Topic: happy with RME 400 but..TotalMix.. question?

i'm using the RME 400 on a PC running Windows XP.

With my previous MOTU interface I was able to run both Ableton and say, YouTube and hear them both on the same outputs.

Seems like now it's either one or the other..

Reading the RME manual, I understand that 1+2 outputs are dedicated to Ableton (in my case) so I assigned 3+4 to the computer (youtube, itunes, etc).. but I still dont get sound coming out when Ableton is running...

I know I'm missing something, and sorry for the dumb question, can somebody give me a hand?


Re: happy with RME 400 but..TotalMix.. question?

If you want to have multiple clients running at the same time there are two things that have to "fit".

1.: Different output channels.
2.: The same samplerate for all clients.

So, the first requirement ist fulfilled in your setup. If you are also running all clients (ableton and windows sounds) with the same samplerate it should work.
However it might be that Ableton reserves channels 3/4. I don't use Ableton but Wavelab for example tends to reserve playback channels if an input channel is assigned in the software although no corresponding output channel is assigned.

Good luck...

Re: happy with RME 400 but..TotalMix.. question?

thanks viper.. that did the trick..