Topic: Failing RME HDSP pci-card / Box
A Gazillion lightyears ago I bought a RME Hammerfall DSP system (no idea
when exactly, must be around 2001 I think)
The card is a rev 1.4 unmodded pci card (sn 22180780) and the box a
multiface 1.
The only problem I ever had with it was when I installed it into a new
computer. It usually takes a couple of reboots to wake the card up, but
after that it's been running for yeaaaaars without any noticable problems.
(I have a feeling the mod could fix that since that is a power thing if I
remember correct)
Lately when I switch on pc the box slips into either a host error (blinking
red led with the drivers popping up) or a solid red led where the drivers
won't even pop up.
I usually go in to a 'cable out cable in' procedure for at least a minute
or 10 to awaken the beast which sometimes works, but more often it doesn't
Option two is rebooting pc a couple of times which again, sometimes works
but more often not.
I also tried changing pci slots, and again... sometimes works but not
really a difference with other approaches.
The last two motherboards it has been sitting on are a ASUS p4p-800e
deluxe, and it's now on a ASUS Striker2 extreme.
Any ideas of what to do?
Don't really feel like whipping out a big bag of cash for a new pci card
since that feels a bit of a waste on such an old system. And maybe to find
out later it isnt even the card.
Current system:
Windows7 64bit
Asus Striker2 Extreme mobo
e8400 cpu
4GB DDR3 corsair
1000watt psu
Sapphire 5870 vaporX vga
some disks and what not
Let me know if you need more info
I put a vid of what happens on youtube
Should be here :