1 (edited by Sugar 2011-02-28 21:40:48)

Topic: Totalmix showing 64 channels in 56ch MADI mode

Is there a way to display only 56 channels for HDSPe MADI?

HDSPe driver 2.76
Mac Pro, SL 10.6.6


Re: Totalmix showing 64 channels in 56ch MADI mode

No, as the other channels are still there and can be used (input routing or loopback).

Matthias Carstens

Re: Totalmix showing 64 channels in 56ch MADI mode

thanks, makes sense, quite handy for DIGICheck loopback


Re: Totalmix showing 64 channels in 56ch MADI mode

Hi Matthias,

for making me understand better: What is the reason that stream inputs/outputs are identical in count to the physical inputs/outputs?

Is the hardware capability (the FPGA) designed to offer the same number of streams as physical IOs?

In theory there would be no need to have this numbers equal, right? If I understand right, as Totalmix is sitting in between the number of streams COULD be different to the number of physical IOs.



Re: Totalmix showing 64 channels in 56ch MADI mode

Of course. But it eats resources and is not necessary, especially with the latest multi-client playback mixing drivers.

Matthias Carstens