I always get dizzy when I read this pseudo-reviews (lower down on that page) about the different sound of different digital connections containing the same data.
To me this is discrediting an otherwise interesting project.
I do a lot of A/B comparisons between different converters, amplifiers and other stuff.
I always do an exact level alignment, with a precision of up to 1/100dB, and always take measures to have a direct switching between A and B, usually blind so I don't know which one is which.
As long as nothing is broken and used within specs:
Differences between different electronic components exist, but are so minor that they are hard to detect and even harder to describe.
I even do the hardest thinkable test for AD/DA converters all the time in my recording studio on a daily basis as part of my job:
Comparing the original analog signal as it comes from the instruments or vocal, vs. AD/DA-ed through my DAW, this path running through different cables:
Result: no discernible difference even at 44.1/24bit!
For me it simply boils down to this:
Today it's fashionable in the audio department, in reviews, to swap cables, compare headphones on different amplifiers and on and on.
Of course, “there must be a difference” because everybody else is reporting differences.
If you don't report differences of (even digital!) cable's sound you are out of fashion.
These comparisons are made under shady circumstances, never true blind A/B (even if such would be simple with headphones on amplifiers), mostly with uncalibrated levels — but driven by the belief that the more expensive must be better.
I get angry when I think about how much money is spent to those cony-catcher selling cheap cables for huge amounts of money.
When this all started I invited some of those frauds, offering me cables and stuff, for comparisons, but when I told them I will do true blind A/B none of them ever showed up here.
BTW: the first one tried to sell me mediocre microphones that couldn't hold a candle against my high class stuff.
As this did not work, he tried to sell me one meter power cables that would, as he explained, change my world of hearing.
He switched the cables on my studio monitors, no audible difference.
Then we change positions, I switched the cables and, of course, he could not determine which one was his and which one the standard powerline cables I normally use.
Please do not reply on this posting, I do not want to start a war!
I just had to get this off my chest.
Everybody is invited to come to my studio and proof the contrary, under controlled conditions in true blind A/B tests.