Topic: Want to aviod buying another PCI card!

     I'm totally useless with digital connections/routing etc...
1. Is it possible to connect an old Multiface (using one an old PCi card) to a new multiface?...or
2. Can I connect my old Multiface using the old PCI card to my computer (Windows 7) and run a new Mulitiface 2 via it's adat pipe into the old Multiface avoiding having to purchase another card (PCie). Sorry to sound so stupid....but I am!
greatful for any help.


2 (edited by niven 2011-03-27 12:19:25)

Re: Want to aviod buying another PCI card!

    Can I run an old multiface with a new multiface using one old PCI card and connecting them together via the adat out of the new to the adat in of the old? I'd like to save my PCIe slots. Will I be at a disadvantage if I do this?

thanks Niven

Re: Want to aviod buying another PCI card!

You have to start up with one of the MFs connected (let's call it BOX A) and with AC power, set it's preset for how you want to route it. Then put it into disconnect mode and connect MF BOX B.
Route BOX A into BOX B.
It's a dance you'll have to do every time you power down the MF.
In this manner BOX A is an analog to ADAT/SPDIF converter and BOX B is the host I/O.

Re: Want to aviod buying another PCI card!

Thanks Slickslack!

If ever your in London I owe you a pint...
