Topic: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card


Sibelius 7 opens without acknowledging my RME 9632 HDSP  card, so no audio engine, or saying that the audio engine is misconfigured, and therefore do not show. Sibelius 6, for its part, connects to the RME with no problem. I thought it was a problem of 64 bits, but the 32-bit version of Sibelius 7 does not see my card either.

A point can be: even if the RME appears in Windows and all the capture software, including Pro-Tools 9, RME bypass the manager of the Windows. Perhaps Sibelius 7 does not understand this ...

Someone may have a solution. I also sent this question on the Sibelius forum.


Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

confirmed in here
BTW, in my system I have tried to downgrade the latest version of drivers  to ver. 3.08 and it works ok. On the latest 3.24 Sibelius 7 doesn't recognize my REM HDSP 9632.
Please help.
Best wishes,

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

Therefore the 3.08 works with Sibelius 7? -What is playable. What's on the side but lost RME?

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I am here the link between the technical support of RME and that of Sibelius. Sibelius 7 does not recognize the card RME. The answer to Daniel, product manager at Avid:

It sounds like a problem with RME's drivers. Have you tried contacting RME support? You can put them in touch with me and I would be happy to work with them.

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Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

Instead of me having to fill some online forms, you could just forward my mail address to them...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card


Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

RME Support wrote:

Instead of me having to fill some online forms, you could just forward my mail address to them...

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel, thanks for your good will, could toy please download Sibelius 7 demo and test it on your system with the latest 3.24 drivers and HDSP 9632 ?

Thanks in advice.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I have tested S7 with an HDSPe AIO, which uses the same driver. Card is seen and works just fine. Don't have an HDSP 9632 in my W7 system, but I don't expect it to behave any differently, given the driver is the same.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I give this answer to Daniel S. in Sibelius. Thank you for your time and attention, Daniel.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

RME Support wrote:

I have tested S7 with an HDSPe AIO, which uses the same driver. Card is seen and works just fine. Don't have an HDSP 9632 in my W7 system, but I don't expect it to behave any differently, given the driver is the same.

Daniel Fuchs

have you tryied it on x64 bit system or x32 ? I have a problem with x64
Do you have any suggestion what may couses the problem ?

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I was hoping that 3.26 resolve the problem, but not.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

RME Support wrote:

I have tested S7 with an HDSPe AIO, which uses the same driver. Card is seen and works just fine. Don't have an HDSP 9632 in my W7 system, but I don't expect it to behave any differently, given the driver is the same.

Daniel Fuchs

I have done a try to set the fresh new system. Only Win7 x64, RME 3.26, and Sib7.
Still the same problem.
3.08.5 works fine, but 3.26 not.
What could be the difference between this two version of drivers ?

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I have no immediate explanation, sorry. I tried it here on a W7 64 bit system. The driver is seen here without any problems.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

Anyone in RME doesn't have HDSP9632 to test it on Sib7 ??

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

AIO and HDSP 9632 use the same driver. If other ASIO programs on your computer see the HDSP ASIO driver, I don't quite see why the 9632 specifically should behave differently from the AIO, which works here.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

16 (edited by epiano 2011-08-05 07:44:37)

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

So you are the first and only one that forced this to work. Everybody that I could encourage to test it, confirmed, taht it is not working at all.

But the problem is that SIB7 is working fine on older RME drivers 3.08.5. How to explain this ?
It's a little mess, completly new Sibelius 7 and completly new RME drivers, so I think, that we should test it in the wider group of users.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I have the same issue with the 9652...

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

It is a question of audio port. Ask the new file to the support of Sibelius or the Forum: portaudio_x64 diagnostic no WASAPI.

19 (edited by PeterPanino 2011-08-09 00:39:16)

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I have Sibelius 7 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.

After installing the Sibelius 7 upgrade Sibelius 7 sounds worked fine. Then I installed the Driver version 3.24 for my RME Hammerfall DSP Multiface, after that Sibelius sounds did not work any more, Sibelius does not even see the RME device.

Flash utility shows hardware revision 17.

Here are the error messages which appear when starting Sibelius 7: … evices.gif

And this is the Audio Engine Options dialog: … ptions.gif

You can see that the Interface combobox is grayed out and the other controls are also disabled.

Now that I see that also other RME users have the same problem I am going to install the older driver version. Curious if it works.

Edit: I have to add that the RME audio interface works fine in every other program, e.g. Steinberg WaveLab 7 (the number 7 seems to be inflationary here ;-)

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

See above : It is a question of audio port. Ask the new file to the support of Sibelius or the Forum: portaudio_x64 diagnostic no WASAPI.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

OK, this seems to be my install-drivers-and-reboot-computer night.

First I installed driver version 3.26 over 3.24. Rebooted. Still Sibelius 7 doesn't see it.

Then installed Version 3.085 over 3.26. Rebooted. An now: Sibelius 7 sees it and the RME Hammerfall DSP Multiface works in Sibelius 7!!!!!

So there seems to be an incompatibility between Sibelius 7 and RME driver 3.24/3.26 ...

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

He, PeterPanino, you can not read? Go to Sibelius or support forum. They have a new dll fot the audio ports. It's their mistake. They have the solution.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

cmbourget, yes I can read English (and a few other languages), but I couldn't understand your posting ...

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card … id=3976501

664: Sibelius 7 does not detect RME HDSP audio interfaces correctly


On some Windows 7 64-bit (x64) systems, Sibelius 7 does not detect the ASIO interface for an installed RME HDSP audio card. The expected RME ASIO interface does not appear in the Interface list in Audio Engine Options.

On some systems, Sibelius is unable to initialise the WASAPI device presented by the RME audio card, with the result that it is unable to enumerate any further audio interfaces.

    Open Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\Avid\Sibelius 7
    Rename the existing file portaudio_x64.dll to portaudio_x64.bak
    Download (200K)
    Unzip the archive, and move the unzipped portaudio_x64.dll into C:\Program Files\Avid\Sibelius 7
    Now restart Sibelius 7

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I just purchased Sib 7 for win 7 64bit. I have the same problem with this on my RME HDSP card (not the 9632; older). Anyhow, no matter what computer I'm on (and I have several in different locations), I can't seem to download the " (200K)" file. Does someone have this file in a different location that I can download? Much appreciated

This is what I get when I click on the link:

HTTP Status 404 - /helpcenter/resources/


type Status report

message /helpcenter/resources/

description The requested resource (/helpcenter/resources/ is not available.


Apache Tomcat/6.0.33

Does someone have this file in a different location that I can download? Much appreciated

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

Downloaded fine for me from the link. Try here: …

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

thanks Jeff! smile smile smile smile
seriously, much appreciated. I was able to download it and your response time was fast. Sibelius has still not replied to my query from yesterday. Rme rocks!


Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

Jeff, can you put up a link for win 32 bit version of that file for Sibelius 7?


Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I think I figured out why I couldn't download the file:

Message bodyMicrosoft Forefront Protection for Exchange Server has detected a file filter match.

      Filter name:  "Block Executables: *"
      File name:  ">portaudio_x64.dll"
      State:  "Removed"
      Subject line:  "wasapi sibelius 7 fix"
      Sender:  "user_e-mail_name"
      Scan job:  "Transport"
      Location:  "Microsoft//TDSBEDGE1 (SMTP Messages)"

I don't know how to change this.

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card … id=3976501

mauroxu wrote:

I just purchased Sib 7 for win 7 64bit. I have the same problem with this on my RME HDSP card (not the 9632; older). Anyhow, no matter what computer I'm on (and I have several in different locations), I can't seem to download the " (200K)" file. Does someone have this file in a different location that I can download? Much appreciated

This is what I get when I click on the link:

HTTP Status 404 - /helpcenter/resources/


type Status report

message /helpcenter/resources/

description The requested resource (/helpcenter/resources/ is not available.


Apache Tomcat/6.0.33

Does someone have this file in a different location that I can download? Much appreciated

Re: Sibelius 7 does not see my RME 9632 HDSP card

I have this very issue. However, the Avid fix doesn't work for me. None of the 'delete this or that' fixes work for me either. Furthermore, disabling my motherboard's built in audio device doesn't help. I have disabled everything accept the RME everywhere that I can think of. Please help me out here?!?!

Some specs: ASUS P6X58D Premium - mobo, i7 980X, EVGA/Nvidia GTX 480 Superclocked - graphics, Windows 7 64-bit, Sibelius 7, RME hdsp 9632.