Topic: No VST access since win7 update


Seit dem Update auf Win7 kann ich ich via midikeyboard nicht mehr auf meine VST zugreifen.
Das gelbe lämpchen an der Multiface leuchtet zwar, aber das plugin z.B. Kontakt reagiert nicht.
Wenn ich aber mit der Maus auf das interene Keyboard gehe so ertönt der Sound.

Zudem spielen sämtliche EingangsLevel im TotakMIX verrückt. Sie machen irgendwas, aber man hört nichts davor auf den Monitoren.

Hatte bereits Kontakt mit RME CH. Hab nun das ganze Mainboard ausgewechselt damit die PCIe Slots weiter auseinander sind.... alles neuinstalliert, aber immer noch das gleiche Problem.
Gemäss RME CH müsste die Audiokarte ganz sein, da ja der Sound wiedergegeben wird.

Was könnte ich noch machen?

Meine Specs:
RME Multiface II Pcie Ver. 1.1
Win 7 64 Bit Home Premium
Prozessor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 3400 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en)
Nvida GTX 660
Mainboard ASUS 787-Pro

Re: No VST access since win7 update

My specs are:
RME Multiface II Pcie Ver. 1.1
Win 7 64 Bit Home Premium
Prozessor    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz, 3400 MHz, 4 Kern(e), 8 logische(r) Prozessor(en)
Nvida GTX 660
Mainboard ASUS 787-Pro

Since the update from XP to win7 my Multiface II Pcie won't work anymore as it used to...

- When playing the midi Keyboard, the multiface receives Midi (yellow lamp) but the Host doesn't play anything and visually you don't see the keyboard trygering keys. If i click with the mouse on the keys sound appears, and it's clean

- If I open TotalMix all Input levels go visually crazy, but there's actually no sound
I tried to take out all the cards, just hooking the RME card, still no changes
Can the card still be broken, is there a way to reset the card, Can I do anything with the jumpers ?
I contacted already RME CH, and they said as the audio is clean the card can't be broken...

As Audio kind of works ;-), My next step is to get a cheap MIDI input so I can at least contect to my vst and audio will still go over Multiface, not really good solution, but I can't at the moment afford a brand new AudioCard.

But maybe anybody on the forum can help me I'm open for any suggestions which is finacially low....



3 (edited by stephane 2013-07-25 08:49:22)

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Nobody? Anything?..... Or is it so obvious what is wrong?..... No response at all is kind of wierd....

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Use the "high performance" power profile in Win 7. … -questions

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Thank for answering..

Unfortunately It was already on high perfomance....

It's like the midi signal gets to card but not from the card to the host.... And all settings on host side are correct. Worked fine with XP.

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Please try a new/different FireWire400 cable. Also, you may want to clean the gold contact pins on the card. Just wipe lightly with a pencil eraser, and clear debris with a soft cloth.

Is this the same PC motherboard you used in the XP system? BIOS updates? Power saving options in BIOS disabled?

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Cleaning the contacts is wiered cause i never took out the PCIE card when the problem occured the first time.

The Motherboard is now a new one, but the problem shwoed up on the old, i changed the boards as the pcie where maybe too close togehter, so I changed
today i contacted again RME CH, and looks like the multifacebox might be the problem,..... i've got a friend which has the same setup,... he just isn't around the corner, so it will take a while to find out the problem. As going to the distribution might cost 100 Euro. And just to get the answer that the Card is not worth the risk as I'm a semiprofessional user, and output still works.

I aprricate all the help

I will tell if it was a hardwareproblem....

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Since my last post I moved the whole studio to another town.
When I hooked up all my system, everything was running again like usual. The whole TotalMix issue was gone.

Then while adjusting the sub bass of my system, my friend unfortunately pulled out the main power.....

After that, the issue of TotalMix is going crazy where back, it's like the card couldn't shutdown or something.

Tried to reinstall the drivers,.... but nothing happens....

Has anybody occurred once similar things,...

I almost wanted to get a new Card, but then hooking up the system at the new place, and it worked until the forced power off.

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Please try moving to another city again... :-)

Can the setup be tested with another computer?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: No VST access since win7 update

the computer is brand  new. I do not have te possibilty to try another one, as most of friends are using firface units.

To me it's like the soundcard didn't shut down properly, and now it's hanging, but I don't really know how to reboot the card.
Rebooting the Computer doesn't solve the issue.

Re: No VST access since win7 update

Problem solved.

The external Power Supply was broken due to the forced power off.

Well I'm glad i din't buy a new Soundcard.....

Thanx everbody for trying too help.

Maybe my case could help somebody in the futre to solve his problem faster.

All the best
