Topic: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

Currently running a EMU1616m and Considering getting a MULTIFACEII with a HDSPe card.  Some questions;

If I need additional inputs, can I get an ADI and just use Toslink to the MULTIFACE II?  Or do I need another MultifaceII with card?

What is a solid solution for adding more MIDI inputs?

Are there any concerns around using a HDSP [PCI] versus HDSPe interface card?  I have Windows 8

Are there ASIO drivers for this system?  I only see WDM drivers on the RME website.

Thanks  =]

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

You can add 8 ch AD/DA via the lightpipe connection. The PCI card should be fine, but most likely your next computer only has PCIe slots, so eventually you'll need a PCIe card instead.

The driver installer contains both ASIO and WDM drivers.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

Awesome, thanks for the prompt reply!

So that doesnt limit the channel count on the Multiface?  That would give me a total of 16I/O?

Do I need to do BNC connection for clock sync, or is that taken care of in the lightpipe connection?

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

ADAT carries 8 channels at 48k. If you use 96k, it's only 4 channels.

Clock is carried along with audio over the lightpipe cable, so no need for Word Clock with a system like this.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

Yeah I use 48, so that would be fine. 
If for some reason I wanted to use 96khz, is there another method of adding the ADI onto the Multiface that doesnt use lightpipe?  Or would I need a AES card?

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

One more question, could another MultifaceII be hooked up to the first through lightpipe?  In the same manner as the ADI?

If so would this also give me use of the MIDI INS/OUTS on the second Multiface?

7 (edited by 12characterz 2013-10-13 17:08:11)

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

I finally searched the right query terms and came up with an answer.  It appears that this cannot be done because the MultifaceII is not a converter but just a breakout box?  And the actual converters are in the HDSP interface card?

Re: Questions Regarding MultifaceII

12characterz wrote:

I finally searched the right query terms and came up with an answer.  It appears that this cannot be done because the MultifaceII is not a converter but just a breakout box?  And the actual converters are in the HDSP interface card?

No the converters are in the box not on the card. The card is just an interface card.... But to run a second multiface a hdsp card is quit essential. So a simple 8 channel adat device is a cheaper solution (or not if you want expensive).
Yes when running is 96k you can also ad an spdif device like the adi2, if it supports 96K

Vincent, Amsterdam
BFpro fs, 2X HDSP9652 ADI-8AE, 2X HDSP9632