Topic: TotalMix Bug report: clic sending Control Change to Software Playback


I am controlling "software playback" faders (for instance using Ch. 5 CC#116).
With some continuous sounds, I can hear clics. If I move the same fader using TotalMix GUI, I don't hear any clic.
I don't hear clic neither when I am controlling harware output faders.



Re: TotalMix Bug report: clic sending Control Change to Software Playback

Some zipper noise is normal and can not be avoided, sorry.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix Bug report: clic sending Control Change to Software Playback

Hello MC,
I am not satisfied with this answer. Maybe you didn't understand my problem.
For instance, say I have a software fader -40dB. I can cmd+click on that fader, it will go to 0 dB and I will hear no clic, because there is an internal mechanism that will smooth the fader curve.
Now if I have this same fader & I send one single MIDI control change to put it to 0dB, that mechanism should as well smooth the curve. It doesn't.
Thank you.


Re: TotalMix Bug report: clic sending Control Change to Software Playback

These are useful details. Please send me a workspace so I have all your settings, and tell me the exact CC command that you send to generate the click. Thanks!

Matthias Carstens