Topic: TWO Fireface 800 units and Windows 7 - any luck?

Hey Everyone -

We currently run one FF800 using firewire 400 to connect to a custom Windows 7 PC with a firewire 400 PCI card. It works wonderfully for Nuendo. No problems. The monitoring goes through a Yamaha 02r via lightpipe. We use a FF400 with a laptop sidecar for Ableton and other instrument stuff. Everything is clocked from a master iClock.


I know that it's possible to run two FF800's if you are using firewire 800. Has anyone successfully done this with a Windows 7 machine? We would very much like to double our I/O by adding a second FF800. But I'm not sure that it will work the way it's been proposed in the RME video and elsewhere. We want to avoid using one stand-alone or limiting bandwidth to analog, because we need to use all the lightpipe I/O. Windows 7 does not officially support firewire 800, but I've heard that it can work. So has anyone made it work with TWO FF800s on Windows 7? And if so, what's your firewire card?


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Re: TWO Fireface 800 units and Windows 7 - any luck?

Two FF800, no, but a FF800 + UFX (+FF400 if I remember correctly). Build in LSI/Agere of an early Macbook Pro 2011 running bootcamped Windows 7.