Topic: Arrrgghh help!!

New here, and sorry if this has been covered already - or Im in the wrong place.

I have a Hammerfall Multiface (1?) Firewire.  I assume it's the first one as the Multiface II has that rotary knob on the front of the breakout box and mine does not.

Now my problem is - quite often after leaving my system idle for a few hours, the host error light comes on and I need to restart my system. Sometimes restarting doesnt fix it and I have to unplug everything and leave it for a few days (this really gets me pissed).

However it's gone one step further now. It did the normal host error flashing thing, I left it and came back to it (without restarting) and the light began to strobe really fast and it was coupled with a strange LFO type wobble noise coming out of my monitors.  So I unplugged and left for a day, still no go, tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers, and no go.
What the hell is happening here? Please someone help, Im in the middle of some really important production work and I cant finish anything. Plus Im broke so I cant just go out and replace it.

Cheers guys

Re: Arrrgghh help!!

The MF is not a Firewire device... Have you tried another cable?

Daniel Fuchs

Daniel Fuchs

Re: Arrrgghh help!!

What OS are you on?

Leaving your system idle for long times might mean components go into a low power state.

Check your energy saving settings.

Re: Arrrgghh help!!

Well it connects with a firewire cable, how is it not firewire? (not trying to be a smartass)

Im running win xp (old I know, but it seems to be really stable) - Im going to try another cable - but it just started happening without me touching anything. Could a cable just stop working without me messing about with it?


Re: Arrrgghh help!!

Use an external power supply. The power coming from the PCI card might be broken.

Matthias Carstens

Re: Arrrgghh help!!

Yippeee wicked. Ok so I tried what you suggested MC - using an external psu...and boom! it worked. Thankyou so much for your help, thank you, thank you! (as you can tell Im very grateful)