Topic: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

Customer statement:
Problem under Mac OS: I seem to be experiencing an odd behavior when (a) cubase is loaded, (b) a project inside cubase is loaded or (c) buffer settings are changed.  At any of these times, all the output faders return to "1.0" rather than their previous state.  This is a big problem here, as we use out 1&2 volume to control the volume of our monitor speakers, and this makes the volume max (um...VERY loud.)  Also, causes headphone volume to be very high - dangerous to the poor composers ears smile

RME Explanation:
This is a known issue of Cubase. The 400's TotalMix volume settings are controlled by the OS (Core Audio). On several occations Cubase sets them to this value, so TM changes as well.

Solution 1:
Set the FF 400 as both System output device and Standard output device.

Update - Solution 2:
In Cubase 5 or 6 / Devices / Device Setup under VST Audio System / select "Fireface 400"
then click on Control Panel button
under "Options" untick and don't use "Set Device Attenuation To 0 dB"

Same trick works in WaveLab 7 as well under Option / Audio Streaming Settings...
click on Control Panel button
under "Options" untick and don't use "Set Device Attenuation To 0 dB"

Matthias Carstens

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

Even years later this was very helpful for fixing the same issue with my Babyface (1st version) and Cubase 8.5.  My ears thank you!

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400


BR Ramses - UFX III, 12Mic, XTC, ADI-2 Pro FS R BE, RayDAT, X10SRi-F, E5-1680v4, Win10Pro22H2, Cub13

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

+1 again.

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

thanks here as well!

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

+1 once more! 

Even 2017 this fix works for lots of Steinberg apps on OS X 10.12.5 (WaveLab Elements 9, Cubase LE AI Elements 9, The Grand 3 etc.).

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

+1 - still works in 2018 and Cubase 9.5! :-)

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

+1! Thanks)

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

Keeping this one going as I got my head taken off yesterday...

Never had this with my FF400, but experience it now with my Babyface Pro on Wavelab Elements 9.5

Solution is simple as Matthias outlined above in solution 2.

Re: Mac OS: Cubase start resets output levels to 0 dB on FF 400

I had the same issue with my Fireface UC.  Thank you for this solution. Note that today in cubase 10.5 you should look for "Studio / Studio Setup".