RME's reference converters are of a very high technical standard. If you have read the forum carefully in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that even Bob Katz is very satisfied with the quality of these devices.
https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 89#p218689
In the converter shootout, the somewhat older ADI-2 Pro FS with the older AKM converters performed very well compared to expensive converters such as HEDD and Lavry.
See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doHG32aXBDY
I think that it probably won't make much difference if you carry out the D/A conversion in the active monitors. There will be no night/day differences just because of the different converters.
I suspect that you will miss some quality of the RME converters in terms of the analog stage behind the DAC chip. Because here, the implementation in the RME converters is simply first class.
Or does your active monitor offer you 4 different reference levels and features such as Auto Ref Level, which allow you to automatically switch between Ref Levels? In the ADI-2 DAC/Pro this is to automatically get the best SNR and dynamics over a wide volume range. See my Excel here to show it to you more clearly, what the effect of this is.
https://www.tonstudio-forum.de/attachme … v002-xlsx/
To have the D/A conversion outside the active monitor can be an advantage, as then you are flexible in terms of D/A conversion. If you do this in the active monitor, then you are stuck forever with this one.
Furthermore, you will most likely have no possibility to change between D/A filter which can give you benefits regarding the location of percussive instruments in the stereo panorama (e.g., the slow filter, as KaiS already reported).
Only my opinion (and gut feeling to this topic). At least, my experience with the D/A conversion of the ADI-2 Pro FS [R BE] is very positive. For example, in A/B comparison to the Accuphase DAC-40 module (for the E-600 Class-A amplifier) it was a bit more transparent and had better resolution. The DAC-40 module sounded like an ADI-2 Pro FS with NOS as D/A filter.
Side note: to A/B test this can be challenging to get quick switching at the same volume level. In my test, I could switch with the remote of the Accu E-600 amplifier between analog input (ADI-2 Pro FS) and DAC-40 module. I have to admit, it was no blind test, but I could hear clearly, that the DAC-40 had less treble, comparable to the treble roll off in NOS mode.
And BTW, regarding KS Digital. I had two of their coaxial monitors to test many years ago, the KS C55. They delivered a lot of pressure/dynamics and had a very convincing sound stage. And that was with a UFX (older converter and no setting options for various D/A filters).
I think the ADI-2 DAC FS in combination with your KS monitors should deliver a very impressive sound image if these monitors are of a similar quality to the coaxial systems back then.
In this respect, you should perhaps safe money and efforts and simply stay with the current solution.
BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13