Topic: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo


I just set up my original MultiFace / PCI card (rev. 1.7) in my new computer. I installed the HDSP_WDM_331 driver. The Host Error light on the Multiface stays lit, no audio can be heard, all audio software says no device available or something similar. I launched digicheck, there was no input device selected. I selected "Asio hammerfall DSP". I then noticed that only the adat and SPDIF channels are listed and the device is identified as a DigiFace. I tried the HDSP_WDM_3085 driver, same thing. I went back to the latest driver and also ran the flash update to v17, it was successful but still no joy.

Full disclsure, I suspect it doesnt work due to the non-native PCI slot on my Gigabyte GA Z77X-UD5H Motherboard, but I thought I would post here in case the symptoms suggest it's something else. I would think that the PCI slot problem would cause the card to not be recognized at all.

Thanks in advance for any insight.


Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

Tried a different FW400 cable yet?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

Tried a brand new cable this morning... no joy.

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

What would make it detect as a digiface instead of a multiface?

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

DF is just what shows up as default when nothing is conected/detected. It is not something specific to this case.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo


Is there any suggestion you might have? Does it sound at all consistent with a MB with a bridged non-native PCI slot or does it sound like some other issue?

I've combed through this forum and Googled other sites but there seems to be no match or solution for my issue.



Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

No, I would doubt it is related to the chipset. Can you test the setup in another computer?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo


The original computer it worked in for years is no more so I couldnt put it back where it came from, but I did test it in an another old computer... Installed the drivers, tried all the pci slots - same thing unfortunately.

I fear this is not looking good for the PCI card or MF itself.

Anything else I could test? What are my options for an old discontinued interface that's broken? I cant recall where I bought it originally...


9 (edited by geo316 2012-11-28 21:29:21)

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

retracing my steps... could it have to do with flashing the firmware? Card version 1.7 now on firmware Version 17


Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

geo316 wrote:


The original computer it worked in for years is no more so I couldnt put it back where it came from, but I did test it in an another old computer... Installed the drivers, tried all the pci slots - same thing unfortunately.

I fear this is not looking good for the PCI card or MF itself.

Anything else I could test? What are my options for an old discontinued interface that's broken? I cant recall where I bought it originally...


Have you tried removing the card and cleaning the gold contacts (where it connects to the PCI) slot with a pencil eraser?

Not sure if it's relevant to the HDSP, but it was recommended for older cards.

Hope it helps,

Isaac P

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo


Tried it - thanks for the suggestion but still no joy...


12 (edited by geo316 2012-11-29 17:09:31)

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

...very discouraged. Before I pack up my card and MF and ship it out to Florida for repair (i.e spend money to potentially end up in the same boat I am in now) is there anything else I can test or look into myself? Can I determine if the problem is the card or MF while in my own computer?

Please... Someone Help!


13 (edited by Seccione 2012-11-29 17:49:28)

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

Have you tried to reboot Windows immediately after powering up the computer?
I have to soft boot each time in order to get the Multiface II recognized.
(I got Z77 as well.)

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

Seccione wrote:

Have you tried to reboot Windows immediately after powering up the computer?
I have to soft boot each time in order to get the Multiface II recognized.
(I got Z77 as well.)

Thanks anyway Seccione... doesnt work for me. MF host error light stays on during soft boots and comes on as soon as it gets power in a hard boot no matter how many I do...


15 (edited by geo316 2012-12-29 00:31:48)

Re: Need help with old Mutliface / PCI card / Z77 MoBo

How I hate it when I search and find issues similar to mine, follow or read through the posts but then see no resolution. Therefore, here's the conclusion to my particular problem though there was no Do It Yourself solution found:

I contacted Jeff Petersen from Synthax (He's a moderator here on this forum). He gave me a couple of scenarios, but they all were dependent upon first putting the card and Multiface on the bench. The bench charge was $35, Jeff also assured me that he could give me a good price on either component should they not be repairable for reason of unavailable parts or cost. presumably these would be refurbished units.

So I shipped it all out to them, unfortunately my Multiface was DOA, fortunately the PCI card checked out OK. Fortunately they were able to swap the MB - and parts for an old MF are hard to come by I hear. Unfortunately it cost me $250 to fix, fortunately I didn't have to buy a new one - which would mean buying a MFII for a whole lot more $$ - even if it was off of eBay or a refurbished one from Jeff :-)

When my stuff arrived back home I popped in the PCI card, plugged in the MF, I already had the drivers and software installed, and when I booted up there was much JOY! Everything worked just fine.

It's still a mystery as to how the MF died - it all worked perfectly on my old computer until it died. I dont know that in dying it would have killed the MF, if anything it would take out the PCI card but even that's not likely.

I guess the moral to the whole story is that stuff happens, and without a DIY solution from the forums. Especially with 10 year old out of warranty stuff. I recommend reaching out to Jeff to see if he can help you. Thanks Jeff and Synthax for being professional and courteous (in spite of all my ranting and worrying) and ultimately helpful in resolving this.

I'm happy to be able to stay in the RME Family!
