Topic: Sudden crackle and increased latency CB5+Multiface2


Straight to the point:
When I record audio there's a sudden crackle and the latency becomes something like ,5sec. I then open the RME control panel and switch the buffer to 6ms and immediately back to 3ms and the latency is back to normal.

I'm monitoring through my computer with plugins in the monitor path. The CPU meter in cubase hasn't been higher than, say, 15% at any time during recording. I'm recording at 48Khz 32bit with 3ms buffer.
So the computer should easily be able to handle that, and in the past it has. My signal path is as follows:
Source-Soundcraft 6000-RME Multiface-Cubase 5-RME Multiface-Soundcraft 6000

My computer setup:
-WIN7 64
-Cubase 5
-Intel i7 920
-6Gb RAM

I just installed WIN7 clean again and set my bios to default. The problem seems to happen every 5-10 minutes or so.
Any help would be appreciated.
I only use the computer for audio work so netwotk adapter and such are disabled.

I realise This is not a very accurate description of my problem but I'll answer any questions you might have.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Sudden crackle and increased latency CB5+Multiface2

Ok, so I found the problem...
I have 1 RME HDSP PCI card and one RME HDSP PCMCIA card for my laptop.
I bought a cardbus-PCI adapter for the laptop HDSP card so I could use it side-by-side with my PCI card.

And now it seems the adapter is to blame.

Once I disable it everything works like a dream(though I'm loosing the ins and outs of my second multiface...). I can record with 96Khz/32bit right down to 1,5ms buffer without any problems.

Seems there's no other alternative than to buy another HDSP PCI card.

Unless someone can help me sort this adapter thing out

I'll be here checking out if someone has any great ideas how to get the adapter working without the glitches.

BTW: I can't remember which brand the adapter is but windows recognises it as Ricoh R/RL/RT/RC/5c475(II), R5C520 or compatible cardbus controller.