Topic: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail


I'm new RME customer.
I chose RME for the quality of their products and driver.
The problem is I strongly suspect my RME card to cause my AV software to crash (video/audio freeze).

When I setup audio to "Null Output", no problem.
When I select Asio / WASAPI driver ... I get a freeze on video after 10-30 sec after starting.

I can't test audio for now as I should receive my DAC next week, so there is no connection between the RME and a third party device.
As there is no DAC  yet connected to the RME AES card, this can be cause this kind of issue ?

Is there any way to point what's going wrong (debeug/tracing  mode,...). I really need to understand and fix the issue.


Operation system (version/service pack) : Windows 7 64 bits SP1
Mainboard : Gigabyte z77mx-d3h
RAM amount : 4 GB
Network adapters : Atheros LAN (motherboard)
Graphic card : None - I use the HD4000 chipset from the CPU (Intel i7 3770T).
Other installed soundcards : VIA chipset (motherboard)
Which audio software (version) shows the problem:  JRiver Media Center

Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail

In most software after you select asio/wasapi you have to select a specific driver after that. In my case rme hdsp asio. Are there other options besides asio/wasapi?

To check if the asio driver is ok, download reaper and try an audio file there with the rme asio driver selected.
Good luck!

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for your reply.
I can't test it for now as I've no DA converter yet.

I did a change on the Windows 7 OS in disabling Power Management
By default, it is set to "Balanced" instead of "High Performance".

Not sure this is in connection with my problem but I've launched a video there is 15 min and I didn't get (yet) any freeze on video.

I will do some tests during the week end.


Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail


Just to let you know that my problem still happens.
I use JRiver for audio which is able to deal with Asio, WDM drivers.
If the audio output setup is set to "Null Output', I've no video playback issue...

My DAC is arriving soon (next week for sure), I'll do some tests with reaper.

Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail


Sources: … iver_hdspe

I have installed the latest driver (v3.31) : OK
I tried to upgrade firmware using latest hdsp_wdm_fut.exe but it fails at step "Erase Sector 13". When this happens, Windows 7 (64 bits) freezes.
No choice that power off the unit.

What's wrong ?


Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail

The HDSPe AES is updated with, which includes pcie_fut.exe.

Which does not mean such an update would did not say something about your current firmware version. Also your description above is confusing - what is used to play the video?

Matthias Carstens

7 (edited by 44.1 2013-01-12 19:51:09)

Re: Asio driver / HDSPe AES causes a 3rd party software to fail

Hi Matthias,

I received my DA converter today so I did some listening tests.
Everything is good from audio point of view during some seconds or a minute and then there is a "sound carrier" (feedback) instead of music.
This causes audio application crash.

Regarding my WDM streaming driver version:
Firmware versio: v2.28 (I used the link you provided in your last post and the installation is ok, but no way to check the firmware version (I suppose)).