Topic: Question about RME Multiface II (sound is recorded very smaller)

Hello, I am new to RME Multiface II and have just tried to use it.
However, I found that the RME Multiface II is something weird..
I tried to record music through the pass showed below :
MP3 Player (of course, music is playing) -> 3.5 ear jack to 5.5 pi -> Multiface II Input channel (one of 8 in)
Recorded sound was too small... So I tried to use Phase x64(terrasoniq), then the recorded sound was fine.

My question is.. Why sound which is recorded using RME Multiface II is too small
As I think, such as Amp. is not in there...

I want to buy RME Fireface UC, but I have to figure out this problem before buying it..

Please help me, if anyone knows the reason of this issue

Re: Question about RME Multiface II (sound is recorded very smaller)

This connection does not make sense technically, since you are connecting a stereo headphones output to a mono line input. If you buy a suitable splitter- or Y-cable (stereo miniplug to two mono quarter inch plugs), turn up the volume, and set the MF's input to -10 dBV, it might work better.

This leaves the question why you want to "record" the signal from the MP3 player this way, but that is another matter.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs