Topic: Can't Monitor Mix with UFX+

I hope I can get a answer here to a issue I'm having and it may be me just not understanding how Total Mix works. I'm using a UFX+ bussed to a analog summing unit which is going through a ADC that is going back into the UFX+ via AES. The problem is I can see the signal hitting the AES channel but I can't hear it or in other words I cant mix through it. I've tried to wrap my head around the loopback feature but I'm not sure if that applies. I just want to be able to hear what while I'm mixing into the summing and ADC. The AES channel is routed to the 1/2 main but that does not give me the ability to hear the processed signals.Any information or tips on this would be greatly appreciated. If it's something simple that I'm overlooking maybe another set of eyes would help. Thanks!

Re: Can't Monitor Mix with UFX+

How exactly have you set up TotalMix? "Normal" (not "DAW mode") and submix view is the most recommendable mode.
Select the main out channel by clicking on it, raise up the fader of the AES hardware input and you should hear the processed signal from the summing mixer > ADC.
The loopback feature is there to send signals from an output channel before reaching the DA converter directly back to the corresponding input within the interface, so on digital stage. You should disable it.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: Can't Monitor Mix with UFX+

Thanks for sending me in the right direction! Got it working!