Topic: ? about software playback section of TotalMix.
I am a new UCX user and I'm very excited about it! :-)
I have a question about audio coming from Windows which is routed to the software playback section of Total Mix: for example audio coming from a Youtube clip.
Previously, (with an M-Audio card) the audio coming from these Windows playbacks were sent to the soundcard "after" the Windows internal "mixer" sound level control. In this case, if I turned the overall "Windows sound" volume down, all Windows sounds (like youtube clips, media player, etc.) would be turned down and the signal being sent to the M-Audio software playback input was lowered. This allowed me to use a simple Windows Media Center remote control to control Windows volumes (not DAW volumes).
It seems like with my UCX and TotalMix, these windows software playback sounds go the the UCX "PRE" fader from the Windows mixer/volume control because even if I mute the sound from the Windows mixer, TotalMix still shows an incoming signal. How can I change this so that TotalMix gets a "POST" fader signal from Windows? It seems strange that this wouldn't be allowed, because it would make sense that you would want to optimize the level of the software playback signal, not just have it constant.
Of course the DAW playback would go straight to the analog outputs and bypass the Windows internal "mixer".
I hope that makes sense. I found this thread which is basically the same question I am asking, but I find it hard to believe that such an advanced routing/mixing setup with the UCX and TotalMix can't accept an "incoming" signal from Windows software sources without it being "PRE" fader (or maybe it is just bypassing the Windows mixer. But there must be a way to accept incoming Windows audio as a signal source! This was simple with the M-Audio mixer.)
Thanks in advance for any help.