Topic: OSC address question

Is there any way to send an OSC width message directly to an input channel of TMFX?
As for volume or pan that can be sent with the input number included in the message (for example "/1/volume5" , 0.7).
I know that I can use /2/track+- to select a channel to which I want to send the width message but it's not applicable in my case.

2 (edited by maggie33 Today 07:57:59)

Re: OSC address question

You can do this by using /setOffsetInBank

from the TotalMix OSC doc:

Received value sets the channel in page 2 relative to start of bank in page 1 (counted in faders)

Regarding your example (volume5), this would be sth like:

/setOffsetInBank 4  // as it starts with 0, we use 4 for "channel" 5
/2/width x  // your float value from 0 - 1 for width

If you are working with TouchOSC, a more advanced example:
you can create a radial, make sure you set tag property in its properties to 0, for the first radial... … erties#tag

copy paste this script to the radials script section....

function onValueChanged(key)
  -- we have to switch the bus and offset only if the radial was touched 
  if key == "touch" then
    -- just to make sure we switch to input bus on page 2 ("simple" OSCmessage)
    sendOSC('/2/busInput', 1)
    -- "complex" OSCmessage (see TouchOSC scripting API)
      -- our path to set the channel directly in page 2
          -- converts the string tag property of our radial to float32
          {tag = 'f', value =}    
  -- now, we send the value of our radial to TM...
  if key == "x" then        
    sendOSC('/2/width', self.values[key])    

and the just copy paste the radial multiple times. - no ned to touch the script section anymore.
All you need to edit is the tag property for each clone (1 for clone1, 2 for clone2, etc...,)

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