Topic: Lock Samplerate to default value!

hello ladies and gentlemen,

is there a way to lock the samplerate of my raydat so a specific value without having it automatically changed when for example winamp plays a file that has a differing sample rate? I would rather have it stay at 48khz all the time as I sync other gear with my raydat - my other gear does not like sample rate changes

by now the only method i know is to have the asio driver used by an application, that locks the samplerate, but I want it to be locked all the time.

thanks for any advice.



Re: Lock Samplerate to default value!

It works like that if you use Winamp with WDM. Maybe you use an older driver...

Matthias Carstens

3 (edited by tomylee 2013-01-07 00:16:58)

Re: Lock Samplerate to default value!

I use version 3.31 on windows XP sp3, any software using the wave driver will switch the samplerate to the rate of the source file - unless of course some software is locking the sample rate by the asio driver, is that behaviour intended?

as always thanks for any advice!

Re: Lock Samplerate to default value!

Yeah, with the older drivers this was much better (samplerate lock for WDM).