1 (edited by MFS90 2023-09-22 01:33:04)

Topic: 192 kHz Fireface 800


I got FF800. I love this unit!
Still rock solid.

I route my DAW tracks to FF800 DAC analot outputs to mix my tracks on real analog console.
then print stereo sum back to DAW.
Now i'm limited to 8 analog outs only (9+10 FF800 analog out i use for headphones)
I want to utilize digital ADAT outs of my unit but i don't sure how to have additional 8 audio outs with 192 kHz sample rate.
For 96 kHz i know - i simply need another audio interface with two pairs of ADAT I\O on board.
Two for ins Two for outs (S/MUX as Presonux call it)

But what about 192 kHz?
How to get 8 outs so i have 16 outs at all?

Re: 192 kHz Fireface 800

May i just get another FF800 and connect it to my PCI-e Firewire card.
Maybe this is the simplest option?


Re: 192 kHz Fireface 800

Yes. 2 x ADAT will only give 4 channels at 192 kHz.

Matthias Carstens