Topic: Pro Tools Conundrum with 2 HDSP (PCI and PCIe) cards in Win7

I have been going crazy trying to set up both a Multiface II and a Digiface in Pro Tools 10 and 11.

I wonder if this is possibly a known issue with Pro Tools Native.

A PCIe and a PCI card are installed on my Win7 PC. In Cubase I can access all the inputs from each card.

When I run Pro Tools and hit the i/o default to read the cards, all the inputs from both cards show up for routing. But when I try to output to the second card, even though Pro Tools shows it is outputting audio when an output on that card is selected, there is no activity in TotalMix and of course no sound at my monitors.

I am sure everything is set up correctly with the RME configurations and my PC, since if I shutdown, unplug the cable from the card to the unit on my 1st card, the other one now operates and shows audio output activity in TotalMix.

It is the same story for the inputs.

Does anyone know if this is a known issue or if there are any workarounds?

Thank you.

UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8

Re: Pro Tools Conundrum with 2 HDSP (PCI and PCIe) cards in Win7

Pro Tools only supports 32 in and 32 out, consecutively, starting from the first channel shown in the I/O setup. It means most of the I/O on the second card is not available for routing. If you need all the I/O, you can use any other DAW app aside from PT.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Pro Tools Conundrum with 2 HDSP (PCI and PCIe) cards in Win7

I didn't mention since I upgraded from Pro Tools 10 and the CPTK2 that I have Pro Tools 11 HD Native. I assumed that since this was the full HD version I would have the 196 i/o.

But, yes, whichever unit present itself first, depending upon which cable is attached to which,  takes its share of the 32 and leaves the rest for the other unit.

I'm going to have to look into this further on the DUC.


UFX+, ADI-648, Win 10, i7 10 core 3Ghz 64 Gb, Cubase 9, PT 12.8