MC wrote:'Absolute' control is on our list for a later release.
Hi Matthias
I am a 20 year (next year) RME customer, who currently owns a HDSPe MADI and a MADI FX PCIe and 3 x ADI-648's. I am doing some really interesting stuff with ADI-648's, Expert Sleepers products, NI Reaktor Blocks, Eurorack and of course RME MADI/ADAT.
I have been waiting for years for you guys to re-write the OSC implementation as a proper full OSC spec, currently it looks like you guys have just wrapped the Mackie code with an OSC to MCU wrapper/bridge within TM FX. I know you have decided to spend engineering cycles on developing TM Remote, but there are a lot of customers and use cases that need a proper OSC implementation. For example, I am currently wanting to control TM FX via OSC via REAKTOR. Having to select a submix bus and change values to achieve routing/level control is tricky. I can order events on knob movements and interject a submix select message in between every knob value change (although this is hideous) and it works, but reloading a patch is a lot more tricky given the very serial nature of the submix select process. If I could address a fader within a submix directly as a single OSC string (hypothetical eg /submix1/inputvolume0 or /submix2/playbackvolume11 etc), it would be a lot simpler and also allow for recall of patching/routing as I change between different patches.
A possible work around would be if I could trigger the saving of snapshots and workspaces via OSC and just recall a snapshot and/or workspace on REAKTOR preset load.
Please can you update this thread with an official statement from RME on what the plan is for proper OSC support like proposed above or could you maybe consider adding snapshot/workspace saving via OSC?
Thanks in advance