Topic: HDSPMIX problem with Multiface I + HDSP in PCMCIA Adapter.

Hi all!

I think I have found some quirk in the HDSPMIX program on windows 7. It crashes the ASIO driver, and if the HDSPMIX is not loaded because of UAC by default is on after reinstallation of Windows 7 (would not have figured that would ever help). There is no problem.

What happens:

  • Machine boots

  • Hardware is initialized

  • Windows loads

  • HDSPMIX load HDSP config loads.

  • I open HDSP Mix. Everything is fine.

  • I start Reason, HDSPMIX starts to push channels into overload and not every channel but at random.

  • The channels settle down after 10 seconds.

  • I load a song and start playback. From this moment the HDSPMix turns up every channel once in a while. After 1 to 5 minutes I get a message that the audio driver stopped working. I get this behaviour on Renoise too.

So I tried :

  • turning off all the channels in the software.

  • Swapped PCI slots

  • Took out memory

  • Changed BIOS setting to default

  • Reinstalled Windows 7

  • Put the HDSP card in my laptop with windows 7 - no issue at all

  • Just after I reinstalled Windows 7 I found the problems were occuring still. But after installation of the driver and rebooting twice I found that UAC had blocked execution of HDSPMIX and configure tool. And I tried to play a song which kept playing for two hours. Digicheck running besides it, all is fine. I changed UAC to off. Rebooted.

  • Started playback and opened HDSPMIX driver stopped working again.

So long story short - any more clues on debugging this?

I do not have these problems on Windows XP.

My machine is i7 920
Asus P6X58D-E
PCMCIA slot with Ricoh chipset. HDSP card with hardware revision 17.

Re: HDSPMIX problem with Multiface I + HDSP in PCMCIA Adapter.

Not a known issue at all, but the Ricoh Cardbus chipsets have often shown to be less than ideal back in the days of Cardbus slots on laptops... I would test another one or preferrably a PCI/PCIe HDSP card.

Also, please let us know which driver is installed exactly.

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: HDSPMIX problem with Multiface I + HDSP in PCMCIA Adapter.

So this was until now due to USB3 controller, which was acting very flakey from the start.

After disabling that in BIOS I have no issues with crashing ASIO driver anymore.

My HDSPMIXER however does still have some signal on some channel randomly. But there is no actual signal. So it won't be an issue.
