1 (edited by Charly Ranseier 2023-11-19 08:46:50)

Topic: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

I've just purchased a new Fireface UFX III and installed it on my Windows 10 workstation today. Driver installation and Flash update, both up-to-date versions from the RME website, went more or less successfully (even though the MADIface Series Settings and TotalMix FX services wouldn't show up after installation and needed a reboot).

What I've not managed so far: While I can see all Ins and Outs in Total Mix, I can only see 30 Inputs and 30 Outputs within my Sequoia application (versions 13 and 14). The driver I can choose there is called "ASIO MADIface USB" (which used to be installed on that workstation, but I do not have it connected now).

What is going wrong? I have not had this issue with various other RME devices so far. I have uninstalled (unplugged it, uninstalled the RME entry in Windows 10 Programs and Features and rebooted) and re-installed the device, but that doesn't help.

Any ideas?

[Edit: Screenshots attached.]

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

For the screenshots : you have to use an image service, this one is popular and works well : https://imgbb.com

Provide the link
Or insert the image-address link between the image tags

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

3 (edited by ramses 2023-11-18 18:28:00)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Dropbox works very well. If you change the URL to "dl=1" at the end of the URL string, then the picture is directly loaded by the browser when somebody loads a thread with such a picture in it.

This is not supported by every cloud platform (like e.g., from T-Systems), not sure about imgbb.com.

With Dropbox, you get 2 GB storage for free. More detailed explanation here in my blog.
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/blog/Ent … rum-EN-DE/

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

There we go, screenshots added!


Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Which Sequoia Build do you work with?

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

13 and 14 as written above.


Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Sry, I missed this. Do you get sound from the Fireface?

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Your screenshots with img instead of url tag ... and dl=1




BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Are you using a USB 3.0 cable plugged into a compatible port?

I know USB 2.0 only allows for limited channels to shop up on your computer (but they still show up in TotalMix with USB 2.0).

10 (edited by Charly Ranseier 2023-11-19 08:54:02)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

ramses wrote:

Your screenshots with img instead of url tag ... and dl=1

Thanks, I had only tried dl=1 without changing the tag which did not work.

FZ wrote:

Do you get sound from the Fireface?

Yes I do, playback via the analog outputs (and controlling volume via ARC USB) works fine.

GeometryGod wrote:

Are you using a USB 3.0 cable plugged into a compatible port?

Yes, I'm using the provided USB 3.0 cable connected to an onboard USB 3 connector.

Just a guess: I learn that the older Fireface UFX I and II generation supported exactly 30 channels (hope I understand that correctly). Is the ASIO driver messing up devices here so Sequoia gets a limited channel count?

11 (edited by ramses 2023-11-19 09:50:34)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Charly Ranseier wrote:

Just a guess: I learn that the older Fireface UFX I and II generation supported exactly 30 channels (hope I understand that correctly). Is the ASIO driver messing up devices here so Sequoia gets a limited channel count?

Yes, looked also to me like 30 ch without MADI. I am also missing the usual "device port" (Geräte-Port) descriptions like Analog, AES, ADAT, ... but maybe this is normal for Sequoia.

This is Cubase 13 Pro with MADIface driver 0.9827
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ek730077 … j&dl=1

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

12 (edited by ramses 2023-11-19 10:01:23)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

I have an idea. The device can also be used as a 30-channel interface without MADI if it is operated as a USB2 interface.

Perhaps the UFX III was only recognized incorrectly, either due to setting or a bad USB3 cable/port.

Please check the settings on the device (button SETUP/REV):
   Options -> Hardware/Diagnosis -> Interface Mode : Auto | USB3

To change the setting, you need to unplug the USB cable.

If "Auto", then please change it to "USB3".
Not 100% sure whether needed, but I would power-cycle UFX III and then reboot the PC.
Do not forget to re-plug the USB3 cable.

Try again all USB3 ports if needed, maybe also try another USB3 cable, just to be on the safe side.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

13 (edited by waedi 2023-11-19 09:52:36)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Is there a setting to do in the browser for having the images appearing ?
Always only these blue squares visible...

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

waedi wrote:

Is there a setting to do in the browser for having the images appearing ?
Always only these blue squares visible...

AFAIR this is Safari related. Cross-check with Firefox or Chrome.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

Problem found! I stand corrected: The device has been connected to a USB 2.0 port the whole time. I misread the color of the USB port, thought it's a blue one but it wasn't... sorry for this. And the manual confirms that USB 2.0 leads to MADI being deactivated (even though accessible in TotalMix FX).

I found this an hour ago and have been fighting with connecting the device via USB 3.0 since - but the PC would completely freeze during startup, even show bluescreens from time to time. When switching on the Fireface AFTER Windows startup, the MADIface settings and TotalMix on Windows Desktop wouldn't open up. Reading the manual one page further (p. 117/118 in the German manual) I learn that ASMedia USB 3.0 chipsets are NOT compatible. This is exactly what I have on my (Intel Sandy Bridge generation) ASUS mainboard. Bummer... :-/

Can someone explain why the device does not work in full mode via USB 2.0? I thought the USB 2.0 data transfer rate should be easily fine also for more than 64 MADI channels (like on other devices).

Thanks for all the help, guys!

16 (edited by ramses 2023-11-19 13:18:01)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

It depends on the ASMedia chipset, newer might work.

I have, e.g., a Startech Card with an ASM2142 chipset which works fine. No long-term experience though because I am using mainly the Sonnet Card (the more expensive one with 4x FL1100 USB3 chipset, which is not being sold anymore).

I would try all USB3 ports because there could also be some coming from your mainboard chipset, which should be compatible, no matter if Intel or AMD. Or is your socket 1155 mainboard so old, that you have no USB3 coming from the chipset (not the ASMedia 3rd party chip)?

Do you have PCIe 2.0 x1 slot free? Then add this card, it has the FL1100 USB3 chip which is well-supported:
https://www.sonnettech.com/product/alle … 4port.html

Around 68 I/O ports (in and out) is the maximum that can be transferred over USB2.
The RME MADIface Pro had 68 ports.
Your UFX III has 30 + 64 = 94 I/O ports.
As a side note, all channels are being transferred, no matter whether you use them or not.

As you found out, you can connect the UFX III to a USB2 port to behave like the UFX II to transfer only 30 I/O channels or you need USB3 to transfer all 188 channels (94 I/O ports) for which USB2 is not sufficient.

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

ramses wrote:

I would try all USB3 ports because there could also be some coming from your mainboard chipset, which should be compatible, no matter if Intel or AMD. Or is your socket 1155 mainboard so old, that you have no USB3 coming from the chipset (not the ASMedia 3rd party chip)?

Thanks. I have tried both USB 3 ports, same problems. The hardware is too old indeed (I think the CPU should be roundabout 2013 generation…),there is this third-party chip available only. I guess it’s about time for a hardware upgrade.

Around 68 I/O ports (in and out) is the maximum that can be transferred over USB2.
The RME MADIface Pro had 68 ports.
Your UFX III has 30 + 64 = 94 I/O ports.
As a side note, all channels are being transferred, no matter whether you use them or not.

As you found out, you can connect the UFX III to a USB2 port to behave like the UFX II to transfer only 30 I/O channels or you need USB3 to transfer all 188 channels (94 I/O ports) for which USB2 is not sufficient.

I see, that makes sense.

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

If you pc is still powerful enough, I would try a few USB3 add in cards first. Much cheaper and also a lot easier then a full new install of everything. Plus all the gremlins the newest cpu's can cause with their power and economy cores.
Also see if there is a newer driver for your onboard usb3 somewhere. Motherboard vendor is a good place to start. Sometimes there is a beta driver, newer then the one you have now. Check all os options, for my mobo I found a newer one in win8 64bit tab of driver downloads

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

19 (edited by ramses 2023-11-19 17:38:15)

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

I also recommend getting the Sonnet card with FL1100 chip first.
To have such a card is always useful because even in more modern computer situations can arise,
that you need to isolate a recording interface behind such a (in this case even well-supported / from RME tested) USB3 controller. If you use Win10 (and later), then the drivers for the card are even included in Windows.
Also interesting that the driver for this card are using more efficient working MSI (message signalled interrupts).

BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: [Solved] Fireface UFX III: Only 30 ASIO in/outs available in Sequoia

The workstation is too slow for some jobs, so upgrading has been an option from time to time anyway. But helpful to know of this Sonnet card, that might be a great option to have in any case.