1 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-29 11:29:38)

Topic: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Hi there, I recently switched to Fireface UCX II, which seems to cause problems with playback on Logic Pro.
When I open up Logic and hit play for the first time, it works fine, then I stop and hit play again, and it starts to hick-up (video below)
It even sometimes causes system overload. It happens mostly in busy sessions with lots of tracks and plugins, although I'm not reaching the limits of my CPU.
I know this is the UCX II because when I change the output to my Mac's internal output or even use a simple Focusrite Scarlet, it doesn't happen and runs smoothly.
I tried to downgrade to Logic Pro 10.8, but the problem persists.
My drivers and firmware are all up to date.
My specs:
Macbook Pro M1 Max
Mac OS Sonoma 14.6.1
Logic Pro 11.0.1
Fireface UCX II Firmware: v106 Driver v4.14
Video of the problem:

I forgot to mention that when running Logic Pro 11 with Rosetta and the UCX II, the problem doesn't occure.
However, I don't want to run Logic Pro with Rosetta because it really pushes the CPU, and the fans are running like crazy, and it also introduces extreme latency in playback.
So I assume the interface has a problem when running natively on Apple Silicon.
I'd appreciate any help you can provide!

Kernel extension v3.31 works better. It still has some occasional stutters every few playbacks, and the microphone icon isn't flashing like before.


Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

You say you are not reaching the limits of your CPU, yet the Logic performance meter shows total overload...

You could try Kernel Extension driver 3.33.

Is the UCX II on its own USB bus? Other USB devices that might interfere?

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-27 15:52:59)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I will try it, thanks.
It is plugged directly into my MacBook's USB port.
About the performance meter, notice that the first time I hit play, the meters do not show overload, and the second time I play, it starts to jitter and show overload. And it doesn't happen when using other interfaces.
Thanks for the quick response!
Unfortunately, it still happens in v3.33

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

In Logic preferences settings audio / general : Plugin latency compensation
try this ON / OFF

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

waedi wrote:

In Logic preferences settings audio / general : Plugin latency compensation
try this ON / OFF

The problem persists. Even if I turn off all plugins and sends, it still jitters.
When it finally stops jittering, it displays a weird message about the sample rate, although it is set to 44.1k in the driver and in logic.
You can see this message at the end of this video, where I play with all plugins off.

6 (edited by waedi 2024-08-27 17:36:11)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Sample rate error inside Logic causing losing the driver and try to reconnect to the driver then error again, you can see this as hick-ups you call it jitter (while jitter in digital audio language is something complete different)

I didn't mean with al plugins off, I referred to the settings. Switch those On and OFF.

I just used the 4.14 driver with the digiface USB to play Logic a small project.
It plays fine, no hickups. M1 Sonoma

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Sorry, I am not familiar with the vocabulary smile
I have tried to switch this setting on and off, but I still get hick-ups.
I also reinstalled 4.14 and made sure that there are no remains of 3.33 by following this post: https://forum.rme-audio.de/viewtopic.ph … 04#p211004
And still, the problem persists.
I don't know what else to do

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Did you try with a new Logic project small only one or two tracks no plugins ?

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Hello, I'd never used Mac ....

orimaz2006 wrote:

You can see this message at the end of this video, where I play with all plugins off.

Yes, the message at the end shouldn't appear, seems there is any wrong set in Fireface USB Settings or Logic config. Have you seen it @waedi?

UCX II FW106/34/104 v1.270 TM1.98 - PC Win11 24H2 / Fedora WS 41 - Reaper 7.31

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

tonpalt wrote:

Hello, I'd never used Mac ....

orimaz2006 wrote:

You can see this message at the end of this video, where I play with all plugins off.

Yes, the message at the end shouldn't appear, seems there is any wrong set in Fireface USB Settings or Logic config. Have you seen it @waedi?

yes i did see the error popup, but 40,035 kHz sample rate can not be produced by a setting, this is an internal error inside Logic.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue


Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Correct, caused by the overload. I doubt that this has anything to do with driver or audio hardware. it is just the higher number of channels which lets the computer run into limits. Still there might be a software/app/tool active in the background making things worse than they should be.

Matthias Carstens

12 (edited by waedi 2024-08-28 06:38:37)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

when running Logic Pro 11 with Rosetta and the UCX II, the problem doesn't occure.

What does that mean ...and the UCX ? Totalmix or Settings Dialog app ?

you don't need to run anything with this Rosetta option, thats long ago.
If Logic runs better thru this that means one of the involved plugins is a problem-child. Replace it with an onboard plugin or request an update from the plugin maker, may be there is an upgrade online.
And please answer post 8.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

13 (edited by oli77sch 2024-08-28 07:04:00)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

The error message at the end of the video says it clearly: audio / midi sync problems!
So my questions are: what midi hardware is involved? What else in the project is midi relevant? What are your midi settings for the UCX II? Are there some midi commands in the Logic project? Midi clock in use?
The other thing I can see in the video is the weird mic symbol in macOS menu bar top right. It comes and goes randomly, sometimes with graphic error (the latter seems to be a small bug in macOS, I also have this sometimes but didn’t matter so far).
EDIT: And yes, as waedi states often plugins are causing strange errors. Even when they are deactivated, they are still part of the project.

UCX - FF 400 - Babyface pro - Digiface USB - ADI-2 (original)
Mac mini M1 - Macbook pro - iPad Air2

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

The mic symbol comes and goes because Logic is losing the contact to core-audio and try to reestablish all the time, the play bar jumps back every time.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Especially for older AU plugins (Intel Only) - Logic has to be run in Rosetta Mode once, to be able to validate them.
Then Logic/Mac translates them via AUHostingCompatibilityService (?Rosetta) in Background, thus Logic is switched back to native ARM Mode.

"Replace it with onboard or request an update" is not always possible or suitable (old Projects, or if the manufacturer does not exist anymore, or no updates)...

I had a similar situation, too.
You can easily check this, if you open the ActivityMonitor app and look for "AUHostingCompatibilityService". If you see high CPU Load for this process during the overloads - thats the reason!
To get behind, which particular plugin causes the overload: It is not enough to disable it via Mixer. You have to enable the Track Header Component for On/Off first (then you will see the blue button on each track). Then disable every track one by one to see if it gets better...

Another reason could be as misconfiguration in the projects sync setting (espacially incorrect MTC Settings).

And another reason could also be: too low I/O buffers for such large projects in Logic Audio Settings.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I hope the mastering plugin isn't activated all the time.

iMac M1, Fireface 800, Logic Pro X

17 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-28 10:10:50)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Thank you all for the responses and the will to help, I really appreciate that!
I will answer all the questions you asked:

waedi wrote:

Did you try with a new Logic project small only one or two tracks no plugins ?

Yes, and it does not produce the problem. As I said in the beginning, it happens in busier sessions with multiple audio channels and plugins, although it can happen with all plugins and sends off as well.
Please note that the problem does not occur when I change the output device to the mac's speakers, or a different audio interface like focusrite scarlett. This is why I'm writing here in the forum. I can film that for you if it helps.

waedi wrote:

What does that mean ...and the UCX ? Totalmix or Settings Dialog app ?

I meant when logic runs with rosetta, and the output device is UCX II, the problem does not produce.
Like you I thought it might be a plugin that causes that but turning off all plugins does not eliminate the problem, and as I said before, when using other output devices it works fine.

waedi wrote:

yes i did see the error popup, but 40,035 kHz sample rate can not be produced by a setting, this is an internal error inside Logic.

That's right, it shows weird sample rates in this message after the stuttering ends. Both the USB settings and logic pro are set to 44.1k.

MC wrote:

Correct, caused by the overload. I doubt that this has anything to do with driver or audio hardware. it is just the higher number of channels which lets the computer run into limits. Still there might be a software/app/tool active in the background making things worse than they should be.

In the second video, I show no overload; the performance meters are reaching halfway.
In this project that I filmed there are only 28 audio channels. That should be nothing for my Macbook pro. I mixed sessions with way more tracks then that on a different interface and it went just fine.

maggie33 wrote:

Especially for older AU plugins (Intel Only) - Logic has to be run in Rosetta Mode once, to be able to validate them.
Then Logic/Mac translates them via AUHostingCompatibilityService (?Rosetta) in Background, thus Logic is switched back to native ARM Mode.

"Replace it with onboard or request an update" is not always possible or suitable (old Projects, or if the manufacturer does not exist anymore, or no updates)...

I had a similar situation, too.
You can easily check this, if you open the ActivityMonitor app and look for "AUHostingCompatibilityService". If you see high CPU Load for this process during the overloads - thats the reason!
To get behind, which particular plugin causes the overload: It is not enough to disable it via Mixer. You have to enable the Track Header Component for On/Off first (then you will see the blue button on each track). Then disable every track one by one to see if it gets better...

Another reason could be as misconfiguration in the projects sync setting (espacially incorrect MTC Settings).

And another reason could also be: too low I/O buffers for such large projects in Logic Audio Settings.

AUHostingService does show high CPU usage (above 100 in the activity monitor) so I tried that now, I turn off the channels by the header components one by one (the sends as well), when all channels are off then it eliminates the problem, if only one channel is on then the problem occur. I tried to playback with only the bass channel on that has only 2 fabfilter plugins on it (pro q and pro c) and it still stutters. I don't think the problem is with fabfilter because they are all running natively. It does happen less often with less channels active.
My audio settings are:
I/O Buffer size: 1024
Processing Threads: 10 (8 high performance cores)
Process Buffer Range: Large
Multithreading: Playback Tracks
Summing: High Percision

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Please also check in the Fireface settings Dialog app if there are errors counted.
Top right side.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I did a small test:
I opened a new project, added 2 audio tracks and sent them to 5 different buses, each bus has one plugin.
I tried it each time with the same plugin on all 5 buses: Fabfilter Pro R, UAD Sound City Studio, Neural DSP Archetipe,
In all cases, it stuttered when the output device was the UCX, but switching to the MacBook's speakers works smoothly.
I tried the same scenario on Reaper, and the problem did not occur while using the UCX as output. So, in my opinion, it has something to do with the integration between Logic and the driver.
I also did not see any errors in the Fireface settings app.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I would love to know the result of a similar test with Logic but this time only plugins from Logic..

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

21 (edited by maggie33 2024-08-29 05:32:49)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Yes, weadi you were on the right track... :-)

I tested with the trial version of fabfilters plugins pro q and c. Activated in just 2 tracks... In a little project with just 2 SW Instruments - each had both (q + c) fabfilters plugins as fx
-> CPU Load jumps to maximum imediatly
-> Same error popups (with the sample rate mismatch) after 1, 2 minutes
-> Definitely, not a Driver Problem (tested with Fireface 802 DK drivers), as it also happens with Mac Speakers (!)
-> Definitely, the fabfilters do sth weird here...

PS (@orimaz2006):
AUHostingService = M1 (ARM64 arch) Plugins
what i was talking about:
AUHostingCompatibilityService = intel (x86_64 arch) plugins

the fabfilters, (i downloaded latest version) run in arm64 mode, so this is not the cause.


Edit: I used DK v4.12 drivers in my tests. - Just noticed that new DK v4.14 and kext v3.33 drivers were released 2 days ago...

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Wow Maggie thanks for the effort this is really interesting !
You have discovered our beloved super-plugins are not perfect !
This has to go to the FabFilter support.

Wonder why the test with Reaper didn't fail, OP told he performed same test.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

our beloved super-plugins

Do you use them?

I personally never used them before - hm... the EQ looks nice and is quite simple.
Please don't laugh, but until today i use (and love :-)) the good old ugly AUNBandEQ Plugin...

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

24 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-29 07:48:47)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

maggie33 wrote:

Yes, weadi you were on the right track... :-)

I tested with the trial version of fabfilters plugins pro q and c. Activated in just 2 tracks... In a little project with just 2 SW Instruments - each had both (q + c) fabfilters plugins as fx
-> CPU Load jumps to maximum imediatly
-> Same error popups (with the sample rate mismatch) after 1, 2 minutes
-> Definitely, not a Driver Problem (tested with Fireface 802 DK drivers), as it also happens with Mac Speakers (!)
-> Definitely, the fabfilters do sth weird here...

PS (@orimaz2006):
AUHostingService = M1 (ARM64 arch) Plugins
what i was talking about:
AUHostingCompatibilityService = intel (x86_64 arch) plugins

the fabfilters, (i downloaded latest version) run in arm64 mode, so this is not the cause.

Edit: I used DK v4.12 drivers in my tests. - Just noticed that new DK v4.14 and kext v3.33 drivers were released 2 days ago...

I've been using Fabfilter plugins for years and never had problems (until I switched to RME) so that's really strange. I wonder if it will reproduce on reaper.
All my drivers are up to date (v4.14)
There is no AUHostingCompatibilityService in my activity monitor, only AUHostingService, so I guess they are all running natively.
Also all my plugins are up to date.
maggie33 did you only switch the output device or both input and output device from the RME driver?
try switching both to the MacBooks speakers/microphone and see if it happens. I found that I need to switch both to eliminate the problem.

25 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-29 07:55:36)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

waedi wrote:

I would love to know the result of a similar test with Logic but this time only plugins from Logic..

I tested it with Logic plugin ChromaVerb. At first it did not reproduce, then I started adding more instances of this plugin.
15 instances of ChromaVerb started to reproduced the problem with the RME driver, Switching to the MacBook's speakers did not reproduce it.
Here is a video with 20 instances

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

There is no AUHostingCompatibilityService in my activity monitor, only AUHostingService, so I guess they are all running natively.

Yes seems all plugins are running in arm64 mode...
As i told: No AUHostingCompatibilityService = no x86_64 plugins active. -> It was just an idea what could be the cause. But i confirmed already - its not the problem.

The only thing i can confirm surely:
Fabfilters seem to produce high CPU load in my case (whoever knows why), which leaded to to dropouts in Logic and the same popups you had.
I do not know what other plugins you use - i read you use some UAD Plugins, too (no bashing - but afaik, they are not always stable, too).
Anyhow, i agree to wadi and other posters:
why did you not follow the suggestions? To exclude possibilities by using not foreign plugins, and then add them one by one, to see how logic behaves, to identify the root cause...

I wonder if it will reproduce on reaper.

didnt you already say - on reaper everything works fine...?
I have just basic skills with reaper, thus i will not install it (And no time for this...)
But as you have some hints now, what the cause could be - and surely better skills regarding reaper, would be interesting to read a objective result from you here, if you like.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

27 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-29 08:31:34)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

maggie33 wrote:

There is no AUHostingCompatibilityService in my activity monitor, only AUHostingService, so I guess they are all running natively.

Yes seems all plugins are running in arm64 mode...
As i told: No AUHostingCompatibilityService = no x86_64 plugins active. -> It was just an idea what could be the cause. But i confirmed already - its not the problem.

The only thing i can confirm surely:
Fabfilters seem to produce high CPU load in my case (whoever knows why), which leaded to to dropouts in Logic and the same popups you had.
I do not know what other plugins you use - i read you use some UAD Plugins, too (no bashing - but afaik, they are not always stable, too).
Anyhow, i agree to wadi and other posters:
why did you not follow the suggestions? To exclude possibilities by using not foreign plugins, and then add them one by one, to see how logic behaves, to identify the root cause...

I wonder if it will reproduce on reaper.

didnt you already say - on reaper everything works fine...?
I have just basic skills with reaper, thus i will not install it (And no time for this...)
But as you have some hints now, what the cause could be - and surely better skills regarding reaper, would be interesting to read a objective result from you here, if you like.

I did follow. see post 25.
Also I want to clarify the reproduction on you end, did you only switch the output device or both input and output device from the RME driver? because I found that I need to switch both to the MacBook's input/output to eliminate the problem.

Yes for me on reaper it worked fine, what I meant if it would work for you on reaper.

28 (edited by maggie33 2024-08-29 09:32:29)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

did you only switch the output device or both input and output device from the RME driver?

Both. But i am on MacStudio here (no builtin mic) - Out was set to Speakers and In was set to a USB headset.

And no problems with choromaverb here....

But what i see again now - your mic goes crazy... this is not OK!

As oli and wadi asked:

Why is this happening here?
Any other MIDI related Hardware connected?
Any Control Surfaces connected?
Any other Software active?  (which could interfere with Keyboard Shortcut related stuff)
Any Hubs used between your UFX II and Mac? You use a USB2 to USB-C Cable. Afaik MAC M1 Pros have only 2 TB/USB-C Ports. Right?
What is the UA Icon in your Menu Bar? Any UA Plugins/HW installed and running?

Would just help to understand, if you answer these questions precise....

To make sure: Disconnect everything first, quit any SW which could interfere... Only the UFX II...

And then check how it behaves..

It makes also sense to check the USB connection via the SystemInformation.app (refresh its status while the mic toggles)
and it may be worth look into the Console.app if you see any hints regarding this errors...

what I meant if it would work for you on reaper.

Sorry - as i said - no time for installing reaper and getting familiar with it. I personally do (and will) not use it...

What you can try too:
- Close Logic
- Copy these files (as backup) anywhere:
-Delete them
-Restart Logic, it creates new files by itself. Just to make sure, any settings do not impact the behavior

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

The only things plugged into my MBP ports are my UCX directly, MagSafe power, and my monitor. There's still a problem if I unplug the monitor. There are no MIDI devices, no controllers, no hubs, just the RME plugged directly into my MBP. This was tested with no other software in the background. Switching to a different USB port didn't help. Closing all programs in the background didn't help (The UA icon will be present as long as I run Logic, I can't quit this program as long as I have UAD plugins on my computer)
All evidence points to an integration problem between logic and RME.
I contacted support via email, and their response was something broken with my system.
I have 10 years of experience as a software engineer working in high-tech companies. If a client showed me the videos I showed you now, I would try reproducing them in a debug environment and looking for the problem. Instead, I'm to blame for this problem. I'm so frustrated.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

maggie33 wrote:

What you can try too:
- Close Logic
- Copy these files (as backup) anywhere:
-Delete them
-Restart Logic, it creates new files by itself. Just to make sure, any settings do not impact the behavior

Tried that now, didn't work.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I installed v3.31, and it is *better*. It still has stutters, but they happen less often (every 2-3 playbacks instead of every playback), and the mic icon is not flashing.
I hope it strengthens the claim that this is a software problem, not a generic troubleshooting problem, and not a plugin problem.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Sorry, i am just another IT/SW engineer, working in a totally different IT industry... just with some personal audio passion/hobby. 
No, i am not an Apple or RME Employee...

I contacted support via email, and their response was something broken with my system.

-> Thats the same impression, i have...

I would try reproducing them in a debug environment and looking for the problem.

-> I tried to reproduce exactly your case. Spent a some time. Learned something new...  But if i put 1 and 1 together, i think i understand what you want to point out with this (what i cannot confirm).

You seem to be an experienced engineer but you seem not want to follow the generic principle regarding debugging: Exclude every possible cause, step bay step... (every SW/Plugins/whatever - UAD Plugins too - can be closed/disabled)...
You did not answer questions/suggestions of other users here (and myself). Just to be able help, and get an impression how your system is set up. As it seems to be not just a trivial thing (thus it seems not to be driver related)...

Instead, you say:

All evidence points to an integration problem between logic and RME.

-> this is your opinion.
-> I did not see any real evidences from your side till now.
-> But my personal claim regarding this seems to differ with yours.

So, good luck for you.

PS: Last idea: Try another USB Cable?

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

maggie, you always seem to skip my messages lol
read post 31, v3.31 works better for me, so this is a software problem. I edited the original post.
I updated the support team and they passed it to the developers.
Although I am frustrated, I really appreciate the time you all spent helping me.
I spent 3 days troubleshooting it myself, with the help of the forum, so believe me when I say that I followed debugging principles.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I hope it strengthens the claim…

From my Point of view it straigthens the claim that there is something wrong with your setup.

And i do not unterstand what a „generic troubleshooting problem“ should be.

and not a plugin problem.

What did you overlook here? Of course it is anyhow related with your plugins and/or mac Installation… or whatever you did…

Do you think i copied my Screenshot from google?? At least the Fabfilter is a reproducable cause. Once more: No matter if RME unit or mac speakers.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

I read your post 31.
but i looks the root cause of Problem didnt change, thus it are 2,3 playbacks more now…

Anyhow. Nice, that your Problem is addressed to the developers now. Hope you get it solved.

Thanks for your Feedback.

“Do It For Her”
My Gear: Bontempi Magic light Keyboard

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

Thanks again for your help.


Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

My audio settings are:
I/O Buffer size: 1024
Processing Threads: 10 (8 high performance cores)
Process Buffer Range: Large
Multithreading: Playback Tracks
Summing: High Percision

https://www.logicprohelp.com/forums/top … -blinking/

Matthias Carstens


Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

And if that one doesn't help: we had a user who complained about the flashing mic symbol. It turned out that was caused by a new Apple feature which allows to use your iPhone as web cam. Here's how to disable it:


Matthias Carstens

39 (edited by waedi 2024-08-30 05:24:41)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

I installed v3.31, and it is *better*. It still has stutters, but they happen less often (every 2-3 playbacks instead of every playback), and the mic icon is not flashing.
I hope it strengthens the claim that this is a software problem, not a generic troubleshooting problem, and not a plugin problem.

The built-in loudspeakers and mic is a 2-channel audio interface, also the Focusrite you mentioned is 2-channel if I remember correct.
Switching from the UCX to the built-in audio is a reduction of 95% of audio channels. From 40 to 2.
From what is posted in this thread the issue appears when system overload due to plugins is happening.
No audio driver is able to overcome CPU overload.
If you want to use a high-number multichannel audio interface you have to adapt your work.
Reduce the CPU load by using other plugins, reduce the song project by bouncing some tracks into one track, freezing some tracks etc. The web is full with coaching videos with hints and tricks. Youtuber Chris Sangster for example is a great Logic supporter.

Please don't feel blamed, it's for sure not my goal to blame you.

Edit :
Another hint, in the Fabfilter plugins there is a feature HQ oversampling, if you have 4x or 8x oversampling ON multiple times it can burst CPU usage.
Switch HQ off for test.

M1-Sequoia, Madiface Pro, Digiface USB, Babyface silver and blue

40 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-30 12:04:10)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

waedi wrote:

Switching from the UCX to the built-in audio is a reduction of 95% of audio channels. From 40 to 2.

This is interesting. Are you saying it happens in the RME because it has more channels? Is there a way to disable them when I'm mixing?
And if this is the case, why doesn't it happen in Reaper?
And why does kernel extension 3.31 work smoother while 3.33 is much more problematic?

You might have missed this video where the problem occurs with a Logic stock plugin:
The meters show there isn't CPU overload, and there isn't a message for CPU overload. (Yes, I know this is a lot of reverb, and it's not a real scenario, just a test, but it does not overload the CPU.)

If there's a way to reduce the active channels in RME, I'll test it out.
Thanks for your help smile

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

No, there is not way to reduce number of active channels. If you may test with Babyface Pro, it has less channels.... So you could test, if hypothesis that your problems depend on number of interfce channels, is valid or not.

The difference between Logic and Reaper may be in that how effectively they distribute load to CPU cores. One may be better than other. The way p-cores and e-cores are handled also may create difference....

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS


Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

And if this is the case, why doesn't it happen in Reaper?

Why you not try the different Logic settings that helped the UFX user in the linked thread?

Matthias Carstens

43 (edited by orimaz2006 2024-08-30 15:19:42)

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

MC wrote:
orimaz2006 wrote:

And if this is the case, why doesn't it happen in Reaper?

Why you not try the different Logic settings that helped the UFX user in the linked thread?

I did try that (and watched many youtube videos about performance in Logic Pro) and it didn't work, and also these settings make no sense:
- Processing Threads to 18 (16 high performance cores) - I have 10 at maximum, and it is not even using all of them.
- Process Buffer Range to Small - That would only make it worse.
- Multithreading to Playback & Live Tracks - That would also make it worse since it reserves CPU for live tracks and not only for playbacks.
I also turned off the camera continuity on my iPhone, but that was after I switched to 3.31 and I don't know if it had any effect.

Right now, as I have been working with 3.31 for the past day, it is pretty stable. I get the occasional stutter, but it is not as severe, and the mic icon is not flashing as before. I can work on my heavy sessions with little interruptions.

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

And if this is the case, why doesn't it happen in Reaper?

I admit that I get dizzy when I read code in a terminal but I know when a software has been created under an inclusive, respectful and coherent approach regardless of whether you are a Linux, Mac, Windows user or if your computer is 15 years old, IMHO this is the case of Reaper ...

It will be interesting to read the conclusions from RME Devs here .... or possibly from Logic Devs wink .... or not.

UCX II FW106/34/104 v1.270 TM1.98 - PC Win11 24H2 / Fedora WS 41 - Reaper 7.31

Re: UCX II Causes Hick-ups and System Overloads in Logic Pro

orimaz2006 wrote:

I did try that (and watched many youtube videos about performance in Logic Pro) and it didn't work, and also these settings make no sense:
- Processing Threads to 18 (16 high performance cores) - I have 10 at maximum, and it is not even using all of them.

That is strange that Logic even does not use all your CPU cores..... Maybe that Reaper does use all of them and that makes the difference....

FF UCX II, Digiface USB, Babyface Pro FS