1 (edited by fgimian 2025-01-27 04:19:45)

Topic: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hey everyone,

I've developed an application called TotalMix Volume Control in C# for the Windows platform. The application application allows you to use OSC to control the master volume and dim of your RME interface using the Windows volume keys.

You can check out the project here: https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-volume-control You can always get the latest version on the Releases page at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … l/releases.

Please see the README of the project for instructions on use. If you encounter any bugs or issues, feel free to post in this thread or open a GitHub issue (preferred).

I'll be updating this opening post when I release a new version to make it easier to track.

Main features as of v0.5.0 are as follows:

  • Runs in the background (small footprint, 30 MB memory and basically no CPU usage)

  • Tracks changes that you make to the master volume using the hardware or your mouse in TotalMixFX via drag and drop

  • Replaces the functionality of your volume up/down keys on your keyboard to adjust volume in 2% increments

  • Provides fine volume adjustment of 1% when you hold the Shift modifier and use the volume up/down keys

  • Provides the ability to dim the master volume using the Mute key on your keyboard

  • Can be configured to start on boot (which is done via the registry)

  • Almost all aspects of the application are configurable via a JSON config file

Bonus: Why should I use this over TotalKeyMix?

You may wonder why this is worth using over TotalKeyMix. Firstly, I think it's incredible that Stevie has put his time into offering a method to set the volume and to my knowledge it has been the main option up until now.

Ultimately, I wanted more precise control via OSC and avoiding the use of MIDI also means that there's no need for further driver installations. I essentially just wanted to go little further with the idea and make it super simple for anyone (including myself) to setup and use.

For completeness, here's the link to TotalKeyMix if you want to check it out! https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=42686

Bonus: Why should I use this over Nix?

A fantastic product called Nix was developed late last year (hopefully inspired by TotalMix Volume Control) and may be found at https://www.bsound.co.nz/tools-nix. Nix offers many additional features that TotalMix Volume Control doesn't have and is even lighter on resources.

There are several features which Nix doesn't offer that TotalMixVC does so I encourage you to try them both and see which fits your needs. I may  attempt to incorporate a few of Nix's features in my application in the future (in particular control over additional outputs like headphones).

We all work differently, so pick the tool that works best for you! smile


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

I've been working hard on this and now it will show a volume indicator in the top left anytime the volume is changed via your keyboard or your RME hardware.  A tray icon will be next.

Here's an example of the volume indicator HUD:



Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

This forum needs a thumbs up / like function...

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

MC wrote:

This forum needs a thumbs up / like function...

Haha, appreciate the thumbs up reply! smile

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

The first proper release version is now out guys, check it out at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … /tag/0.1.0


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Unfortunately doesn't do anything here. Questions:

- which of the three NET 5 versions needs to be installed? I downloaded the desktop version.

- the readme should be part of the program and available also when clicking on the symbol/icon, plus shown during installation. People will not find it on github.

- Remote Controller Address - IP or Host Name - stays empty?

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by fgimian 2021-08-08 13:08:51)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hey Matthias,

MC wrote:

Unfortunately doesn't do anything here.

Oh that's not good but I'm sure I can get it going for you.

MC wrote:

- which of the three NET 5 versions needs to be installed? I downloaded the desktop version.

You chose the right one yep, the desktop .NET 5 Runtime should do.

MC wrote:

- the readme should be part of the program and available also when clicking on the symbol/icon, plus shown during installation. People will not find it on github.

I totally agree, see below on v0.1.1 which has improvements in this respect.

MC wrote:

- Remote Controller Address - IP or Host Name - stays empty?

You'll need to have this set to as TotalMixVC will attempt to communicate to the device over localhost.

Please check out my latest release v0.1.1 at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … /tag/0.1.1

This now should be significantly more robust if your device is not setup correctly and also offers tooltips if you hover over the tray icon indicating whether communication with the device is successful.

Please let me know if this works for you! :)


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

> You'll need to have this set to as TotalMixVC will attempt to communicate to the device over localhost.

I didn't see this crucial information anywhere before.

I downloaded 0.1.1, installed, added that adress and holy moses - it works! And looks phantastic! Congrats!

Matthias Carstens

9 (edited by ramses 2021-08-09 08:01:37)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

fgimian wrote:

Please check out my latest release v0.1.1 at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … /tag/0.1.1

Hi Fotis,

thanks for your work on this.

I tried exactly this version / used your download link from your posting above.
But the application still tells me, that Net 5.0.0 would be required.

I followed the link in the message box, downloaded the installer and it installes NET 5.0.8.
Even after reboot your application shows the same error message to require Net 5.0.0.
According to Windows NET 5.0.8 is installed now.
My OS: Windows 10 Pro 21H1, 64-bit here.

Do you have an idea what went wrong?

The error message


The download page and the installer which I selected


This is the downloaded executeable of the installer


Oh .. I have a suspicion .. "run console apps" .. vs "run desktop apps"

Never saw this differentiation before for M$ NET package, I retry with the desktop installer of NET 5.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

MC wrote:

> You'll need to have this set to as TotalMixVC will attempt to communicate to the device over localhost.

I didn't see this crucial information anywhere before.

I downloaded 0.1.1, installed, added that adress and holy moses - it works! And looks phantastic! Congrats!

Really glad to hear you got it working.  Yeah, I honestly had forgotten to mention the IP that OSC should listen on because I forgot that I had actually changed it manually.

I have added this extra instruction in v0.1.1 which you are using to both to the README and the tooltip that pops up on the tray icon if the app can't communicate with your hardware.

11 (edited by fgimian 2021-08-09 08:16:23)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

ramses wrote:

Oh .. I have a suspicion .. "run console apps" .. vs "run desktop apps"

Never saw this differentiation before for M$ NET package, I retry with the desktop installer of NET 5.

You are spot on, please grab the .NET 5 runtime for desktop apps mate smile  A reboot should not be required after you install it.

The .NET runtime for console apps will only apply to applications which run it your Terminal.  This application uses Microsoft's WPF framework for desktop apps so you'll definitely need that version.

Please let me know if it works for you!

12 (edited by ramses 2021-08-09 08:28:00)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

I got it now working.

Looks nice, many thanks for your great work and running it as Open Source project.

A few comments / ideas:

1. Could you kindly add a comment to download the NET 5 Desktop (not the Console) runtime ? It was long ago for me that I had to install NET for an application and I was not aware of, that M$ does now this differentiation. I only looked for x64, to get the proper binary.

2. When TM FX OSC is not yet setup, then you get very nice guidance through a balloon tip when you hover the mouse over the icon of your app in the Windows notification area.
I wanted to make a screenshot of the instructions there, because I am new to OSC, but failed, because as soon as I press the hotkey for Greenshot (my screenshot tool) then the balloon tip window vanishes and you get nothing in your screenshot. Could you perhaps think about, to open a normal window that can stay open until you click an "OK" box ?
Then you can leave this window open for a while and open TM FX in parallel to make the necessary configuration.

3. Sadly I have no keyboard with volume controls. So I tried whether the normal arrow keys also trigger the TM FX volume control but they don't do. Is there perhaps a way, to use another key sequence, because not everybody has a Multimedia keyboard ?

4. What would you think about a mode to display the volume of "main out" permanently on the screen so that you have a permanent information about your volume ?! Either as smaller window with the option to run on top of all other windows (configurable option) or maybe even better, if you could provide this information directly in the Windows notification area like other tools (e.g. about computer metric) do to e.g. monitor CPU temperature and what not.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

2. My screenshot tool has no such issue. If actions are required that usually let the menu go away then I use the Delay or Timer method where the shot is activated after a few seconds. Then the screen is frozen and you can work with mouse and keyboard.


3. Seriously: if you don't have media keys (your laptop has...) then you don't need this kind of functionality. Custom system-wide hotkeys will be a pain in the ass - for both programmer and user...

Yet this little app can be useful. For example if you have the ARC USB in use and the audio interface has no screen or is not visible, and you change the main volume. Now the small screen will pop up and tell you to what value. Neat!

Matthias Carstens

14 (edited by ramses 2021-08-09 09:09:15)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

MC wrote:

2. My screenshot tool has no such issue. If actions are required that usually let the menu go away then I use the Delay or Timer method where the shot is activated after a few seconds. Then the screen is frozen and you can work with mouse and keyboard.


Good idea, thanks.

EDIT: but my idea was finally, that you do not need this extra step and move the instruction windows to a comfortably position, so that TM FX can be opened in parallel.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

15 (edited by fgimian 2021-08-09 10:51:06)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hey guys, thanks for the discussion.

ramses wrote:

1. Could you kindly add a comment to download the NET 5 Desktop (not the Console) runtime ? It was long ago for me that I had to install NET for an application and I was not aware of, that M$ does now this differentiation. I only looked for x64, to get the proper binary.

No worries, I did now include this information in the README on GitHub but may see if I can also mention it during installation.

ramses wrote:

2. When TM FX OSC is not yet setup, then you get very nice guidance through a balloon tip when you hover the mouse over the icon of your app in the Windows notification area.
I wanted to make a screenshot of the instructions there, because I am new to OSC, but failed, because as soon as I press the hotkey for Greenshot (my screenshot tool) then the balloon tip window vanishes and you get nothing in your screenshot. Could you perhaps think about, to open a normal window that can stay open until you click an "OK" box ?
Then you can leave this window open for a while and open TM FX in parallel to make the necessary configuration.

I see what you mean, I'll have a think about how I can do this in the future.  This information is also in the README on GitHub too.

ramses wrote:

3. Sadly I have no keyboard with volume controls. So I tried whether the normal arrow keys also trigger the TM FX volume control but they don't do. Is there perhaps a way, to use another key sequence, because not everybody has a Multimedia keyboard ?

I did think about this early on but would definitely need to provide a way to configure the tool to do this because I wouldn't want to bind anything to Up/Down keys on the keyboard, even with modifiers.

However, for now, you can use a little AutoHotKey script to do this:

#SingleInstance, force
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

; Ctrl+Alt+Up -> Increase Volume
Send {Volume_Up}

; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Up -> Increase Volume (Fine)
Send +{Volume_Up}

; Ctrl+Alt+Down -> Decrease Volume
Send {Volume_Down}

; Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Down -> Decrease Volume (Fine)
Send +{Volume_Down}

Simply install AutoHotKey, place this script in a file with an *.ahk extension, e.g. you can name it "TotalMix Volume Shortcuts.ahk".  Then double click the script to run it.

Ultimately the issue is that you will end up conflicting with some shortcut, whether it be in your DAW or text editor etc.  I highly recommend having a keyboard that has some extra keys as it really helps.  This is the one I use https://www.lenovo.com/au/en/accessorie … 4Y40T11813

ramses wrote:

4. What would you think about a mode to display the volume of "main out" permanently on the screen so that you have a permanent information about your volume ?! Either as smaller window with the option to run on top of all other windows (configurable option) or maybe even better, if you could provide this information directly in the Windows notification area like other tools (e.g. about computer metric) do to e.g. monitor CPU temperature and what not.

I'll admit that I'm not super keen on this idea myself only because most people won't want to have a floating window on the screen all the time.  I did think about making it visible when you hover over the tray icon though.  I'm not sure what's involved in integrating with the notification area and tbh I never use that area as much myself so I probably couldn't justify the time implementing that.  I think having the volume visible on the tray icon upon hover would be something I could get on board with though.

This is really a hobby project for me so I will need to be selective in what I implement as doing dev work is extremely time consuming.  But I love hearing ideas and will do what I can. smile

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

fgimian wrote:

This is really a hobby project for me so I will need to be selective in what I implement as doing dev work is extremely time consuming.  But I love hearing ideas and will do what I can. smile

Thanks for the idea for another keyboard and the AutoHotKey script.
Nice idea, I am using it already on my own to open close TM FX and settings dialog wink

Don't worry, I was also working for open source for a very long time, I know this is simply work. It was just an idea, because we had in the last couple of month some people who had bad luck with volume mismatches with 0dB settings.

Although this is also not the final/proper solution to solve level mismatches in a recording environment it could at least support, to have volume information permanently visible on screen without filling the screen too much or blocking the view to the application.

For me personally this is no issue, I look to the left and see the volume on my ADI-2 Pro in my setup it has the additional task to act as kind of "monitor controller" wink

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

ramses wrote:
fgimian wrote:

This is really a hobby project for me so I will need to be selective in what I implement as doing dev work is extremely time consuming.  But I love hearing ideas and will do what I can. smile

Thanks for the idea for another keyboard and the AutoHotKey script.
Nice idea, I am using it already on my own to open close TM FX and settings dialog wink

Don't worry, I was also working for open source for a very long time, I know this is simply work. It was just an idea, because we had in the last couple of month some people who had bad luck with volume mismatches with 0dB settings.

Although this is also not the final/proper solution to solve level mismatches in a recording environment it could at least support, to have volume information permanently visible on screen without filling the screen too much or blocking the view to the application.

For me personally this is no issue, I look to the left and see the volume on my ADI-2 Pro in my setup it has the additional task to act as kind of "monitor controller" wink

If it's purely for troubleshooting, I could whip up something for you.  A dedicated app which just shows the master volume permanently for those who are having issues.  That would be pretty easy, especially if it doesn't have to be made perfect but just for troubleshooting.

Let me know and I'll see what I can do.

I'm moreso reluctant to include such functionality in TotalMixVC itself as I want the tool to stay extremely focused on its goal smile

18 (edited by ramses 2021-08-09 13:40:19)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Yes, that would be an option if this appears to be easier to you.
But why you say for troublshooting ? I meant this for operation, so see the current value if you do not turn the faders.

I would really try to bring it into the Windows notification field, so that even with an application in fullscreen mode you could see it. Not sure where I saw this before, whether it was MSI afterurner or in rivatuner .. tried to find something for you as an exampled, but didn't find it.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, M-1620 Pro D, RayDAT, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Thank you very much for this useful program. I use the ARC with the device out of sight and this helps to see the volume immidiately without having to open TotalMix. It seems to work flawlessly.

I have one question though:
Is it possible to add the same functionality for Phones 1 and Phones 2 volume, too? On the ARC, i press the respective button and change the phones-volume with the encoder, but this is not indicated, only Main volume.

20 (edited by kallisgrillimbiss 2021-09-11 17:57:27)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

After using the program for a few days now, I notice that it always loses connection after some time. It continues to run, but indicates that it has no connection. I do not know when and why it stops. The last time I noticed it was when I closed MusicBee and switched to Spotify, but it seems to appear randomly. I believe that previously the program would often work for about 1 hour and then at some point it would stop. When i quit and start the program again it works again for a while.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

kallisgrillimbiss wrote:

Thank you very much for this useful program. I use the ARC with the device out of sight and this helps to see the volume immidiately without having to open TotalMix. It seems to work flawlessly.

I have one question though:
Is it possible to add the same functionality for Phones 1 and Phones 2 volume, too? On the ARC, i press the respective button and change the phones-volume with the encoder, but this is not indicated, only Main volume.

So sorry for the late reply.  Unfortunately it does not seem that Phones 1 and 2 are controllable via OSC.  I did consider that while developing the application and don't believe that TotalMix allows us to control those particular faders using the OSC protocol.  I'm happy to be corrected.

kallisgrillimbiss wrote:

After using the program for a few days now, I notice that it always loses connection after some time. It continues to run, but indicates that it has no connection. I do not know when and why it stops. The last time I noticed it was when I closed MusicBee and switched to Spotify, but it seems to appear randomly. I believe that previously the program would often work for about 1 hour and then at some point it would stop. When i quit and start the program again it works again for a while.

I honestly use the app all day long and have never experienced that issue.  When you mouseover the icon, does it indicate that it's not communicating with your interface?

Please ensure you're also on the very latest version as I did resolve some critical bugs in a previous release which may have caused this, but with the current stable version you really shouldn't experience this problem.

The more info you can provide, the better chance I'll have of tracking it down smile


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

OSC support covers all faders/channels. Phones is nothing else than the assigned channel renamed, so it should be possible.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Thanks, I may give this another try at some point.

Just a note that v0.2.1 which I released won't display the volume if changed via your ARC controller as I was finding that sometimes the volume was being sent by the device even though no changes were made.  After re-reading this thread just now, I realised that this could be very useful to some users.

If you want this functionality, please use v0.2.0 for now, this release is identical to v0.2.1 except for that one change.

I'll look at making this configurable at some point in the future.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

fgimian wrote:

I honestly use the app all day long and have never experienced that issue.  When you mouseover the icon, does it indicate that it's not communicating with your interface?

Please ensure you're also on the very latest version as I did resolve some critical bugs in a previous release which may have caused this, but with the current stable version you really shouldn't experience this problem.

The more info you can provide, the better chance I'll have of tracking it down smile

Thank you for the reply. FYI, since i updated TotalMix from 1.73 to 1.74 beta 3, i did not see this behaviour again. Maybe coincidence, i don´t know for sure, but i have no problems at the moment. If it happens again and if i find more information about possible triggers, i will write again.

Only for the record: i used 0.2.0 and yes, the mouseover indicated "not communicating".

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

kallisgrillimbiss wrote:
fgimian wrote:

I honestly use the app all day long and have never experienced that issue.  When you mouseover the icon, does it indicate that it's not communicating with your interface?

Please ensure you're also on the very latest version as I did resolve some critical bugs in a previous release which may have caused this, but with the current stable version you really shouldn't experience this problem.

The more info you can provide, the better chance I'll have of tracking it down smile

Thank you for the reply. FYI, since i updated TotalMix from 1.73 to 1.74 beta 3, i did not see this behaviour again. Maybe coincidence, i don´t know for sure, but i have no problems at the moment. If it happens again and if i find more information about possible triggers, i will write again.

Only for the record: i used 0.2.0 and yes, the mouseover indicated "not communicating".

Great to hear you got it going OK smile


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Thank you so much for making this! I've stuff around with AHK scripts and had a very basic version of this working (also using OSC) but this is so much better! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

zan wrote:

Thank you so much for making this! I've stuff around with AHK scripts and had a very basic version of this working (also using OSC) but this is so much better! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!

Really appreciate the feedback!  I use it daily myself and can't imagine life without it either so I'm really glad I put the time in to develop it.

28 (edited by fgimian 2021-10-11 11:01:58)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

MC wrote:

OSC support covers all faders/channels. Phones is nothing else than the assigned channel renamed, so it should be possible.

I did just revisit this and can't see any OSC messages coming through for Phones.  I have developed a little OSC monitor which listens on a chosen UDP port and displays everything that the device sends.

Here's what I did in TotalMix:

  • Assign Phones 1 to PH 3/4

  • Move the Phones 1 fader

I also tried to unassign Phones 1 and move the PH 3/4 output fader and again, no OSC messages were being sent.

Of course, the moment I touched the master fader or input faders, I saw data being sent.

As such, based on what I can see myself, OSC messages are not being sent for several faders in TotalMix:

  • Software Playback Channels

  • Output Faders (excluding Main)

I'm on TotalMix FX 1.73 with an RME Babyface Pro FS.  If I'm missing anything, please let me know.  I'm rather confident in my observations as this is exactly what I saw when I worked on the app several months ago too.



Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

I use TouchOSC on an iPad and can confirm that OSC can be used with ALL faders. In all directions. If moving the fader in TM FX with the mouse would not send OSC messages then the fader on the iPad would not move - but it does.

Are you sure you changed to the right 'bank' to see the correct messages (Outputs)?

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

MC wrote:

I use TouchOSC on an iPad and can confirm that OSC can be used with ALL faders. In all directions. If moving the fader in TM FX with the mouse would not send OSC messages then the fader on the iPad would not move - but it does.

Are you sure you changed to the right 'bank' to see the correct messages (Outputs)?

Thanks for the reply mate.  I simply can't get this to work regardless of whether I use the knob on the hardware or the mouse.

Just to clarify this as clearly as I can, this is what I'm doing:

1. Click on Assign in the bottom right of TotalMix FX, and assign Phones 1 to PH 3/4
2. Move the Phones 1 output fader with the mouse in TotalMix FX
3. Use the OUT selection button on the unit to switch to headphones (the 2nd option) and use the master knob to change the Phones 1 volume

The changes are reflected in TotalMix FX but no OSC messages are being sent at all.

However, doing this for the Main output works perfectly.

You can see a screenshot of the slider I'm referring to here:


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Nice work for one of your first .NET projects.
Have done literally the same project a few years ago but with additional integrations for my media player etc. (album art, next track, etc.).
But the main topic has been Volume control, too. ;-)
When it comes to .NET 5 you can also provide the dependent runtime libraries directly with the application package (self-contained applications, single-file too).
So endusers don't have to install the correct runtime, but, depending on the used libraries, the package will be much bigger and you have to always update your package when an updated runtime is released.
For endusers it will be much easier though.

32 (edited by whph 2021-11-03 15:15:59)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Regarding OSC I think it would be better to use local networking instead of the loopback device.
So it would be flexible when it comes to integrating the volume control within your network.
For OSC with local networking you can configure your endpoint in TotalMix FX with the broadcast address of the local network, e.g.
OSC messages will then be sent to all devices but you can use your volume control on different devices (simultaneously) if you want to do that.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

whph wrote:

Nice work for one of your first .NET projects.
Have done literally the same project a few years ago but with additional integrations for my media player etc. (album art, next track, etc.).
But the main topic has been Volume control, too. ;-)
When it comes to .NET 5 you can also provide the dependent runtime libraries directly with the application package (self-contained applications, single-file too).
So endusers don't have to install the correct runtime, but, depending on the used libraries, the package will be much bigger and you have to always update your package when an updated runtime is released.
For endusers it will be much easier though.

Thanks for the idea, I'm currently testing this out now and will consider it as part of the next release if the download size is not too crazy.

whph wrote:

Regarding OSC I think it would be better to use local networking instead of the loopback device.
So it would be flexible when it comes to integrating the volume control within your network.
For OSC with local networking you can configure your endpoint in TotalMix FX with the broadcast address of the local network, e.g.
OSC messages will then be sent to all devices but you can use your volume control on different devices (simultaneously) if you want to do that.

I hope to make this configurable in the future smile

34 (edited by fgimian 2021-11-04 00:50:53)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

So going to a self contained installer takes us from 2 MB to around 100 MB.  If I enable trimming, it's still close to 70 MB.  I will have to think about this as there are clearly pros and cons to both approaches.

I'm be tempted to make both versions available so users can choose which suits them, but that may just cause more confusion.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

fgimian wrote:

So going to a self contained installer takes us from 2 MB to around 100 MB.  If I enable trimming, it's still close to 70 MB.  I will have to think about this as there are clearly pros and cons to both approaches.

I'm be tempted to make both versions available so users can choose which suits them, but that may just cause more confusion.

Yes, that's the main con.
For me personally, I don't care because I have to install most of the runtimes anyways.
But for others it could lead to instant frustration.
Sometimes it's really not that easy to get the correct runtime.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

whph wrote:
fgimian wrote:

So going to a self contained installer takes us from 2 MB to around 100 MB.  If I enable trimming, it's still close to 70 MB.  I will have to think about this as there are clearly pros and cons to both approaches.

I'm be tempted to make both versions available so users can choose which suits them, but that may just cause more confusion.

Yes, that's the main con.
For me personally, I don't care because I have to install most of the runtimes anyways.
But for others it could lead to instant frustration.
Sometimes it's really not that easy to get the correct runtime.

Yeah, you're absolutely right.

37 (edited by fgimian 2021-11-23 00:59:45)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hey everyone, I've just released v0.3.0 that you can dowload at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … /tag/0.3.0 which upgrades the app to use .NET 6 and embeds the runtime too.  This does mean that the download is bigger (45 MB) but no additional downloads are required.

Hope this makes all your lives easier! smile

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hi, I posted this on the GS forum, but this one appears to be much more active, so apologies for the duplicate message. Cheers!

This is really fantastic and I appreciate your efforts. I have been using TotalMixKey for years, but find I need to reinstall the virtual midi drivers from time to time after windows updates and it's a pain. I'd just like to echo the comment on your GitHub page related to connecting the Mute key to TotalMix Dim. That's the only thing I miss from TotalMixKey. I see you replied with some code for that, but unfortunately, I haven't a clue how to implement that. Anyway, thanks again. I know you're doing this in your free time.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

BuckleBean wrote:

Hi, I posted this on the GS forum, but this one appears to be much more active, so apologies for the duplicate message. Cheers!

This is really fantastic and I appreciate your efforts. I have been using TotalMixKey for years, but find I need to reinstall the virtual midi drivers from time to time after windows updates and it's a pain. I'd just like to echo the comment on your GitHub page related to connecting the Mute key to TotalMix Dim. That's the only thing I miss from TotalMixKey. I see you replied with some code for that, but unfortunately, I haven't a clue how to implement that. Anyway, thanks again. I know you're doing this in your free time.

Hey there, I saw your post on Gearspace too but thought I'd reply here since more people will probably see it.

The extra info I posted on the GitHub issue is some technical info that I need to implement the functionality myself and won't be useful unless you're a coder I'm afraid.

But I do love the idea of the dim functionality, just have been so busy with work that I haven't gotten to it yet.  But if all goes to plan, I'll be implementing this over my Christmas break this year.


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Very cool. I am no coder, but have gotten my hands dirty more than a few times with decent enough results when following a tutorial. I started poking around the json files and then quickly ran off to these forums because it was clear I was in over my head. big_smile

Anyway, I appreciate the reply. It's cool that you're doing this. This functionality (much like TotalKeyMix) is so very much welcome that I can't imagine working without it.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Hey guys, I've just completed the initial implementation of the dim switch and it's working great.  I just need to get my unit tests updated and do some more testing before release.

When I have a build that's ready to try out, I'll post it here, likely in the coming days. smile


42 (edited by fgimian 2021-12-20 13:49:22)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Okies, I have a build ready for everyone to try which you can download at https://artprodeau1.artifacts.visualstu … taller.exe.  This build also adds a plain tray tooltip text for Windows 11 which has broken the pretty widget functionality (due to a bug).

I'll be running this for a full day on my system before the officia release in case any issues pop up.

I'd like to thank everyone for this suggestion, it was a really great idea which I find myself using now too.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

You did it, man. Works like a charm! One thing for anyone else reading, I had to restart TotalMix for it to take effect. No problem.


Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

BuckleBean wrote:

You did it, man. Works like a charm! One thing for anyone else reading, I had to restart TotalMix for it to take effect. No problem.


Glad to hear it's working well for you.  Yeah, you will need to restart TotalMix Volume Control as the installer won't do that automatically when upgrading at the moment.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

I've just released v0.4.0 at https://github.com/fgimian/totalmix-vol … /tag/0.4.0  Merry Christmas everyone!

46 (edited by torbjorn 2022-01-27 20:22:45)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Cool project! Just stumbled over it on google/github while doing some research on how to communicate with my RME UFX smile

@fgimian: Are you familiar with the microsoft surface dial? It's a standalone bluetooth volume controller. If i use my volume up/down keyboard hotkeys it triggers the TotalMixVC volume adjustment. But if I adjust the volume with the surface dial I only adjust windows volume. Strange.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or get around it?

47 (edited by fgimian 2022-01-27 23:26:05)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

torbjorn wrote:

Cool project! Just stumbled over it on google/github while doing some research on how to communicate with my RME UFX smile

@fgimian: Are you familiar with the microsoft surface dial? It's a standalone bluetooth volume controller. If i use my volume up/down keyboard hotkeys it triggers the TotalMixVC volume adjustment. But if I adjust the volume with the surface dial I only adjust windows volume. Strange.

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot or get around it?

Hey, yep I've seen the Microsoft Surface dial but don't own one or have any experience with it myself.  Based on some brief research, it appears to be much more complex to support than binding to keyboard shortcuts (i.e. the volume up/down keys).  If the dial itself is sending volume up/down and that's not triggering TotalMix Volume Control, then under the hood it likely isn't sending keystrokes in the way that I'm capturing.

I don't have any immediate plans to support this because I can't justify buying a dial and it's used by such a small number of people (I don't know anyone that owns one personally).  Unless someone is willing to send me a dial to test with, I also have no way of testing with the dial myself which is a major obstacle.

A workaround may be as follows:

* Use AutoHotkey to bind volume up/down to a set of keyboard shortcuts
* Setup the dial to send those keyboard shortcuts

Good luck

48 (edited by torbjorn 2022-02-07 20:55:59)

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Thanks for the reply.
Have installed AutoHotkey and used the custom key binding options in the surface dial to increase/decreased the volume. Works like a charm! smile

Only thing I wished I could change was the amount of db/volume pr keystroke that was increased/decreased. Looks like per volume_up/volume_down totalmix vc? increases/decreased 1.2db. Is there any way in totalmix vc to change this to a lower number? 0.8 or something for example.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

torbjorn wrote:

Thanks for the reply.
Have installed AutoHotkey and used the custom key binding options in the surface dial to increase/decreased the volume. Works like a charm! smile

Only thing I wished I could change was the amount of db/volume pr keystroke that was increased/decreased. Looks like per volume_up/volume_down totalmix vc? increases/decreased 1.2db. Is there any way in totalmix vc to change this to a lower number? 0.8 or something for example.

This is something I've allowed for in the code but it is not user configurable yet.  I hope to allow this in a future versions.  I have various other projects right now so this will likely not be for a while I'm afraid.

You do realise that you can use Shift+Volume Up/Down for fine volume control already though right?  Using Volume Up/Down moves the volume by 2% and using Shift+Volume Up/Down moves by 1%.

Re: TotalMix Volume Control for Windows

Great initiative. I just downloaded and installed it.

I also prefer to have finer steps as the default. For that reason I changed the hotkeys for Autohotkey in that way to have the Win-key + Arrow-keys as the fine adjustment and with the added modifier-key Ctrl for the "normal" (coarser) volume changes:

; Ctrl+Win+Up -> Increase Volume 
Send {Volume_Up}

; Win+Up -> Increase Volume (fine)
Send +{Volume_Up}

; Ctrl+Win+Down -> Decrease Volume
Send {Volume_Down}

; Win+Down -> Decrease Volume (Fine)
Send +{Volume_Down}