Thank you all for the responses and the will to help, I really appreciate that!
I will answer all the questions you asked:
waedi wrote:Did you try with a new Logic project small only one or two tracks no plugins ?
Yes, and it does not produce the problem. As I said in the beginning, it happens in busier sessions with multiple audio channels and plugins, although it can happen with all plugins and sends off as well.
Please note that the problem does not occur when I change the output device to the mac's speakers, or a different audio interface like focusrite scarlett. This is why I'm writing here in the forum. I can film that for you if it helps.
waedi wrote:What does that mean ...and the UCX ? Totalmix or Settings Dialog app ?
I meant when logic runs with rosetta, and the output device is UCX II, the problem does not produce.
Like you I thought it might be a plugin that causes that but turning off all plugins does not eliminate the problem, and as I said before, when using other output devices it works fine.
waedi wrote:yes i did see the error popup, but 40,035 kHz sample rate can not be produced by a setting, this is an internal error inside Logic.
That's right, it shows weird sample rates in this message after the stuttering ends. Both the USB settings and logic pro are set to 44.1k.
MC wrote:Correct, caused by the overload. I doubt that this has anything to do with driver or audio hardware. it is just the higher number of channels which lets the computer run into limits. Still there might be a software/app/tool active in the background making things worse than they should be.
In the second video, I show no overload; the performance meters are reaching halfway.
In this project that I filmed there are only 28 audio channels. That should be nothing for my Macbook pro. I mixed sessions with way more tracks then that on a different interface and it went just fine.
maggie33 wrote:Especially for older AU plugins (Intel Only) - Logic has to be run in Rosetta Mode once, to be able to validate them.
Then Logic/Mac translates them via AUHostingCompatibilityService (?Rosetta) in Background, thus Logic is switched back to native ARM Mode.
"Replace it with onboard or request an update" is not always possible or suitable (old Projects, or if the manufacturer does not exist anymore, or no updates)...
I had a similar situation, too.
You can easily check this, if you open the ActivityMonitor app and look for "AUHostingCompatibilityService". If you see high CPU Load for this process during the overloads - thats the reason!
To get behind, which particular plugin causes the overload: It is not enough to disable it via Mixer. You have to enable the Track Header Component for On/Off first (then you will see the blue button on each track). Then disable every track one by one to see if it gets better...
Another reason could be as misconfiguration in the projects sync setting (espacially incorrect MTC Settings).
And another reason could also be: too low I/O buffers for such large projects in Logic Audio Settings.
AUHostingService does show high CPU usage (above 100 in the activity monitor) so I tried that now, I turn off the channels by the header components one by one (the sends as well), when all channels are off then it eliminates the problem, if only one channel is on then the problem occur. I tried to playback with only the bass channel on that has only 2 fabfilter plugins on it (pro q and pro c) and it still stutters. I don't think the problem is with fabfilter because they are all running natively. It does happen less often with less channels active.
My audio settings are:
I/O Buffer size: 1024
Processing Threads: 10 (8 high performance cores)
Process Buffer Range: Large
Multithreading: Playback Tracks
Summing: High Percision