Topic: Strange volume drop when using UCX standalone

I've started using my UCXII in standalone mode and notice that about 1-2 minutes after booting it up, the volume in my headphones drops by about 6db.  It goes back to full volume if I plug it into the computer, and then again after 1-2 mins if I unplug it.

Anybody have any theories? I'm pretty puzzled.

Firmware 43, driver 4.09

Re: Strange volume drop when using UCX standalone

And, do you use the same routing in standalone mode, or switch them?

TM is by default set so, that switching the routing does not change the volume despite the settings in routing. But in standalone it is in my UCX (so I expect UCF II will be the same) so, that changing routing may also change volume of master output/headphones.

Re: Strange volume drop when using UCX standalone

I don't change the routing, but I was wondering if the setting "Always init DSP devices with TotalMix setting" would change it automatically.  I do notice that something changes because at normal volume the interface of the UCX shows PH -15.5 but when the volume drops it shows PH 7.8

Otherwise I'm guessing that after some period being disconnected from the computer the interface switches back to a specific routing / volume set.

Re: Strange volume drop when using UCX standalone

It may be so. I cannot test it, I have just UCX and it IMHO does not change setting after some time since disconnecting from PC.

5 (edited by pschuegr 2023-11-20 23:21:52)

Re: Strange volume drop when using UCX standalone

Thanks anyway for the responses! I stored the TM state into the device and AFAICT that has fixed it, we'll see.

Edit: nope.