1 (edited by musti 2012-12-30 21:09:35)

Topic: RME Multiface Hammerfall DSP - driver instaling problems

i have an RME Multiface Hammerfall DSP (yes the old one)
i did exactly how the instructions said:
shut off the computer, disconnect everything, connect the card to the pci slot and connect PCI interface and Multiface using the supplied firewire cable.
i opened my computer. inserted the cd driver before windows started.
my pc found new hardware!
it searched for software and it didnt find although the cd in the cdrom
i read on the manual that the installation is in the \HDSP_w2k folder. the only thing i found is 2 EXE icons that opened some kind of green volume board.
i downloaded the driver from RME official website. and i get the icons that look the same. (but a little different). with the same green thing volume board.

how can i install the driver software for this hardware.
i bought it second hand and im afraid its broken or something (when in second thought, if my computer recognised a new hardware, im pretty sure the device isnt corrupted). but still please try answering me quick sad
im using an old pentium 4
i tried doing the same on my sister pc i5 ect' (its newer bought not a long time ago)
and it gave me the same exact error !

Re: RME Multiface Hammerfall DSP - driver instaling problems


Daniel Fuchs

3 (edited by musti 2013-01-05 13:37:17)

Re: RME Multiface Hammerfall DSP - driver instaling problems

i followed the tutorial. but i think i have to fix other stuff.
for example
i can hear music from files. but not youtube.
i have a soundcard in my motherboard and my computer always looks for "new hardware" when i start my computer up. (i deleted its drivers before installing the RME driver, is it ok?)
there  are screens in the manual book that i cant find anywhere on my pc (VIEW PIC:

and other thiings that make my think will help u answering me.
what should i do next?

Re: RME Multiface Hammerfall DSP - driver instaling problems

No reason to uninstall the onboard sound card's drivers... Just let Windows reinstall these.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs