Topic: Total mix and CC Midi codes

Hi all

I use to control Totalmix (last FF800 version) with a BCR2000 (with CC Midi codes).
I have switches to select an output and then mix inputs with the 24 BCR's pots that go through the selected output.
But the problem is, when i select another output, BCR's pots remains in the previous position, so when i touch one, it go back to last position (I don't know if I'm realy clear..)

So I was wondering if the totalmix could generate CC Midi codes to send to the BCR and tell the pots their "new position" ?

Thanks in advance,

Adrien G

Re: Total mix and CC Midi codes


i never succeeded in having feedback of totalmix fader position in the bcr, too. like the one (feedback) i always get (very easily) in, for exemple, ableton...

Re: Total mix and CC Midi codes

Yep, that's it.
If we could have an answer from someone from RME that would be great.
I thought eventualy to use an emulator as a virtual midi device (on the totalmix midi output) that understand mackie control and that could actualy send feedback to bcr.
What do you think ? does somebody knows that kind of stuff ?

Re: Total mix and CC Midi codes

I also noticed that when you use a knob on the bcr as PB (pitchbend), it controls one channel level WITH feedback..

Re: Total mix and CC Midi codes

LcXmu would be the answer. That's a software mackie emulator that has a functional template for BRC2000 with feedback and all. Fully customizable and also midi thru, so you can edit your controller the way you want and send the necessary submix select commands only available with simple midi commands..

Also you should not underestimate the power of the search function. All of this has been discussed on these forums before.. :-)

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