Topic: TotalMix feature requests for live shows


I do contemporary music as well as theatre shows.
UFX Analog outs are plugged directly to amplifiers for multichannel diffusion.
I use real time processing software such as Max, Ableton Live etc.

1) DURec: I would like to be able to record hardware outputs pre-fader (because in this configuration, output stage settings depend on amplification)
2) DURec: I would like to be able to record software playback, pre or post-fader.
3) delay on inputs and outputs would be great
4) I would like Q parameter of EQ to go up to 10 (notch on stage monitors or PA)

Thank you very much.


Re: TotalMix feature requests for live shows

1. There is no pre-fader - this is the mixing bus directly with lots of headroom. With signals up to +24 dB there is no easy way to implement such a function.

2. Not possible by design.

3. Not possible due to limited hardware resources.

4. The Q values are higher at higher boost/cut settings. Please try it, there is no need to have a setting of 10.

Matthias Carstens

Re: TotalMix feature requests for live shows

I understand, thank you.