Topic: Midi Remote Problem


My setup:

HDSPe MadiFace

2 x Micstasy
1 x ADI 648 with some Oktamics via ADAT

I have tried to remote all three devices, the two Micstasys and the ADI 648 with my laptop via Madi.

But when I put all together the two Micstasy are not remotable any more.


Micstasy 1   :Bank "01" Device ID "01"  Name  "Micstasy 1" State  "No Response"

Micstasy 2   :Bank "01" Device ID "02"  Name  "Micstasy 2" State  "No Response"

ADI-648       :Device ID "00"  Name "DEVICE ID00"  State "Online"

When I dispatch the ADI 648 and use only the two Micstasys, everthing works fine.

Chain: MadiFace out - in Micstasy 1 out - in Micstasy 2 out - in MadiFace

When I put the ADI 648 at any position of the chain I am able to remote only the ADI 648

Micstasy 1  is set to Bank 1 Device ID 1 manually
Micstasy 2  is set to Bank 1 Device ID 2 manually
ADI Devie ID 00

and the Remote Input is set to

OPTN Micstasy
Madi ADI 648

Is it possible to remote all Devices ? Or is there a mistake ?

Thanks for advice!


Re: Midi Remote Problem

You have to loopback a physical MIDI cable on the ADI-648. This means, connect MIDI out on the 648 to MIDI in on the 648. Otherwise it does not pass MIDI data to the MADI output.

Jeff Petersen
Synthax Inc.

Re: Midi Remote Problem

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for that hint. It works fine now!!
