.

Thank you very much, Matthias, for the quick reply and disposition ...




Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)


UFX 2 user on Win10, with remote ipad here.

In 'network remote settings' on TMFX we can manage users and their rights.

Is it possible to assign multiple submix edit rights to one user?

I want to create a remote user that can control only monitor mixes (so multiple analog stereo outs)

Thanks in advance.

165 (edited by Urban 2019-08-05 13:04:17)

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

fripholm wrote:

2. It would be nice to have an option to get rid of one row of channels completely. In this case today there was no need for the playback row at all. Even in 2ROW mode the scroll slider for the playback channels can get in the way when scrolling quickly through the input row's channels.

to get rid of the playback channels, activate 2row and then move the divider between input and playback to the right. It can be moved like a windows window.

Fireface UFX+ | Fireface UFX | Fireface800 | Babyface | Octamic II | ADI-2 | ADI-648 | AudientASP008


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Is it possible to assign multiple submix edit rights to one user?

That is currently not possible. We're checking if this can be implemented.

Matthias Carstens


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

MC wrote:

Is it possible to assign multiple submix edit rights to one user?

That is currently not possible. We're checking if this can be implemented.

Thanks! Looking forward to.


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

We have put this feature on our list, but are not able to add it quickly (within the current beta cycle 1.62). Too many changes required for it.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

Hello, is it possible to control TotalMix FX for iPad from TotalMix FX Remote on another iPad? I work on UCX only with an iPad Pro connect with an USB<Lighting cable and a CCK and for me it would be very useful to be able to leave the controll room and control the UCX through TotalMix FX Remote.


Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

That is on our list for some time already but no date exists for when it might be done.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

MC wrote:

That is on our list for some time already but no date exists for when it might be done.

Thanks!  I look forward to this feature being added

Re: TotalMix FX version 1.50 supports remote control over network (Final)

I am also struggling with ad hoc network and TM Remote on iPad. I even tried to install a hotspot softare and connect iPad to that, but it keeps on disconnecting. When I start TM Remote, I get status "Connected" for 5 seconds before it disconnects. Seems to be the same problem with one of the 5G access points I have too. On two 2G connections and one other 5G connection in my home network it works fine. Even though TM Remote disconnects, the connection to the network itself seems to be in order, so it looks like TM Remote is reacting to something in those specific connections. If anyone has any clue/tips on what to look for, it will be appreciated.


fburdet wrote:
manels wrote:


Can't get it work on ad hoc network.
Working fine on wifi

any idea?


Same question here, doesn't seem to have been answered...

Works nicely with my home router, but if I create a wifi from the PC itself, it won't work.
Also tried with Android tether, also doesn't work.

If I use it for concerts, I'm not sure if there will be a reliable wifi there... would be nice that it works with tether!

Thanks in advance to let me know if there is a way!

