Topic: -95 db RMS noise on Analog in 1&2
Sorry to have to bring this up. I've read almost all the previous threads. I have taped the case to prevent metal to metal contact and than doesn't work.
AIO non Pro, about a year ago I purchased this card (used). I also bought the analog in and out extension cards which are installed. I use it specifically in DAW mode (with Cubase). I didn't notice this problem until just recently. I happened to be monitoring my sound in a way that I normally wouldn't when I saw the Analog 1 and 2 meters bouncing around between -85 and -95 db in TotalMix. In Cubase when I have those "ins" activated I get a -72 to -85 reading. The only thing that seems to have some effect is if I set the Input Level to "Lo Gain" in the Hammerfal DSP settings, then the readings flucutate between -96 to -101.
Where do I start and what do I do? For now I've just deactivated 1&2 in Cubase and hope there isn't any bleed while deactivated.
Go easy on me since I'm bit of a beginner here.