1 (edited by bienpegaito 2013-10-03 19:03:47)

Topic: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface


I have recently added a used ADI-8 DS to my HDSPe Digiface.

I understand that the unit can only accept digital or analog input --- not both at the same time.

I am using digital input with an ADAT D-Sub which seems to be working fine.

On the other hand,the manual states that the ADI-8 DS digital and analog outputs can be used simultaneously.

I attempted to send out from my computer to one of the ADI-8 DS pairs for a headphone mixing. However there is no output. The TotalMix software shows the output signal going through the Digiface, but there is no activity on the ADI-8 DS front panel. If I toggle the 'Copy' switch, I then see channel activity and hear an unpleasant hi freq tone.

FWIW, the ADI-8 DS is the system clock and everything appears to be synced.

Am I doing something wrong and/ or misunderstanding the use of the analog output --- or is this abnormal behavior of the unit? Any help would be appreciated.

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

bienpegaito wrote:

I have recently added a used ADI-8 DS to my HDSPe Digiface.
I understand that the unit can only accept digital or analog input --- not both at the same time..

Not correct - AD and DA are fully independent.

I am using digital input with an ADAT D-Sub which seems to be working fine..

What's an "ADAT D-Sub"?

I attempted to send out from my computer to one of the ADI-8 DS pairs for a headphone mixing. However there is no output. The TotalMix software shows the output signal going through the Digiface, but there is no activity on the ADI-8 DS front panel. If I toggle the 'Copy' switch, I then see channel activity and hear an unpleasant hi freq tone.

Not sure how you've set up the connection, please be more specific.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

Manual page 7: "The ADI-8 DS back provides 8 (stereo) 1/4" TRS jacks and a 25 pin D-sub jack. Both are internally connected, so not operational at the same time."

Manual page 8: "The 8 short circuit protected, low impedance and servo balanced line outputs are available as (stereo) 1/4" TRS jacks and 25 pin D-sub jack. Both are internally connected, and - in contrary to the inputs - can be used simultaneously."

That is what I meant about using either the digital or analog input. The manual seems to say you can choose one or the other, but not both simultaneously. It seems to say you can use the analog and digital outputs simultaneously.

I am sorry, I misspoke when I said "Digital D-Sub." I also meant to say Multiface instead of Digiface ... I have both operating.

This is how I am setup.

I have a 25 pin D-Sub bringing analog into the ADI-8 DS from preamps.

The ADI-8 DS A/D and D/A converters are clocked to the internal crystal.

I have the ADI-8 DS set as master for the Multiface using both the 'Main' optical digital i/o from the ADI-8 DS into the respective ADAT ports on the Multiface.

The Multiface S/DIF out clocks the Digigace and sends the MF analog and digital outs to the Digiface..

The Digiface S/DIF out connects to another converter in a monitoring setup.

All input from the AD8-DS seems to be working properly, i.e., can be monitored or recorded via the ADAT routing.

Everything is synced and locked except for a hardware unit that only has ADAT digital out and no in ... but it seems to work fine, regardless.

I would like to have analog output from the ADI-8 DS ... which presently is not operating.

It occurs to me as I write this and think about it, that the problem is that even though the Multiface shows digital activity on the connected digital outs from the Multiface to the ADI-8 DS, that doesn't necessarily mean the ADI-DS 8 is receiving it properly. I may have also set the Total Mix improperly.

Finally, I have an available ADAT optical output from the Digiface ... as the unit connected to it only has digital out.

Hopefully I have provided you enough information. If not, please advise and I will add anything you need.

Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

bienpegaito wrote:

Manual page 7: "The ADI-8 DS back provides 8 (stereo) 1/4" TRS jacks and a 25 pin D-sub jack. Both are internally connected, so not operational at the same time.".

These are both analog, so this does not refer to using analog and digital simultaneously.
You can't use input signal from both the TRS and D-Sub independently

Manual page 8: "The 8 short circuit protected, low impedance and servo balanced line outputs are available as (stereo) 1/4" TRS jacks and 25 pin D-sub jack. Both are internally connected, and - in contrary to the inputs - can be used simultaneously."

Analog again - output signal goes to both, though not independently.

That is what I meant about using either the digital or analog input. The manual seems to say you can choose one or the other, but not both simultaneously. It seems to say you can use the analog and digital outputs simultaneously..

No, this only refer to analog connections.

Everything is synced and locked except for a hardware unit that only has ADAT digital out and no in ... but it seems to work fine, regardless..

If the unit can not be clocked externally, it won't work correctly, i.e. you will get clicks due to lost sync eventually.

I would like to have analog output from the ADI-8 DS ... which presently is not operating.

It occurs to me as I write this and think about it, that the problem is that even though the Multiface shows digital activity on the connected digital outs from the Multiface to the ADI-8 DS, that doesn't necessarily mean the ADI-DS 8 is receiving it properly. I may have also set the Total Mix improperly.

Make sure the MF's ADAT output is not set to SPDIF format.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

Thank you.

Everything is working.

Interestingly, the unit connected to the Digiface that only has ADAT out, a Mackie Onyx 800R, has always had the flashing green light on the Digiface ADAT indicator, occasionally solid for brief moments, but has always worked flawlessly without being clocked. A mystery!

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

You could, to avoid unexpected errors, set the onyx to master when you use it for recording. I have a cd player connected to my spdif in and sometimes use it for cd playback. It is not set to master and will work fine for some time and then suddenly after 10 to 30 min it will have a few ticks in the audio. It will also depend on the audio if it is audible at all, but it will be there, no doubt. Since I don´t record the cd player it is no issue, but I would not like to loose an important take because of it.

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

vinark wrote:

You could, to avoid unexpected errors, set the onyx to master when you use it for recording. I have a cd player connected to my spdif in and sometimes use it for cd playback. It is not set to master and will work fine for some time and then suddenly after 10 to 30 min it will have a few ticks in the audio. It will also depend on the audio if it is audible at all, but it will be there, no doubt. Since I don´t record the cd player it is no issue, but I would not like to loose an important take because of it.

Thanks for your help.

The Mackie does have Word Clock In. Could I send Word Clock out from the ADI-8 or would it have to be from the Digiface to which the Mackie ADAT runs? Or is that likely to work at all with everything else clocked digitally?

BTW, since I didn't want to remap all the i/o in my DAWs or change the configuration for inputs to my A&H ZED R 16 ADAT connected board, I originally attached the ADI-8 to ADAT Port 3 on the Digi. That's when there was no analog out from the ADI-8. Attached through the Multiface it worked fine.

I'm curious why the attachment to ADAT port 3 on the Digi interfered with the ADI-8 analog output. Anyone know why?

Thanks again.

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

Yes use the wordclock in of the mackie. From the ADI-8 will be best as it is the master if I understand your setup right.
On your other question, no idea

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632

Re: Resolved: ADI-8 DS Analog Output with Digiface

Thanks again. Yes the ADI-8 is the master slaving the Multiface with ADAT, and the Multiface slaves the Digigface with S/PDIF.

I wasn't clear whether the Word Clock was simply automatically sent from the ADI-8 without interfering with it serving as the ADAT master.

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8