Topic: Having trouble obtaining a signal from the Digiface USB

Hello Everyone,

I'm trying to connect my Yamaha 01v96 to a Digiface USB, but I have troubles obtaining any audio signal form the console. I'm using a MY16At card to connect the optical outputs of the mixer to the Digiface, and I suspected that the problem might be related to the configuration of the card. Yet, after reading numerous forums I have to say that the settings of the mixer appear to be correct. For that reason I would like to check up with you guys and see whether I have also connected the Digiface correctly.
I should say that I did read the manual, which is very comprehensive, yet things are still going wrong somewhere.

The current settings of the Fireface are as follows:

Optical output 1 till 4 are set to ADAT

The sample rate is 44.1kHz
Clock source is set to Optical In 1
Current Clock: ADAT 1 In
Input Status:
Optical In 1 Sync 44.1 kHz ADAT the same goes for Optical In 2 and 3.

It seems that the console and the Digiface are communicating, but there is audio signal coming form the mixer. As for the DAW, I use Logic Pro X with macOS High Sierra.

Do you guys have any idea what the problem might be and how it can be fixed?


2 (edited by MetalHeadKeys 2020-12-05 13:54:35)

Re: Having trouble obtaining a signal from the Digiface USB


It seems that they are synced properly, so all connections are fine!

What' s happening in TotalMixFX? Are any signals present over there?
If not, there must be an internal routing issue on the console side!

I haven't used this console, but I 've used a Tascam DM3200 which is similar(if not the same) in philosophy.

Try loading the default routing setup on the Yamaha. I guess that this will automatically route every Input and Output to each respective ADAT channel.
If not, then you should manually do the routing on the console.

It should look like this:
Input1 -> ADAT1 Out
Input2 -> ADAT2 Out

And for the console's Outputs:
Output1 Source -> ADAT1 In
Output2 Source -> ADAT2 In

Hope this helps!
If you need further assistance, I 'll check the manual of the console!

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

3 (edited by Checkmate 2020-12-06 00:52:18)

Re: Having trouble obtaining a signal from the Digiface USB

Hello MetalHead,

and thank you for your reply! Resetting the console to its default settings will not help because then the MY16AT will not transmit any signal to the Digiface. This an expansion card and to be used all of the channels have to be manually assign to it.

It terms of routing the Yamaha is supper versatile, but also very complicated to set up. Apparently, in order to use the MY16AT card one not only has to assign the individual channels to their respective outputs, but also to enable the outputs. So far, I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

Regarding the TotalMix, I don't receive any audio signal from the Digiface, and I don't hear anything if I use the headphone jack of the device. I've watched a tutorial how to connect the Digiface to Logic Pro, and it seems that all of the settings there are okay. Yet, as you suggested, the problem most likely is related to the routing of the console. I will keep digging into the manual to find out how to enable the optical outputs, and if I cannot find an solution I will contact you again. One more time thank you for your timely reply!

Re: Having trouble obtaining a signal from the Digiface USB

You 're welcome, Checkmate!!

I 'll dig the Yamaha's manual, as well !

Also, just for clarification, have you, also, connected the ADAT ports that are on the console? Not only the ones on the expansion card?
I 'm guessing that the ones on the console must be ADAT 1-8, and the ones on the expansion card, ADAT 9-16 and ADAT 17-24.

And another thing, what happens if you playback a signal from Logic?
Do you, then, get a signal in TMFX(in Software Playback, 2nd row)?

RME Gear: Digiface USB, HDSP 9632

Re: Having trouble obtaining a signal from the Digiface USB

This is an old thread but for anyone else struggling with this...

Press the DISPLAY ACCESS [PAN/ROUTING] button repeatedly until one of the following pages containing the channels you want to patch to the Direct Out appears.

You need to scroll to and click enter on the letter D for each channel you want to use as a direct out.

You should now have audio in TotalMix.

Stumped me for a while that one did.